
"Chris, wake up."

A shallow breath escaped his lips as a voice told him to get up. Slowly opening his eyes, realising that it was morning already. He came across a familiar face.

"Mmmm..." A soft grunt escaped her lips as he sat himself up. The sunlight was too bright but that didn't affect the cold at all. Maybe it was because of his jacket, or because the spot they chose to camp was bad, he didn't really know or care.

After rubbing his eyes for a bit, he moved his head to look to the left. Standing next to him was a woman in her early thirties. With olive skin, long light brown curly hair tied in a bun, hazel eyes and full lips. However, she had a large scar on her cheek and her right eye was missing and covered with a medical eye patch. Her outfit is composed of a red puffy jacket, dark green T-shirt, worn-out blue jeans and brown hiking boots. But what stood out the most was the World War 2 rifle that she was carrying.

"What is it, Catherine?" He asked her.

"It's your turn to be on watch." Catherine bluntly told him before turning her back at him and moving to wake the others.

A sigh escaped Chris's lips as he forced himself to stand up from the floor. The first thing he did was to reach for a gun that was right next to his pillow. A Glock 18 that immediately placed inside of a holster on the right side of his thigh. Then he reached for his black leather boots that he put on right away.

Standing up from the ground right away, Chris realized that he was the only one that was still sleeping since everyone else around him was awake.

They were a group of around seven people. Four men, including himself, and three women. All standing around an improvised camp that barely had what they needed. Camping on a cliff that was near a small town, in a spot that was surrounded by walls made of rock.

Chris could only watch as everyone tried to do something to keep themselves afloat. But he wasn't stupid, he knew that they were in a precarious situation and the chance of it getting any better was very slight.

A few steps away from him, there were two men talking to each other. They were both around their thirties, but one was in his early thirties while the other was in his late thirties.

The younger one was called Todd. He was thin, had medium length dark brown hair that was parted in the middle, and had a trimmed beard. His facial features were hidden by the beard but he had a relatively large nose and has a noticeable underbite. He was wearing a brown long coat that was way too big for him that covered most of his body and leather shoes that were probably not suitable for the terrain that they were walking in.

The older one was called Neil. He was a stocky man that was clearly a few pounds overweight before, but now seemed to be in a somewhat healthier weight but his gut was still visible. He had a noticeable receding hairline, but he grew out his black hair while at the same time keeping a clean shaven face for some reason that did nothing but expose his double chin. He was wearing a green flannel shirt, a sheepskin brown denim jacket , blue jeans and snakeskin boots.

Chris didn't know what they were talking about, but he could tell that it wasn't important. So he moved his gaze to look at someone else.

There was an elderly lady named Nora, sitting on the ground, preparing something on a portable stove. She was a woman in her late fifties, with short white hair, a very wrinkled face, a somewhat hunched posture. She was wearing a green parka, blue jeans and boots. Alongside a nice swamp hat.

By the smell, she was probably cooking canned beans or something, since they didn't really have anything other than canned food.

This spot was an awful idea, we should have just gone to the town. Chris thought bitterly since they were in the opening and they could be attacked at any moment.

Moving forward and passing by the others. They never listen to a word I say. This is fucking bullshit, I mean, what the hell is this anyway?! His thoughts continued to run wildly as he angrily walked towards the spot, taking a few steps away from the camp until he reached a high area that they were using as a lookout in order to observe the place from afar.

Right there, there was a man and a girl, both watching the town from a distance.

The man was called Jonas. He was a tall and handsome guy in his late twenties. Black hair in a buzzcut, a chiseled jawline covered with a stubble, hunter blue eyes and a muscular physique. Wearing a lambskin bomber jacket , beige cargo pants and black military boots.

He was on one knee, holding an automatic shotgun with his right hand while simultaneously watching through a pair of binoculars with his left.

"I think he's getting ready to move out." Right besides Jonas, lying on a Prone Position, there was a girl.

A teenage girl called Stephanie. A sixteen or seventeen year old girl, with a slender build. She had disheveled and shaggy blonde hair, which is chin-length and layered with side swept bangs almost covering her right eye. Her eyes were vivid blue with one appearing bruised. Freckles and blemishes on her face, she also has slightly dark eye bags which give her an exhausted, weary, tired look. She was wearing a yellow turtleneck underneath a gray hooded vest, light brown jeans, a blue choker, a dark blue wristband on her left hand and a digital watch on her right..

