Is it because of that sperm thing?

Chapter 6

"Go on," she said, having difficulty containing herself.

"Well, I know that even if two left-handed people marry and create a child, the odds are still ten-to-one that it will be right handed. It isn't a genetic issue. But two left-handed people living together are bound to be more ... sympatico. We learn to adapt and live in this cruel right-handed world, never seeking credit or acclaim for our special skills."

She was laughing now, but not in derision.

"I like that," she said, still chuckling. "Are you really that put-upon?"

"Naw. Not really. It's just my thing. I will say I am far more ... in tune ... with left-handed people. I think there is some connection we all have, but I don't know what it is."

"That could be so. I've never really thought about it and I guess I don't know many people left-handed like me. In fact, I can't think of anyone right off the top of my head."

"Well, don't go losing any sleep over it. It's a personal theory that hasn't caught on in the scientific world."

"I'm not so sure about that," she said. "Someone gave me a calendar that had all kinds of stuff about lefthanders. You know, one of those day-at-a-time desk calendars. Apparently there's all kinds of research about us."

"Yeah. Seen that, but none of it is coordinated as far as I can tell. Lots of books on the subject, but nothing that really deals with how we live each day."

"Well, moving on," she said, "I do play bridge. Played it a lot when I was in college."

"Good for you. That's a plus. Do you have a degree?"

"Yes, in accounting with a minor in environmental sciences."

"Wow. That's an unusual combination. Are you a spokesperson for an environmental movement?"

"No. Not at all. I work for a foundation. We have a bunch of money left to us by this really rich old guy. It's our job to find worthy projects that we can assist with funds."

"That wouldn't be the Hepplinger Foundation would it?" I asked.

"Uhhm ... yes, it is. Do you know about it?"

"I did a feature piece on it last year. I spent some time in your offices. You might even have seen me there. I did a lot of interviews."

"Wait a minute," she said as her head disappeared from the screen, returning a few seconds later.

She looked up directly at the camera.

"You're Will Travers, aren't you?"

"Yes. Guilty."

"Oh wow. I've got your article right here," she said, holding it up for me to see.

"Yeah ... that's it all right. At least you didn't burn it in effigy."

"Why would I do that? It was outstanding. We posted it on our website and we send it to all sorts of people who are curious about our foundation. Even the government offices requested copies of it. You're a hero around here," she said enthusiastically.

"I had no idea. I'm pleased it struck a responsive chord."

"Oh, it did more than that. You couldn't have done a better job in explaining what we do and how we do it. In fact, I think our director is going to contact your editor to see if we can get permission to use some of the article in our promotion pieces."

"So I guess I don't have to kid you about who I am any more, huh?" I grinned.

"No ... and for the record, I'm Nicole Carlisle. Pleased to meet you, Will Travers."

"And I'm very pleased to meet you, Nicole Carlisle."

"So ... where were we?" she asked.

"Well, let's see. I know you're left-handed, have a six-year-old son, Jimmy, can play bridge, have a college degree, work for an important foundation, and since you answered my goofy ad, you are interested in finding a compatible male. That about cover it?"

"I guess so. So, can I ask you some questions?"

"Sure. I want you to."

"How come you aren't married? Is it because of that sperm thing?"

"Yes and no. I was married for eight years. We found out about my not being likely to father a child after two years of trying. My wife said it wasn't the end of the world and we could cope. She stuck it out for six years before she admitted that she wanted more out of the marriage. We divorced a few months ago and that's what got me looking on the Internet for a future wife."

"Oh ... I'm sorry. She kept it to herself, huh?"

"Yes. I never knew until the day she said she was leaving. I should have, I guess. She wanted children when we married. I should have realized that maternal instinct wouldn't just disappear."

"No ... until you have a child you don't realize just how important it is to some women. It was to me."

"Where is the father?" I asked.

"Long gone. Before Jimmy was born. I thought he was the one for me, but he bolted as soon as he found out I was pregnant."

"Son of a bitch."

"Just as well, Will. Better to know right off the bat what kind of man he was."

"All the same, that's a crappy thing for him to do. No child support I suppose?"

"Nope. But I'm getting by. I've got a good job and my mother has been a huge help with Jimmy while I'm working. I don't know what I would have done if she wasn't around."

"I'll bet he's close to his grandparents," I suggested.

"Oh yeah. Grandad is the man of the house and Nana is the boss."

"Is he involved with Little League or anything?"

"Not yet. I want to see how he does in school before he gets into sports. He plays with his friends and that's enough for him now."

"Sounds like you're doing a great job raising him."


"So, I guess we got off topic again," I noted. "What else would you like to know about me?"

"I don't know. You've told me a lot and now that I know more about who you are, I feel a lot less suspicious about you. Why don't we get together for a meeting in person?"

"I was just going to suggest that. Where and when?"

"Uhhm ... how about tomorrow evening, say eight o'clock at The Blue Heron. It shouldn't be too noisy."