Vanessa glared at the angry old man Ice and she muttered.
"It's all my fault. I'm sorry." She immediately pulled away knowing that he would not have easily been trapped by the Mahakala 76th seal if she had not hold him like that.
He turned towards her and said: "So you know it's your fault." His eyes bored on hers, his tone very gentle and his anger receding.
From where Ancient God stood he said: "Who would actually believe that you haven't fallen in love with her?"
Old man ice immediately turned, his powerful aura causing the Mahakala seal to warp like it is about to be blown away.
"Mind your business! This is my life. Even the Dao Lord would not interfere."
Ancient God was quiet. And that's because what Old man Ice had said is definitely true. Of all primordial gods, Ice is the only God that the Dao Lord considers.
Ancient God looked at Old man Ice's wrist, the karmic restraints that he had accumulated in this fight had vanished, almost as if there was no karmic restraints on him. It was the Dao Lord's doing. He must have erased the restraints from him when he had attacked.
When old man ice realized that Ancient God was finally not going to say anything, he turned back towards Vanessa, his entire demeanor transforming drastically.
Ancient God left unable to cause old man to croak. The Mahakala seal remained there. The Mahakala seal is actually not an ability, rather a powerful trap set up by one of the oldest Primordial Gods, Dion. The man actually specialized on traps and the Mahakala seal is one of his top traps that can even cause an ancient powerhouse to hesitate. The Mahakala seal has the 36th seal, the 56th seal, the 76th seal, the 97th seal, 98th seal and the 99th seal. The strongest seal is actually the 100th seal, but Dion had given the 76th seal to Ancient God, clearly underestimating old man Ice.
However, even old man ice was in no hurry to break out of the seal, it would only increase his karmic restraints. The Dao Lord only erases the restraints once every day as per their deal so, he was willing to stay within it. The seal wasn't even that easy to break.
A few minutes later, old man ice stared at Vanessa and said: "I guess you must have perfected your essence manifestation."
Vanessa stared deeply at him. "No, but at least I'm able to affect the air now."
Old man ice smiled, "good start."
Vanessa immediately thought of something and said: "Uh, can I ask? Is there any way for me to resist a Primordial System of lust?"
Old man ice was stunned.
"How did you know of that hateful legacy? It was created by Ancient God, he's the God of lust and sins."
Vanessa's eyes widened in horror.
"I think the Ancient God has a successor. Ricky, he used that Legacy against me and I could not resist it."
Old man Ice's face suddenly darkened.
"The Primordial System of lust? Fine, you'll be able to resist it from now on!" He raised a hand and a powerful primal dust flipped over and invaded her body.
It took three days for the primal dust to stay calm within Vanessa's body and then Old man ice stood up.
"It's time to return, in the next three years, we would come back here for another training!"
Old man ice stood up, raised a hand and the Mahakala seal shattered. At the same time, the karmic binding on his wrist glowed and increased dramatically, however whatever restraints was accumulated in that moment was instantly erased.
Vanessa was shocked. He is actually resisting the Dao Lord's karmic binding.
But deep down, Vanessa was not happy that they were abandoning their training at this point. Vanessa knew that it was because of the Primordial System of lust that old man ice had decided to cancel the training. Who even knows when they would meet again. 3 years? Not necessarily. Three years to old man ice might be 300 years.
In this three hundred years, Vanessa wanted become extremely powerful, she did not want to wait for him.
Her eyes closed for a bit and then she opened them, she was back in the Ancient mansion belonging to Duke Ernest.
However, her eyes widened seeing both Ricky and Donovan both waiting in her room.
"You've been absent for three months and deprived me of something, I want that." Ricky spoke.
"We're supposed to desecrate our bodies two months ago, but we were not able to because you were out training."
Vanessa was fed up. Angrily, she pointed out a finger at them both and the void shattered, dissolving into a whirlwind of sparks that completely left both Ricky and Donovan mystified.
"Leave my room! I am not your play things."
"Samara do not chase me away, dad will have to deal badly with you if you are unable to fufil his wishes."
At this moment, Vanessa was startled been called Samara. She had actually forgotten that she is supposed to imitate Samara. She heaved a sigh of relief, old man ice actually reverted her back to Samara form.
Vanessa quickly grabbed at the void, her essence manifesting and the void crumbling, not even Ricky could defend against it. They both hurriedly retreated.
But Vanessa knew that if Duke Ernest hears this, then she would be finished. However, since she was able to manifest her essence and is no longer as helpless, she would be fine, only that she have to pretend as if she had not fully grasped anything from what Zeres had taught her.
She suddenly thought of something.
'What if Ricky and Donovan reports it to the king? He might decide to punish me my placing me in a dungeon with creatures that has different abilities that would be able to fight against me?'
Quickly she shouted!
The Primordial God was suddenly enraged.
"Hey Lil girl, do not scream at my name like that. If you really want me to answer, you have to respect me at least."
Vanessa immediately sneered. "My foot Rica, you're using me for your own selfish goals and you expect me to be respectful. You wish!"