Ch. 1: Wrong place, Wrong time.

I got out of the elevator and made my way to the bullpen, holding a cup of Cappuccino.

 "Agent Reyes!"

 I turned to see who called, "I thought for a minute that you weren't gonna answer," he said, panting.

 "Why? Am I needed?," I asked him.

 "Not really, just that your bestie needs help in handling some drug dealers," he replied. Groaning, I continued walking. He trailed closely.

 "What is it this time Mark," I asked.

 "Oh well, last night some drug dealers were caught in a local area along with a woman we think is part of them," he replied.


 "She insisted that she was not because she just happened to be there at the wrong time. You know, wrong place, wrong time and whatnot. So we did a background check on her and she came out clean," he said.

 "Okay, so let her go if she got nothing on her," I said. it was just that simple.

 "Well. . .," he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

 "What now?"

 "We wanted to be sure she's telling the truth, so we decided to run tests. The problem is, she's making a huge fuss about it in the last two hours and still doesn't want to comply," he said.

 I sighed. "Where is she?"

 "We had her detained," he said. I groaned.

 Looking at the cup in my hand, I contemplated on drinking the coffee real quick cause that would make me feel less moody on a morning like this, but looking at Mark pouting and batting his eye lashes made me change my mind.

 I chuckled, "Okay but you owe me two cups of cappuccinos,"



 As we neared the door to the room they held her in, we heard a woman shouting at whoever that's in there.

 "Ma'am, we understand. . ."

 "Oh do you? Cause I really think you don't understand the fact that I will not be used as a test for some project!"

 "We're not. . ."

 "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU GUYS DO! Just get me out of here!"

 I turned and looked at Mark. He shrugged. Great, one crazy lady to deal with. This is going to be a long day.

 I pushed the door, entering inside. Mark following closely behind. Good, cause I want someone to be here when things get messy. She might be crazy, but I'm crazier.

 The officer inside looked at me, silently begging. I nod at him and he dashed out, muttering a 'thank you'. Looks like she gave him a mini panic attack, okay I'll give her that.

 The woman was blonde and had blue eyes, she was around 5'6, which was a bit short compared to my 6 foot frame. She turned and the angry features were replaced with a cheerful smile so quickly you'd doubt she was the same person that almost made a man shit in his pants. Okay scratch what I said before, she's crazier.

 "Hello officers," she said. "Finally here to get me out?"

 "We're not here to get you out, as a matter of fact we. . ."

 "Great! See you outside officer," she interrupted, walking out of the room.

 Did she even heard what I said? I rolled the ring on my index finger and followed her, "I said we're not here to. . ."

 "Sorry but do you know where my bag is? My phone and my stuffs are in there and you guys confiscated it when you mistakenly arrested me," she said, not even sounding sorry at all after interrupting me. She's getting on my nerves.

 "No but. . ."

 "What do you mean 'no', I need to make a phone call to. . ."

 "STOP INTERRUPTING ME AND LISTEN!" I shouted, surprising the three of us. Well, at least it got her to shut up. I sighed and rolled the ring again, continuing, "You are not going anywhere until the test is done."

 She looked at me, not with shock or anger that I shouted at her, but with. . . amusement?

 "Look, we just want to check if you got any of the substance in your system," I explained.

 "Looks like you got a feisty partner," she said to Mark. He smiled, totally agreeing with her.


 "Are you always this moody?" she asked. Mark chuckled. I glared at him. He cleared his throat.

 "Ma'am, how about I get you your bag provided you get tested," he said.

 "Well aren't you a gentleman. You see, you should be more like him," she told me. Mark laughed. I glared.

 "He's not getting anything for you until you're tested," I said, smirking.

 "Fine, I just need my phone," she said, giving up. I smiled.

My turn.

 "Not until you're tested," I said.

 "Are you kidding me?" She asked.


 "You have to let me make a phone call"

 "And who do you want to call? Your daddy?" I teased.

 She smirked and came closer, "No, yours. I want to tell him how naughty you've been," she whispered. Shivers ran through my spine because of the distance. Mark laughed. I stepped back.

 "Get her tested," I mumbled to Mark, who was laughing hard.

 I went to my office, leaving them.


 I rested my head on the desk. There's so much paper work today. There were news that a Mafia gang were operating in town, trying to become a powerful one. These guys sold drugs in cartels and also guns. They call themselves 'Salvatore'. We got an information that they were being funded by someone with enough money and connection to keep these guys going. We caught some of their gang members last night, along with the crazy lady.