She grabbed the Binoculars from Jonas and looked through it.

Chris could only scratch his head as he got closer to the two. "Hey..." He interrupted them.

"Finally." Jonas spoke as he gave Chris an annoyed look. "Keep an eye on Steph, will you." That was clearly an order rather than a request.

Chris wanted to reply, but Jonas simply walked past him without saying a word. Leaving Chris alone with the teenage girl, who just kept looking through the binoculars.

"Don't you ever get bored?" Chris asked her.

"No." Stephanie replied.

Chris sighed as he approached her and grabbed the binoculars off her hand.

"Hey?" And she was very annoyed by it.

Looking through the binoculars, he was able to get a good look at the small town where they should have spent the night in. However, all he did was spot the precise reason why they didn't. From afar, he could see that there was someone walking around the small town. But he couldn't tell who it was, because of the outfit.

It was someone with above average height and broad shoulders, leading Chris to believe that it was a man, but he couldn't really tell because of his outfit.

Whoever that was, he was wearing a black leather trench coat with a black pullover hoodie underneath, black cargo pants and mid calf tactical black boots. Not only that, but his face was covered with a black balaclava. He was carrying a large black backpack that seemed heavy. But there were two things that stood out in it. On the left side of it, there was an assault rifle with a underbarrel grenade launcher attached to it strapped on it and on the right side, there was some kind of medieval sword strapped on it.

"This is stupid, why are we stalking this guy?" Chris asked, despite the fact that the only one standing next to him was the one that had the least amount of importance when it came to decisions.

"Jonas said that it's because we're going in the same direction and that he could serve as a warning sign if there are monsters nearby." However, Stephanie actually explained to him perfectly the reasoning behind it.

"Well, I think it's stupid." Because if the guy caught them, he could come at them with that assault rifle of his and ended up shooting one of them before they could shoot back. "We've been following this guy around for what? A week now?"

"Two." Stephanie corrected him.

"The time we waste waiting for him to move out is the time we could have used to catch up with the others." Chris spoke bitterly as the wait was killing him.

"Umm..." Stephanie didn't seem to be interested in talking to him and wanted her binoculars back.

"Seriously, we're low on food, water, meds and ammo." But Chris continued to rant. "Yet we keep wasting time because Jonas said so, I mean that guy just likes to give orders for everyone despite being just as clueless of what to do."

"Can I please have my-" Stephanie tried to speak with him but he just kept talking.

"And now we're following some edgelord wannabe around because he's too chickenshit to fight another one of thos-" As Chris continued, Stephanie slowly crawled away from him.

"Will you shut up?" Before Chris could continue with his uninvited rant, Catherine walked towards the two and shut him up. "That edgelord wannabe or whatever the hell you want to call him, has wiped the floor with every monster he encountered and cleared the path so we could go through." Then she started to spill out the reasons why they were doing what they were doing. "And I don't think you actually understand this, but besides Jonas, none of us know how to fight or even use a weapon properly." Despite holding the rifle tightly, it was clear that she had a lack of confidence in handling that weapon.

Chris didn't have a reply, he just looked down like a child who just got reprimanded by his parents.

"Hand the damn binoculars back to Stephanie and stay on your guard." She ordered him with a frown before turning around and moving back to guarding the area.

Chris heard her and immediately handed the binoculars back to Stephanie. Who immediately went back to spying on the Edgelord Wannabe that they have been stalking. Having nothing else to say, Chris just sat there and waited.


After a few more hours passed, they realized that the guy dressed in black wasn't going to leave yet. So they had to stay put a bit more. Chris despised that, but he didn't say a word about it , because he knew that they wouldn't listen to him.

So all he could do was try to at least enjoy his lunch, despite the fact that it was nothing but really mushy beans.

"I know we all agreed to go north, but it could be dangerous." Todd spoke to Jonas.

"Everywhere we go is dangerous. " Catherine argued back. "But it's the only chance we have of finding the others."

Chris just ate his food as he watched everyone argue about what to do. They were all sitting down, making a circle around their improvised camp.

"But..." Todd rubbed his eyes. "What if there are no others?"

