It was her she was doing hand signs which I didn't understand so I said to her that you should write it down,she wrote that we should get going to where the trials are gonna be held I said trials isn't it gonna be after 5 years she wrote 5 years? It is being held this month I said to her I think I have been cultivating for too long in sealed chamber or whatever space I was trapped in she wrote what? I said to her nothing she wrote pack your things we will get going I nodded yes an hour later we were going to tenebris empire I said there is an empire which involves tenebrans she wrote you don't know I said no she said when we get there I will tell you more but don't stop me to write . I said yes,it had been an day since we left that house, she stopped and tore the talismans which the tenebran horse had been trapped and wrote we have to sleep here I said we can keep going she wrote that at night the tenebrans get more stronger than in the day,I said don't worry she wrote shut up idiot,I said to her just hop on my back she didn't at first but after I asked her many times she hopped on my back, when I was cultivating in the house after getting healing technique I asked the book to also give me an speed technique the book said choose one card one was a blue card, one was a red card, one was a purple card, I chose the purple card and it was an transforming technique which makes the core to transfer high amount of power into your legs for high speed it is called flash step ignition,I used it and my speed was rapidly increasing and the top speed k reached with this technique was 500km per hour we finally reached the empire and smoke was coming out of my legs it was like it had been smoked or barbecued,we went to the city gates and I registered as the dragon clans successor and she registered as the vermilion talon clans successor,the guards asked her again is she really the vermilion talon clans successor she nodded yes we were given an room it was one room and it had only one bed so I said to her I am gonna sleep on the floor again,she nodded yes....