I told him can you let me go so I can transform my sword,he said why?,i said so we can have a fair fight,he said ok,one thing I know of him now is that he is a dumb b!tch,I transformed my sword and said be ready,he a said ok,and I rushed behind him but he went the other way,I thought of a way to defeat him,I said let's sit down and rest,he said why? I said so we can be in our prime when fight again,he said ok and he sat down,the refree said you are a clever person , because once he started to use his lightning attribute rings he wouldn't take a break because if he wants to deal high damage he has to charge up,he was charging up and all that time,now that we are not fighting his charged up power is finished,I said ok I have rested enough let's fight,he said ok,I rushed again behind him but he didn't had enough time to react and I pierced through him and said I know you have the speed but you are not using strategy to fight,he said ok he turned around with my sword still pierced through his stomach and said I got you he put his hands on my shoulder and said hundred thousand volts of current,he burned me and I was looking like a charcoal,he said now who is a weak ass good-for-nothing,I said you got me but Void severance first slash null-fang I cutted his hand,he said you were going for my lower half body but you turned your swords way and cutted my arm,that takes high level of precision to turn the way of a released technique,I said is it that hard,he said yeah if you loo-,I interrupted him and said became dumb again,he said why ?,I said because you could save some of your stamina,he said ok,I said use your lightning to make yourself an armor,he said ok,I said said second slash abyssal-cleave,I periced through his defense and cutted his second arm,I said give up or you will suffer even more , he said ok,the refree said are you giving up,he said yeah,the refree announced I won,I went to liora and said if you were against him you would have lost ,she said shut up dummy,I said no,she said uhh whatever,I thought since I have not been any relationship I don't know how to deal with this type of girls,liora said fine if you insist I will tell you why my mood is off,I said I insisted?,she made a crying face and looked at me and said in the cafeteria,i said WHAT ?
She said don't interrupt me ,she said they raised the prices of the honey pepper chicken buns,i said what is that ,she said it is a food? Uhh forgot it talking with you is like talking with a void,I said can a void talk,she said shu- A man came up to liora and said.....[TO BE CONTINUED]