"We already had this talk several times but you insist on bringing that up." Catherine gave him the same frown that she gave Chris earlier.

"Look." Jonas called their attention.

Whatever Jonas said next, kind fell on deaf ears. Five weeks... We were trying to find out if other people survived. With nothing to go by other than the fact that everyone kind of agreed to go north in order to reach another base that they only heard about on the radio. Chris thought about everything while everyone was arguing about their current situation. I mean, look at us... The least combat capable bunch of the group and we're the ones that ended up escaping together. He ate the mushy beans and chewed them slowly. A math teacher, a construction worker, a security guard, grocery store owner, a gardener, a middle school student and a college dropout. Those were what all of them used to do, before the world practically ended.

After one last spoonful of the mushy beans, Chris took a good look at the sky, cloudy with a heavy chance of raining.

Why did I have to be the most misfortunate person around? He asked himself. The only reason why the seven of us are stuck together is because of circumstances. That was the unpleasant truth, since none of them were actually close to each other. All of them only wanted to reunite with the others because they were all under some false hope that they would reunite with their loved ones.

Catherine wanted to find her brother and her nephew.

Neil wanted to find his son.

Todd wanted to find his wife.

Jonas wanted to find his girlfriend.

Nora wanted to find her husband.

Stephanie wanted to find her father, mother and sister.

Chris wanted to find his friends.

Eventually, Chris moved his head down and decided to pay attention to their talk again.

"Where is Stephanie?" Nora asked as she looked around for the teenage girl.

"She is still watching that guy we are following." Catherine answered.

"Ummm... I understand that we agreed to observe him from afar but..." Nora seemed to have finally noticed what everyone else already suspected. "Don't you all think that she spends a little too much time watching that man?"

That is an understatement, since all that Stephanie does now is watch that guy from afar. Chris himself noticed the girl's odd fixation with spying on that guy.

"She's probably just trying to keep herself distracted, so she won't think about her family." Catherine proposed that as the reason, which was laughable at best since anyone from a mile away could tell that Stephanie didn't actually miss her family.

"Yeah..." Jonas rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. "But we shouldn't leave her alone." Then he looked at Chris, clearly telling him to go check on her.

"Why me?" Chris immediately argues.

"Because you're the only one that already finished eating." Catherine pointed out the obvious as everyone else was still eating.

Chris rolled his eyes and stood up right away since there was no point in even trying to argue anymore. Wordlessly, he made his way to the lookout where they spy on the guy from to see what Stephanie was doing. Waste of fucking time, why do I always have to babysit that useless girl.

After several steps, Chris reached the lookout where Stephanie was on the exact same spot, watching the small town from a distance. She didn't notice that he was there yet, so he slowly approached her from behind with the intention of startling her.

"I know it starts with the letter G, since it's written on your backpack..." Suddenly, he hears Stephanie mumble something, which makes him stop. "Gabriel, Grayson, Gael, Greyson, Giovanni, George, Graham, Griffin, Grant, Gavin, Gideon, Gianni, Grady, Gunner, Garrett, Gregory, Gerardo, Gunnar, Gustavo." Then she made a list of names with the letter G on the spot. "Which one is yours..."

Is she seriously trying to guess the guy's name and how the hell does she know that it starts with the letter G. Chris thought as he was weirded out by it.

"Why won't you take off that mask?" Stephanie asked as Chris just stood there listening to her mumbling. "I wanna see what you look like..." Moving his head up, he tried to see it from a distance, he could see a small light from afar, meaning that the guy in black was probably camping outside on the streets. "I had a dream with you the other day, but even then, you were wearing that damn mask..."

Chris widened his eyes in shock, not believing his ears. Is she seriously into this Edgelord shit? Despite being weirded out by it, a part of him was a little jealous, even though he doesn't really find Stephanie attractive.

Suddenly, Stephanie reached inside her vest's pocket and pulled out some kind of handkerchief. That she began to sniff it without taking her eyes away from the binoculars.

Chris only looked at her from behind in confusion. Until he actually realized something. Oh god! That handkerchief actually belonged to Edgelord, as he saw him using it to wipe the sweat off his body and left it inside of a sink that miraculously was still working. Which meant that she was sniffing the guy's sweat.

Being disgusted by what he was witnessing. Chris just turned around and left the creepy girl there before she did anything else.

