Ch. 22: Playing Along

 "This is really good," Ruby's muffled voice stated, her mouth stuffed with pancakes.

 "Enjoy it why you still can," Ava spoke, "that might just be your last meal." Ruby rolled her eyes.

 "I'm starving," I said, attempting to distract them from snapping at each other as I sat down, "and it's been a while since I had a decent meal." They both turned to look at Ruby.


 "What? At least I gave her something," she said.

 "Why is she even here? At the table? Shouldn't she be locked up somewhere in a basement?" Ava asked Cole.

 "She said she was hungry, and considering we've been up all night I just thought..." He trailed off. I sighed.

 "She got into your head didn't she?" I declared. She chuckled.

 "Pretty easy I'd say," she said, "he's a big softie behind all those muscles." Then she fake pouted, "he can't ignore a damsel in distress,"

 "Alright time's up," Ava said. She stood up and pulled Ruby up from the table. "Where's the basement?"

 "Down the corner by the left," Cole said without even glancing up. I chuckled. This whole thing seems rather amusing.

 "Awwn, now that's just rude. I haven't even finished my breakfast yet," Ruby pouted.

 "Well you can do that in the basement," Ava said and dragged her through her cuffs, holding a plate of her unfinished pancakes.

 "Hey I've been meaning to ask," I said to Cole after some time, "how did you find us at the warehouse?"

 "Oh, I used a radio satellite to trace your last location before the signal went off, then since we were dealing with the Mafia I figured they would need a secluded area to run their business. So I searched for old abandoned houses on that area and voila, the perfect house showed," he told.

 "Hmm," I nodded, "still a computer nerd I see," I said. He laughed. He and Amanda would really get along. You know, talking in zeros and ones.

 "What did I miss?" Ava asked as she walked back to the breakfast table and sat down.

 "The fact that Kayla bites her fork when she eats pasta," Cole replied. I hung my mouth open.

 "I don't!" I yelled. He chuckled.

 "Yeah you do," he said then bit his pancake, "Cassie told me."

 "Well she lied!" I countered.

 "Actually..." Ava rubbed her neck, "you do."

 I felt betrayed, and confused, "Wh–how? When?" I questioned.

 "I gave you pasta on our second day of the mission, remember?" She reminded.


 "Wanna hear some other things Cassie told me about her?" Cole asked Ava.

 "No no wait..."

 "I'm all ears," Ava said and held her chin, resting her elbows on the table and smiling.

 The door opened and Mark walked in. Thank God. "Hey guys, we have a problem."


 "So let me get this straight," I said, "we have a new team leader, who just put you in charge of bringing me in. And the first thing you did was to come straight here?!" I asked.

 "Relax, I switched the tracker they placed on me with some random stranger. They're probably on their way to some restaurant." He said, drinking the orange juice he snatched from Cole.

 "And how do you know he went to a restaurant?" Ava asked just as I was about to pop the question.

 "He had his work shirt on," he explained.

 "While I'd say that was a smart move, they would still trace you down here when they realise you ditched the tracker," I told. He sat up.

 "Which brings me to why I'm actually here," he said and opened his bag, bringing out a file.

 "What's this?" I took it from him.

 "While they cleared your desk in the bullpen, I spotted this file beneath your laptop. It was like someone placed it there," he told.

 I opened it and froze, then glanced at Cole. "What?" He asked.

 "It's your parents report file," I said quietly, handing it to him. He stiffened then slowly took it.

 "I don't understand, why does the FBI have your parents report?" Ava asked Cole.

 "Cause they were also agents, but died in an accident seven years ago," Mark explained.

 "They didn't die," Cole spoke in a low tone, "they were murdered." I reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. Then thought for a moment.

 "Wait do you think their deaths and Cassie's are related?" I speculated.

 "I'm not sure, but someone clearly wanted you to find that file," Mark said, "someone who actually knows what's going on."

 Cole clenched his jaw, "Bryan."

 "I don't think so," Ava said after some time.

 "Why?" I asked. She leaned on the table.

 "Think about it," she says, "he admitted killing Cassidy and didn't want you to find out about him, why then would he drop something like this if it could compromise him,"

 "She's right," Mark agreed, "though he's a jackass, he's not stupid,"

 "So are you saying there's someone else in the agency who knows about all this?" Cole questioned.

 "Possibly," I said, "and I personally don't think Bryan had anything to do with your parents death."

 "Why would you say that?" He asked.

 "Tom and Marcella died seven years ago, Bryan became an agent two years after that. And you said there was someone in the agency who tried to cover up their murder at that time." I explained.

 "I still feel it's kinda connected though," he said, "I mean Cassie found that report a couple of years back, and she decided to investigate. She must've been close to something that made Bryan killed her," he said, "Something big."

 "I agree," Ava said.

