Chapter 34: Passive Learning!

As he came, he left.

With a sweep of his robes, Snape vanished, leaving behind Ian, who hadn't managed to master any other new spells, a pouch of Galleons Snape had inexplicably handed over, and a meticulously cleaned living room.

"Restrain your curiosity about Dark Magic. Don't let me catch you snooping around the village asking questions you SHOULD NOT. If I find out you're trying to learn Dark Magic from someone, you're done for real!"

That was Snape's parting threat—perhaps due to concerns about the Death Eater remnants lurking around the village, or maybe he genuinely didn't want Ian ending up in Azkaban.

"I promise I won't!" Ian replied with exaggerated apprehension, though whether Snape found this convincing was anyone's guess. What Snape certainly didn't realize was that his threats would have a rather short-lived effect on Ian.

Snape had barely left when Ian dashed to the bathroom.

In mere moments, he opened the toilet tank, revealing a bundle wrapped in oilcloth tucked neatly to the side—Secrets of Advanced Dark Magic lay hidden there, safely hidden since the chaos of the previous night.

After all, when corpses start clawing their way out of the floorboards, it's wise to have a contingency plan.

Though Ian hadn't expected Snape to be the one who showed up, he had anticipated that some wizard might investigate the strange occurrences at the cabin.

Given that Madam Rosmerta at the pub seemed to know every juicy detail about the villagers' late-night escapades, Ian wasn't taking any chances. If whispered rumors about midnight trysts could spread like wildfire, then surely a room full of reanimated corpses wouldn't go unnoticed.

Much of what he'd told Snape was true. Like how he'd been too scared to sleep after everything that happened. In his fear, hiding Secrets of Advanced Dark Magic had been the obvious choice.

At first, Ian considered smashing the toilet, hiding the book in the pipes, then using the [Reparo] charm to restore everything without a trace. But that plan had its flaws.

Not only was he worried the book might accidentally get flushed away, but he also feared it could absorb some… unsavory essences, forever tainting the knowledge within.

And honestly, the thought of being known at Hogwarts as "the kid who smells like a shi**t" was horrifying.

So, he compromised. Hiding the book in the toilet tank was discreet and effective.

Snape clearly hadn't suspected a thing. He'd never imagine that Ian possessed such a powerful compendium of Dark Magic, hidden right under his nose.

With Secrets of Advanced Dark Magic safely stashed away, Ian had no need to go poking around the village for more forbidden knowledge.

"My precious~" Ian whispered affectionately as he checked the oilcloth for any moisture. Satisfied, he tucked the book back in its hiding spot. He had more pressing matters to attend to.

[Successfully read Potions textbook. Potions Mastery +1]

[Successfully read Potions textbook. Potions Mastery +1]

[Successfully read Potions textbook. Potions Mastery +1]

Indeed. Copying textbooks, was his top priority.

Unlike the Dark Arts, which he could study anytime, transcribing all seven years' worth of Potions textbooks felt urgent.

Professor Mara was an excellent teacher, but clearly not the safest witch to deal with. Who knew if failing to complete his assignments might lead her to "educate" him with a hands-on demonstration of Dark Magic?

Ian didn't want to find out.

Better to let his dominant hand suffer now than risk experiencing Mara's "practical lessons."

Scratch, scratch, scratch~

The cozy cabin filled with the rhythmic sounds of quill on parchment.

[Successfully read Potions textbook. Potions Mastery +1]

[Successfully read Potions textbook. Potions Mastery +1]

[Successfully read Potions textbook. Potions Mastery +1]

Each point of progress fueled Ian's motivation. Sure, he could've bought a self-writing quill—they were sold in the village, and Snape had just "replenished" his funds.

But after discovering that copying the textbooks himself boosted his Potions Mastery, Ian abandoned the idea of taking shortcuts.

For Ian, this was more than studying. It was an obsession.

There was something gratifying about letting knowledge flow through his hand, leaving traces in his mind as ink settled on parchment.

"If Hogwarts had a Half-Blood Prince, maybe I can a Prince of something as well."

Ian was confident in his aptitude for Potions.

For most young wizards, absorbing potion theories often meant losing other bits of knowledge in the process. But Ian gained proficiency just by passively reading while copying.

This talent rivaled even his knack for Dark Magic.

Granted, his aptitude for white magic lagged behind. It took repeated practice to grasp, and the skill progression was notably slower compared to Potions Mastery.

"Maybe if Dumbledore personally tutored me, I could overcome my weakness in good magic." Ian looked forward to school with genuine excitement.

yeaah? Dumbledore doesn't teach classes, agh~


Surely the great Headmaster wouldn't deny a student's earnest plea for knowledge.

[Successfully read Potions textbook. Potions Mastery +1]

Even when Ian's mind wandered, his mastery continued to grow, albeit at a slower pace.

Perhaps this was an innate gift hidden within his magical talent.

The quill glided smoothly, leaving trails of ink that dried into crisp lines. Sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow over the pages.

The room was filled with the soft scratch of pen on parchment, occasionally broken by the gentle rustle of turning pages. The faint scent of ink mingled with the comforting aroma of old books.

Ian was completely absorbed and focused.


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