Well, that's it, we're officially a group of screw ups! That was the first thing that came to his mind as he walked back to the camp. What the fuck was that shit?! He always thought Stephanie was a quiet and meek girl, but now he knows that she is a creepy weirdo simping to be some Edgelord guy that they all have been stalking for very stupid reasons.

"Didn't I tell y-" Jonas was the first one to notice that he came back.

He was quick to shut him up. "I ain't babysitting that weird chick anymore!" Chris declared in deep annoyance as he walked back to the spot where he sleeps.

Thankfully, nobody said anything in response to his outburst, probably because they noticed that something had happened. So they just let him be.

As soon as he reached his sleeping bag, he immediately laid down and let out a deep sigh before he put his pistol and boots down, then reached inside a small backpack that was beside the sleeping bag and pulled out a small mirror.

The African-American young man inspected his face. His broad nose has been crooked since it was broken a while ago. His large forehead had a bump on it due to him hitting his head by an accident the other day. There was a small cut in his poundy lips. And his curly dark brown hair was still growing after he shaved his head. His light brown eyes matched his chocolate skin, but the dark bags under them from sleep deprivation are starting to take a toll on his appearance.

Chris sighed as he put the mirror down as the injuries that he got when their base got overrun brought the unpleasant memories back.

It was even more unpleasant due to the company that he was stuck with.

In truth, Chris had a very low opinion of everyone there for a load of reasons. But as much as he hates to admit it, he needed them to get by. So he tolerates them for the most part. Although, he wouldn't hesitate in leaving if they become a liability to him. Which is very likely if that man that they have been following discovers that they have been stalking him.

Tired, Chris decided to try to get some shut eye, so he closed his eyes and rolled himself to the side. It took around six minutes for him to fall asleep.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Despite being in deep sleep, a very loud scream caused Chris's eyes to shoot open in fright.

"What?!" Immediately sitting up to see what the hell was going on. "AH!" Only to release a loud scream once he moved his head to the side.

Where he came across an awful sight. The sight of Nora, being grabbed from behind by a monster. "NO!" The poor old lady yelled in desperation. "HELP-" And before she could beg for anyone to help her. The monster opened his mouth widely and carved it's teeth into her head.

The monster that had it's hands on Nora, was a large, vaguely, human-shaped creature that had the appearance of flayed corpse but the muscle tissue can be seen to be intact giving him a bright red bone structure of the rib cage is clearly visible both on the front and rear, with the back also leaking a strange and foul liquid. Their mouths are large, taking up most of their otherwise-featureless faces and are filled with needle-like teeth. Their hands also possessed razor-sharp claws that were accompanied by a beastial strength.

Chris could only watch in horror as the monster pierced it's teeth into Nora's head. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" With blood falling down from her head into all over her bright colored clothes until her green parka practically turned into a red parka due to all the blood.

"Oh shit!" Chris desperately reached for his gun, only to catch another awful sight, as soon as he turned around. Where he saw another monster, crawling down in the walls slowly, using it's claws to pierce into the wall.

Quickly reaching for his pistol, he stood himself up and tried to take aim, but as soon as he tried, he realized that there were several more of them crawling down to the wall.

"NO!" Another scream made him turn around, where he saw Neil attempting to hit one of them with a baseball bat as it walked towards him. "GET AWAY!" Swinging the bat at full force into it's exposed brain. Landing right on top of it and causing the monster to fall into the ground. Unfortunately, he didn't notice the fact that there was one crawling on the wall right above him. "AHHH-" And before he could move his head to see it, the monster launched itself and tackled him into the ground.

"Holy fuck!" Chris could only move his gaze away as the monster shoved it's claws into Neil's throat separating his head from the rest of his body.

Chris could only look around in desperation as he realized that dozens of them began to crawl down the walls around him. "No! No! No!" He yelled in desperation as he aimed his pistol at them.

"Ah!" Noticing that one of them was about to grab him from the left, Chris desperately turned and squeezed the trigger. Only to lose control of the recoil since he accidentally put the gun in full-auto. Practically unloading his pistol at point blank into the monster.

Thankfully, the bullets pierced the monster's chest right away and caused to fall backwards into the ground.