 Speaking of which, I wondered if they were done with the test. It's been over an hour now. Mark must be exhausted in dealing with her madness. But on second thought, I doubt it, she seemed to like Mark better. At least he's not moody. I scoff. I am not always moody, am I? Sighing, I remembered why I always drank at least a cup of cappuccino every morning.

 Mark tapped my shoulder, "Are you okay, you look like you haven't slept in ages."

 "Thanks, that was just what I needed," I said sarcastically.

 "Thought I was the only one who noticed," Derek said chuckling.

 "Are you guys done?" I asked.

 "Well yes, and here's my part of the deal," he said, holding two cups of cappuccino. I smiled. Finally, something to ease my mood.

 "Have a seat," I said.

 "Uh, duh I was gonna sit without you saying so," he said like it was the most obvious thing to do. Sometimes I wonder why I haven't kicked his ass yet. Oh right, he's my best friend.

 "So how did it go," I asked, taking both cups from him. He snatched a cup from me. I glared. He mouthed 'share' and I rolled my eyes.

 "How did the test go?" I repeated, taking a sip from the coffee and savouring the taste.

 "Oh it went well, aside the fact that she insisted that the doctor should bathe twice and made a fuss about the needles not being clean enough, we eventually tested her."


 "She's clean," he said. I nodded.

 "So she's gone right?" I asked, trying not to sound desperate. He chuckled.

 "Well we directed her to where her belongings were. She should be out by now," he said. Good.

 "Oh and by the way, James wants to meet us, something about a mission," he said.

 "Well its not like I've got anything exciting to do and I'm gonna need some distraction from all this," I gestured to the desk. He laughed.

 We left, heading towards the office. "So Kayla, are you free tomorrow?" He asked.


 "Well I've got a blind date tomorrow and I'm gonna need your help. I don't want to fuck this up, please," he begged.

 "Well, I-hey!" Someone bumped into me, sending whatever they were holding on the floor. I hissed. "Watch where you're. . .you!" Of all the people I could run into it had to be her. I thought she left.

 "Hey officer, we meet again." She said, with clear amusement. She seems to be enjoying this. I groaned.

 "And here I thought this day couldn't get any worse," I said, sighing.

 "Nice to see you too. Would you like to see me off?" She asked, picking up her stuff. I helped her. Now what kind of officer would I be if I just stood there.


 "Oh honey, I wasn't really asking," she said, smirking.

 "Agent Reyes!", someone called before I had the chance to ask her what she meant. Also, what's with everyone yelling my name today?

 "Detective Brown," I said.

 "Oh, I see you and Agent Connor have already met Miss Kingston." He said to Mark and I, gesturing towards the lady, who's the supposed 'Miss Kingston'.

 "Yes we have," I said.

 "Then you wouldn't mind escorting her to the gates, you know, protocol and all," he said.


 "Great! I knew I could count on you. And sorry for all the trouble Miss, we were just doing our job," he interrupted.

 "Its no problem, I understand," she said.

 "But sir I-"

 "Splendid! Send my regards to Mr Kingston," he said, completely ignoring me.

 She chuckled, "I will," she said. Then he left. "Okay Officers, shall we?"

 "This way," I grumbled, rolling my ring. Mark chuckled. Am I the only one that doesn't find this funny?

Of course you idiot


 We arrived at the gate. "This is it. Stay away from trouble and hopefully we won't have to see each other again," I said.

 "Actually, I do hope we meet again. I have a feeling we'll become fast friends, don't you think?" She asked.

 I scoffed, "You wish,"

 "You know I must say, you've made an impression," Mark spoke, for the first time.

 "Really?" She asked.

 "Yup, you just proved to be crazier than crazy," I whack him on the head. "Ow,"

 She chuckled, "I like you," she said to Mark, "you're more, friendly,". He smiled sheepishly.

 I cleared my throat, "if there's nothing else, leave," I said.

 "Awwn, but I don't even know your names, agent?" She said, smirking.

 "Well I'm Mark, and she's-ow," I stepped on him.

 "Knowing my name won't be necessary since we won't be seeing each other again," I said.

 "Oh I wouldn't be so sure. See you soon Agent Reyes, bye Marcus," she said before flagging down a taxi and hopping in.

 "It's Mark," he mumbles. I sighed.

 "Remind me to kill you later," I said to Mark.

 "What? I was just being honest"

 "Yeah, honestly stupid,"