chapter 2: The Accedent

It's my first night at the hospital and the rain is coming down. I take that as a good sign I love the rain. The first thing I do is find Alex and give her a hug, I need all the help and luck that I can get.

The night goes by great I love the work that am doing and everyone was so impressed with how well I did. That is always a good sign. As I'm leaving the rain as stated really coming down, it is hard to see the road. I am on my way to my parents house to pick up my kiddos, when out of nowhere another car swerves in my lane coming straight for me. I panic and slam on my brakes, but that makes things worse. I start spinning out of control and bust through a guard rail. At this point my are is rolling and comes crashing into a tree where I am thrown from the car, laying in the cold rain pain radiates through my body. Before everything goes black I see a man standing over me, it is too dark to see his face. The last thing that I remember is this man bites me, and it sends a fire through my veins unlike anything that I have ever felt before. With that the darkness over comes me.

I am in and out of it, I see that I am in the hospital catching glimpses as I slip in and out. I hear Alex's voice scream my name as she sees them bring me in the hospital. She comes and sees me once they have me settled, letting me know that she will get in touch with my parents as soon as she can. I am so greatfull for her.

My parents and my kids are by my side telling them that it is not looking good for me and talk of a medically induced coma. Putting it together with every other word I hear, and then the pain stops and I am frozen, I cannot move or speak. I can't explain the feeling but I can hear everything that is said around me and even things that are not. I am fighting for my life at this point to get back to my family.

I lay here replying everything in my head from the accident, if I could have stopped it from happening. Getting angry with myself for leaving my boys without me for however long I am going to be in the hospital.

Also thinking of the mysterious man, if it wasn't for him I would have died that night with no one knowing where I was. He saved me but also bit me. It is all so confusing.

Who was that man? A vampire maybe? Why did he bite me, and what will happen to me know. Clearly with him biting me he definitely has something in store for me, but what I'm a nobody.