However, that was only one of the many monsters that were walking towards him. With his pistol now completely empty. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" Cursing with every breath he took, Chris walked backwards in an attempt to get away. "AHH!" But in his fear, he forgot that he took off his boots to go to sleep, meaning that he was walking barefoot and he just stepped on a stone. The piercing pain caused him to lose his balance and fall on his butt, dropping the gun by accident.

Leaving him no choice but crawl backwards in a futile attempt to get away as dozens of those monsters walked towards him. Shaking in deep fear, he could only do one thing in deep desperation. "HELP ME!" Which was screaming from the top of his lungs for someone to save him.

As one of the monsters was about to close in, a loud sound came from behind him. With the monster being blasted away into the ground.

"Get up!" Chris came to his senses as he realized that Jonas was the one that shot the monster. Looking back, he saw that he was firing his automatic shotgun, allowing him to quickly get up and get away as their camp became infested by the monsters. Running past Jonas as he continued to fire at the monsters.

Desperately, he ran away from the camp all the way into the lookout spot, despite the pain in his foot from the cut. Eventually, he reached the lookout and from a distance, he realized that Cassandra, Todd and Stephanie were running towards the small town that they were observing from afar.

"What are you doing?!" Suddenly, Jonas startled him by yelling. But when he was about to turn around, Jonas pushed him to move forward. "Run!" Despite his pain , he did what he said and ran.

"What is happening?!" Chris asked as he ran in front of Jonas.

"Stephanie said that the guy in black held a sign saying that there was a horde on our way, and when Cat, Todd and I went to check, they were about to reach the camp!" Jonas explained as he ran as quickly as he could with the automatic shotgun in his right hand.

"What?!" Chris asked in deep confusion. "Did he know we were following him?!"

"I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!" Jonas yelled loudly. "JUST RUN!"

Chris made the big mistake of looking back, and saw dozens of them following them, making him even more desperate to run as quickly as he could. Completely ignoring the fact that he was descending a rocky path bare footed, but his fear simply overwhelmed the pain that he was feeling.

This is actually the first time he actually saw one of the monsters up close. Everytime he did before was from afar and didn't think they were that scary. Until today when he finally came face to face with one and they were much,much more terrifying up close and even deadlier than he imagined.

All this time, Chris and basically everyone else were able to avoid ever encountering them since they found a safe haven right when the monsters first appeared. Being safe and sound, waiting for all of this to blow over. But it never did and now their safe haven is gone.

"Ahhh..." Each step caused even more pain since his foot was bleeding, but he couldn't stop to check it.

Jonas, who was supposed to be the tough guy in the group, was just as terrified as Chris. Demonstrated by the fact that he ran past him as Chris unintentionally showed down because of his bare feet.

The town was getting closer, but Chris was starting to slow down even more due to being tired. He was never an athletic person and the world ending didn't really change that, despite the fact that it should have.

The darkness only added to their anxiety since they could barely see where they were going.

"Ahhh!" Eventually, his bleeding feet, lack of endurance and fear culminated in him tripping and falling on the ground. Right when they managed to enter the small town, but it was so dark that he couldn't see anything of it properly.

"Goddamnit!" With Jonas noticing and turning around. "Oh fuck!" And immediately firing his automatic shotgun.

Chris could only move his head to look back, and unfortunately realized that the monsters were all coming their way in all fours at a very rapid speed.

"Ahh!" Despite the pain and exhaustion, Chris forced himself to stand and continued to run.

"Here!" Suddenly, he heard Catherine's voice, who opened the door of the first building on the left near the town's entrance.

"Ahh..." Chris stepped on the ground with his bloody feet and quickly ran towards the door while Jonas fired at the monsters while moving towards the door as well.

"Shit!" Chris tripped and fell on the floor as soon as he passed through the door frame.

Jonas then entered and shut the door behind him. Noticing that there was a shelf right besides the door that he immediately knocked over in order to block the door.

"Jesus..." Todd as he stood as far away from the door as possible.

Stephanie was looking through another door, probably checking for monsters. The entire room was dark and the only source of light was her flashlight.

Catherine was aiming her rifle at the door.

"Sssshhhh..." Chris grunted in pain. Looking down, his feet were bleeding, with several small cuts that accidentally made while stepping on rocks while running. Why did I take off my boots? It was for comfort, but only now he realized that he was the only one that was dumb enough to do that.