 "While I was held hostage, Bryan told me he worked for someone, the head of the Mafia I think," I said.

 "You think the Mafia's behind all this?" Mark asked.

 "The Costas, to be specific," I clarified. He looked at me confusedly.

 "There are two Mafias," Ava explained, "The other one's unidentified, but it was clear that 'Salvatore' was just a diversion,"

 "By who?" He asked. Ava and I looked at each other as if we remembered something.

 "Ruby," I whispered, then took my cane and stood up. They followed behind including a confused Mark.

 "She might have the answers we need," I said as I opened the door to the basement.

 "Hey pookie," she said cheerily, "here to clear the table? Cause I'm done with breakfast."

 I swept the plate from the table, shattering it and surprising everyone. I'm honestly stressed about this whole thing, and I get violent when stressed. She flinched a little, which surprised me. I honestly didn't think it would affect her that much. Or at all.

 "Oh would you look at that," she said, back to her normal self, "you actually did clear the table,"

 "I'm not here for your little games," I spoke, "I need answers. And you're gonna tell me everything you know,"

 "Hey Mathaias, long time no see," she called and chuckled, "the whole gang's here, must be serious,"

 "Here's what's serious," Ava click her gun and pointed it at her, "start talking or you won't have brains, not that you ever did,"

 "Honey you should know that those threats don't work on me," she smirked.

 "You should also know that I don't need a gun to rip you apart," I said in a low, dangerous tone.

 She leaned in and bit her lower lip, "Then what are you waiting for?" She said seductively.

 I felt Ava grip the gun, ready to pull the trigger. I placed my hand on it, bringing it down and stopping her.

 "Come on Kayla, you know you don't need them to interrogate me," she said. I sighed.

 "Guys let me handle this," I said as I limped to them.

 "No way I'm leaving you here with her," Ava said.

 "I just need to do this alone. No distractions," I requested.

 "We'll be outside," Mark said and left with Cole.

 "I can't let you do this alone," Ava whispered, "she's very manipulative. She'll get into your head."

 "I'll be fine Ava, I took my drugs today. She can't mess with my head," I assured. She sighed, giving up.

 "Fine," she said then pressed her gun in my palm, "if she tries anything, blow her head off."

 I stared at her in shock, "Sometimes I wonder what she did to you that makes you wanna tear her to pieces,"

 She looked at me with something I couldn't place, "Just...just stay careful okay," then she left, closing the door. She never stutters.


 I placed my hand on the table and sat down on the chair opposite a smirking Ruby. I groaned and banged my head on it. She chuckled.

 "Okay, let's start with the easy stuff," I said and unloaded the gun, placing the empty glock and the ammo on the table. Then I faced her. "Who are you?"

 "That's the first thing you decide to ask?" She taunts. I glared, she shrugged. "Fine. My real name's Ruby Carter, and that's all I can say."

 I stared intensely at her for a moment. She still had her smug look on, but I could see she was getting uncomfortable. "Why are you working for Bryan?" I quietly asked.

 "Paying off a debt," she said unconsciously, without hesitation. Then as if she realised she just slipped, she tensed. "Just kidding, I needed the cash,"

 I raised an eyebrow, "To pay off the debt?"

 "There was no debt," she replied quickly. I smiled.

 "Sure," I said and relaxed. "But I wonder what this had to do with it," I said, dangling the key she asked me to steal in front of her. She looked at it in shock. And for the first time, I saw something other than smugness on her face.

I saw hope.

 "Y-you have it," she whispered. I narrowed my eyes, studying her features. This key holds an importance to her. A big importance.

 "What does this key open the lock to?" I asked slowly as I kept my eyes on her. She blinked severally then tore her eyes away from the metal to look at me, going back to her normal self.

 "Just a box filled with papers," she answered smiling.

 I placed both my arms on the desk, "What papers?"

 She stared at me for a while, "You know it's so intriguing how the tables turned,"

 "Is it?" I asked.

 She leaned forward, "You looked so hot back then, tied to a chair. A tough, sexy agent."

 "What papers, Ruby?" I repeated, my expression stoic. She chuckled.

 "You have always had my interests since the first day I met you," she added.

 "Was that why I was probably on your fuck list?" I asked. She stopped smiling and bit her inner cheek, briefly turning away. She was hurt, but tried not to show it.

 "I'm not a whore, Kayla," she stated.

 "Didn't say you were," I said then sighed, "why did you work for Bryan?"

 She gritted her teeth, "I told you, I needed the cash,"

 "And I didn't buy it," I said, "you said you were paying off a debt, why?"

 "So I could fucking leave!" She yelled.

 "I know," I said, slightly surprised at her outburst, "you told me before,"

 I could see she was getting agitated. I looked down and sighed.

I'm gonna regret this.

 I stood up and limped towards her. "What are you doing?" She asked confusedly.

 "Playing along."