
Mansion Wade

it's been three days since Alexander Wade was put to rest but the members of the family can't really experience what rest means in this few days.

mark just arrived at mansion office only to find him lost in thought standing absentminded stirring at the numerous cars and people going about their own business down in the street.

even at that, he didn't fail to notice Mark arrival though he made no sign or gesture to acknowledge his presence. mark on the other hand is no fool, he is hundred percent certain mansion knew he was here even before he stepped in the office.

"seems like your prediction are right after all mansion, the syndicate are already making their move

with the king of the region gone, everyone is clamouring for a piece of the huge cake"

mansion sigh at the report, pulling his attention away from the view outside." the syndicate chess pawn piece are the least of my problem right now Mark"

he stroll over to his sit, waiting for the important piece of information. the first seems to be appetizer to what Mark had in store and it played out exactly so.

"Hellen is making her own move too but rather subtle"

"I must confess that b*tch act got me fooled for a while, she almost had me with that innocency of her's

she is nothing than a venomous asp lurking in the shadows ready to strike when the opportunity present it's self"

mark chuckles at mansion words, "isn't that the exact traits of the wade family, you've a pretty good share of deal to her too you know

despite you both being siblings, the war ranging between you two is more severe than world world itself"

mansion shot him a glaring look that got him gulping in fright for a while before he took a relax posture.

"I've been on your side for long mansion, if there is anyone bold enough to speak his mind that would be me"

mansion sigh onces again, "I'm not mad at you Mark, it's just the mention of the fact I and that b*tch are siblings and share the same blood give me a rash I can itch"

"just because you hate her doesn't change the fact she is your sister and younger one at that

it just so happens the wade family lineage believes more on strength than heritage"

mansion nodded in agreement too, if not for the tradition of the wade family, there would be no need for this cold war.

but the wade family heritage is only passed down to the strongest and when they meant strong

it isn't just your physical prowess but wit, cunniness, strategic and analytics abilities cope with a few other outstanding features.

this simple demand is the architect of this cold war where everyone wants to outdone the other out of the competition before Alexander death.

it just took a huge step after his sudden death.

"let's forget about the syndicate and Helene for now, I'll love you to put a trail on little Alex

he got the support of aunty Mary and uncle Victor, those two are of critical odds to my plans

I don't want little Alex to be dragged into all this, it's best he remains in the shadows he had always been about the family dealing.

ignorance sometimes is a bliss and I believe this one would do him more good than harm if he never gets to know what lays beyond the veil."

Mark nodded fully in agreement, "I've already done that, I place a few watchers around him and the information I've gather just this three days isn't something you would like"

Manson gave Mark a thoughtful glance, "he's been asking questions right?" mark nodded in affirmation

"he had never stop searching the death of the patriarch ever since end of the funeral, I don't know how he got pictures of the wounds inflicted on the patriarch

he had been going around with that picture to fathom what really went down

most importantly what could inflict such a wound on the patriarch"

mansion breath out helplessly, stirring into the ceiling lost in his own thoughts once again.

"why can't you just let the sleeping dog lie kid, the wade family is bigger than your little unexposed mind could fathom" he murmur to himself quietly.

"I don't care what you have to do, I want Alex out of the picture and potentially out of the game

it's the best option we have right now than going for a more fatal decision later on when things spiral out of control"

"what about Mary and Victor? you are aware those two had become his guardian and potential mentors

my guess is they haven't dragged him into family business yet due to the fact they felt it's still too early

they don't want to overwhelm him just after the death of his father, thinking the strains might be too much for his naive mind"

"that undoing of their would be to our advantage, just do your best to avoid any conflicts with them

those old hags have a very nasty tendency of giving hell to their offenders"

thick sweat tickles down mark forehead when mansion mentioned this aspects, those wade duo are crazy in every possible way you can think of the word crazy

getting on their bad side is nothing short of inviting hell to your bossom with open hands.

"I'll visit the Noah family to have a little chat with that betrothed of my kid brother

she has a huge role to play in helping us keep Alex out of harms way, let's just hope she is wise enough to make the right decision

I don't want to force the hands of the Noah family, for I won't relent if it comes to that

the safety of my brother is more important than anyone miserable life"

Mark gave mansion a mental thumbs up before turning to leave, "just so you know, I heard Helene got a few of the syndicate kingpin to her side already and have sway a cope of the wade family council members to her side

if my Intel are correct, Stephan would be coming to town soon"

Mansion smashed his fist on his desk out of anger when he heard this piece of information, destroying the solid desk into splitter piece scattered everywhere

Mark didn't say a word when he saw this, he simply just excused himself from the office with a knowing look on his face.

"that damn b*tch, she really is cunning as a fox" mansion mutters trying to calm his huffing chest raising up and down from rage

"what a foolish move, do you think you are the only one with such thought in mind? well since you've top your game, I guess I'll raise the stakes now"

saying that he picked up his phone from his pocket and dialed a number, patiently waiting for the person on the other side to pick up.

awhile later a convey drove into the Noah complex and alighting from one of them is none other than mansion him with a grave look of seriousness.

his demeanor was so cold the guards of the Noah complex felt a chill run down their spine when they saw him, yet mansion only wore his regular indifferent look as he invite himself into the main building.

"Master Wade" a deep mature voice greeted him the moment he got into the sitting room, "I've been expecting you"

"Derrick Noah" Mansion greet the mid age man sited at the living room in a very relaxed and comfortable manner, unmoved by the chill oozing of mansion person.

"I must confess your family rare gift sure live up to the prestigious blessing bestowed on it" shifting his gaze from Derrick to the young lady sited by his left side

the lady beam a gentle smile back at mansion, accompanied by a slight courtesy bow. "it's nice to master mansion"

mansion reciprocate her courtesy with an indifferent shrug of shoulder, shifting his attention back to Derrick.

"I'm here for Miss Stacy, would you do me the honor of fetching her for me?"

though mansion had made look like he was asking nicely, the undeniable order behind his tone sound to commanding to miss.

Derrick brow frow at mansion tone but he did his best to restrain himself from reacting, his clench fist loosen up as he wore a gentle smile in place of rage.

"the wade family sure are the king of this region being at the top of the food chain but" he pause to allow the first half sink in before he continues

"if the Wade's are the king, you could consider us the kingmaker. we aren't that far off from the top young mansion, a gentle reminding to you though, the king is longer in the chess board

I'll advise something be done about that first before stirring trouble from those meant to stand by your side"

there was dead silence in the room with both men looked in a deadly glare contest, waiting for who is to break eye contact first

"tsk" mansion backed down tactically, retreating when the need be."I believe a kingmaker should know above all else there is no use for making kings if there is no kingdom to rule

it's best not stir and hornet nest, so bottle down your pride for once an think like the leader you are"