"What are we gonna do?!" Todd asked in fear, since the monsters were coming.

"We need -" Jonas was about to say something, but before he could, they were all startled by the sound of an explosion coming from outside.

"Is that him?" Stephanie asked, obviously referring to the guy dressed in black.

Another explosion came, but it was far from the spot where they were.

"I think it is." Catherine pointed out the obvious since he was the only other person there.

"Is he helping us?" Todd asked.

"He knew the horde was coming and he warned us about when he could have used us as bait to get away." Catherine pointed out that fact.

"It doesn't matter." Jonas called their attention. "We gotta move." Before turning around and moving towards the other door.

"Get up." Catherine told Chris as she grabbed his arm.

"Fuck, my feet..." Chris complained as he forced himself to stand up.

"Hurry." Stephanie told them as she followed Todd through the door as well.

"Awww..." With Catherine's help, Chris was able to walk towards the door, not without leaving bloody footsteps behind.

Passing through the door frame, they realized that they were inside some kind of barber shop, or at least that's what it looked like since they saw several barber chairs and barber equipment around. As they entered the place however. Jonas signalled them to stop. With Stephanie quickly turning off her flashlight as they saw several of those monsters passing by from the window. With everyone crouching down and hiding in the dark as the monsters walk by the shop.

Chris was too afraid to pay much attention before, but now he realized that the monsters seemed to be twitching and vibrating in a motion that didn't match their movements.

Suddenly, yet another explosion was heard by them and that explosion caused all of the monsters to run towards it. Until there wasn't any in front of the barber shop anymore.

Jonas moved towards the front door and opened to check outside. After inspecting a bit, he signalled everyone to follow him and he stepped outside.

All the others quickly went to follow him, but Chris was the last one because his feet were becoming unbearable. As the footprints of blood started to become more and more obvious. But he had no time to tend his wound, and he knew that they were not going to wait for him. So he followed them outside, coming across a one-way street, however, as soon as he stepped outside, he realized that there was some kind of light on his right. Moving his head to see it, he saw a big bonfire at the end of the street. It took him a few seconds for him to realize that the monsters were actually walking towards it

"Look." Stephanie, who was a few steps away from him, pointed towards the rooftop of the building that was right next to the fire.

Chris moved his head up and realized that the Edgelord was right up there. Watching the flames from above, while holding his assault rifle. Until he actually aimed his assault rifle into the other building, and unceremoniously shot the grenade launcher that was attached to it, sending an explosive shot into the building. Before any of them could actually question why, they realized that the building then began to collapse, with a very large piece of the wall falling out, right on top of the monsters.

"Holy shit..." Chris smiled as he realized that he basically took out a good chunk of the monsters with that. Unfortunately, there were still a few more of them on the street.

"Huh?" Then he noticed that Jonas and everyone else was looking up. So Chris did the same and realized that the Edgelord was actually waving at them from up there. And once he got their attention, he pointed towards the other end of the street right behind them. Before he turned around and left their line of sight.

"He's telling us to go that way." Stephanie pointed out for whoever didn't understand, before she immediately did just that and started to walk towards the other end of the street, away from the monsters.

"Wait." Jonas tried to stop her, but then he ended up following her since he clearly had no other idea than to do what the Edgelord said.

"Fuck, just fuck..." Todd cursed as he ran behind them.

"Come on." Catherine was the only one that realized that Chris was hurt and immediately helped him. With Chris being forced to lean on her to help him move better since the cut on his feet seemed to be getting wider and wider because of all the movement.

"Ahhh..." Forcing himself to continue to move anyway, they did what the Edgelord said and ran all the way to the end of the street. Or rather, everyone else ran while Chris just moved trying not to make noises of pain at each step.

Eventually, they all reached the end of the street.

"Holy shit..." With Stephanie being the first one to see the reason why they were supposed to go there.

"No way..." Jonas spoke with a smile.

"Ahhh..." Todd touched the back of his head in shock.

Catherine just widened her eyes in surprise.

And Chris was dumbfounded.

Because right at the end of the street, there was a RV motorhome in seemingly perfect condition parked right at the end of the street inside of a strange looking garage. It was covered in strange looking graffitis, alongside a few strange addictions such as a spiked bumper in it.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Todd was the first one to snap out of it and immediately rush towards the car.

