Chapter 5 Rejection.

To my surprise, Daniel didn't stutter. I seems like he must have practiced properly or my aura didn't make him uncomfortable. I unfolded my arms which I had folded when I had started his love speech. I bursted into laughter. This is ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. His audacity has really grown wings.

He stood there confused, probably wondering what made me laugh.

"You want me to be your girlfriend huh? And why would I want to do such to myself? I can't date you." I said seriously. I watched as his face twisted in pain but I don't care. It'se that would still end up sad when he breaks my precious heart.

"Ocean just give Us a try..." Before he could complete whatever he had to say I interrupted him.

"Us? When exactly did you and I because 'Us' huh?" I questioned. This guy is just hitting the red button in my head. I'm trying not to lash out but his getting on my nerves.

"Ocean we aren't a thing yet but I really want to date you." Desperation was clear in his eyes. I began to wonder why he was so eager to be in a relationship with me. Did he place a bet on me with his friends? I've heard a lot about these kinds of scenarios.

" Why?" I heard myself asking. He probably wants to use me and dump me, isn't that what guys are good at?

When he didn't respond I asked again. " Why do you like me? Why do you want to date me? Just why?" I knew I was beautiful and attracted positive comments so it was a new thing for me. But seeing how desperate he sounded makes me wonder why he wants me.

" I like you because of the way you are. I love the way you carry yourself. I know under that mask of nonchalance and rudeness is a sweet loving angel. I like you not only because you are pretty but because of the way you treat the people close to you. You are strong and can stand up for yourself, you don't let anyone walk over you." He concluded.

His words almost got me. No one had ever given me such a reasonable and good reason. Most of the time it was because of my body. The last guy that tried asking me out told me it was because of my body.That I have a big round ass and gorgeous boob and I'll be sweet in bed. Gracious goodness! I am only 16. It took me extra effort not to slap his disgusting mouth. But Daniel's words took me off guard. I almost fell for it. Darn it!

I composed myself before replying. I didn't want to have this conversation anymore.

"Daniel I'm sorry but I'm can't be in a relationship." I tried to not to make it seem I was rejecting him but that's literally what I am doing. I really don't want him to feel bad.

"Daniel..." I continued. "It's not your fault but I just can't date at the moment. You have good features and you are sweet. What you said to me was even more sweet but I just can't bring myself to love any guy." I said. I noticed a year run down his face and I was taken aback but he quickly wiped it off.

"I understand but know that I won't stop liking you and my feeling will continue to grow. When you are ready please don't hesitate to let me know." His voice sounded a little bit horse, probably due to the fact that he was holding his emotions in.

" Let's just be friends, okay?" I said putting my hand forward for a handshake.

" Sure. Friends." He said smiling at me. I felt relieved that he wasn't looking dejected anymore. We walked out of the class and headed for the cafeteria. Lunchtime was almost over.

" Have you had lunch yet?" I asked. I noticed that he hadn't been in the cafeteria.

" No. Not yet. I'll eat once we get there."

" Alright then." As we neared our table, my two friends started nudging each other.

" Hey guys! Your back early." Desmond said to us.

" What did you guys talk about?" Jasmine said as she stood up to meet me.

" Nothing much. He was just asking if I could help him with his assignments and also tutor him." I lied through my teeth. I know the wouldn't believe me but I had to say it so that Daniel won't feel uncomfortable because I had rejected his proposal.

"Oh is that so? No problem then. Daniel sit." She gestured for him to sit beside me. Daniel placed his meal on the table before sitting down.

Since he started eating I noticed from the corner of my eyes that he had been stealing glances at me, maybe seven or eight times now.

Once lunchtime was over Daniel and Desmond walked in our front discussing God-knows-what.

"Ocean". Jasmine called out to me in a hushed tone even though I was right beside her.

"What is it Jasmine?" With the way she sounded I knew she was going to asked me again what Daniel and I talked about.

"Are you going to tell me the truth now?"

"What truth are you talking about?" I asked playing dumb.

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. I know you lied about the whole assignment crap. What did you talk about?" I sighed in resignation.

" I confessed." I said shortly.

" And?" Jasmine pressed on.

" He asked me to date him."

" And?"

" For fuck sake I rejected him!" I said raising my voice. I really don't know why I was getting angry at her, perhaps it's my period that's causing this mood-swings.

" You what? After everything we talked about on our way to school. I thought you had already had a change of mind. Poor guy! I had given him false hopes." She blurted out the last part unknowingly. Immediately she put her hands on her lips.

" You did what?" I asked my anger getting the best of me.

" I...I...kinda told him that you wouldn't mind dating him this morning while we were in the bus on our way to school. He had told me that he likes you but I should find out how you will react so... I had to help him out." She confessed.

" And who told you that you could act cupid huh? What's your problem? You know how much I loath that gender when it comes to relationship. It's all your fault for giving the guy false hopes." I was at the very of bursting due to the amount of anger building in me.

" I'm... I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have butt in. My apologies." With that she ran off I could see tears threatening to leave her eyes.