"Wait, what abo-" Stephanie tried to say something but she was immediately interrupted.

The moment Todd reached the RV and tried to enter. "AH!" Something grabbed him by the ankles from under the RV. "AAHHHHHH!' And pulled him under, all the way to the hips, right away. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!"

"No!" Jonas tried to run towards him in an attempt to save him, but it turned out to be a big mistake. Todd attempted to crawl away from the RV, only for him to realize that only his upper half was getting away, with his insides falling out of his body as he crawled back. And Jonas was startled by it and ended up slipping on the floor when he stopped running.

"NO!" Stephanie looked away in shock.

"Oh god!" Catherine had the same reaction.

Chris only makes a horrified face in response as Todd eventually stops crawling and drops dead on the floor, leaving a trail of blood and guts behind.

Jonas immediately got off the floor and stepped back with his weapon ready. Which was the right thing to do since the monster that killed Todd crawled from under the RV right away and stood up. Jonas tried to shoot it, only to realize that he had wasted all of his ammo while they were running. It's head was twisting in a strange motion and it began to make a strange sound by clicking it's claws together.

Until Catherine actually shot it with her rifle.

"Ummm... Guys..." Stephanie called their attention.

Chris, Jonas and Catherine looked back, and realized that the clicking noise that it was doing was actually calling the other monsters towards them. As the ones that weren't crushed by the collapsing building started to move towards them.

"Get to the car!" Catherine yelled as the monsters began to close the distance.

Not having to hear that twice, Chris and Stephanie ran towards the RV in order to get inside, walking past Todd's mangled body and running towards the car. However, the moment the two of them got close, they realized something.

"Fuck!" And Chris cursed right away.

"What?!" Jonas ran towards the car and saw it as well.

There was a very thick lookin chain wrapped around the holes in the wheel with a thick padlock on it. Even if they did manage to turn the car on, they wouldn't go anywhere.

Jonas, visibly desperate, tried to smash the lock with the butt of his empty shotgun. But that wasn't going to work since that was a heavy duty padlock meant to be resistant.

"Get back!" Catherine yelled as she tried to aim her rifle at the lock.

"No!" But Jonas stopped her. "You're gonna blow out the wheel!"

."Then how the-" Catherine turned around to yell at him, but widened her eyes when she realized that the monsters were about to reach the garage door.

Chris in his desperation, moved around for any other way out of there. Only to see a door right behind the RV, so without thinking, he rushed towards it.

"Fuck!" Jonas finally reloaded his automatic shotgun and began shooting.

"Stephanie, run!" Catherine did the same by shooting her rifle.

Stephanie did what she was told and ran behind Chris, passing through the door right away.

Both of them ended up entering some kind of back alley that had a foul smell. But it was so dark that they couldn't see what was causing it. Not that they had any reason to care, since they were desperate to get away from there, even more after they heard the gunshots. Chris desperately looked around, seeing only two ways, left or right. Without thinking, he closed the door behind them and went to the left. Struggling to walk and using the wall to keep himself standing.

Stephanie was behind him looking back in fear as she was half expecting the monster to come out of the door that they came from.

Thankfully, the alleyway wasn't long, and it didn't take long for them to reach the end of it. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Only for Chris to scream because as soon as they reached the corner, he saw several more of them from a distance. With the scream he just let out attracting their attention.

"Dammit, Chris!" Stephanie yelled as she turned around and began to run the opposite direction.

Chris did the same thing, turning around and running. But that was the moment his feet gave out, because the moment he tried to run forward, the pain became unbearable and he ended up falling forward into the ground. "AH!"

Stephanie realized what just happened, looking at the end of the alley where the monsters were coming from. But instead of running away, she ran back to help Chris. "Come on!" Grabbing him by the arm and wrapping it around her shoulder, helping him stand and move forward.

The gunfire stopped, which could only mean that the monsters got Jonas and Catherine. Fuck! fuck! fuck! This can't be happening! This can't be happening! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! Despite having Stephanie help, Chris knew that they weren't going to outrun those monsters. Looking back, Chris realized that the monsters were coming their way and were going to catch up to them at the speed they were going.

Moving his light brown eyes to look at Stephanie, who was just as terrified as him. "Steph..." The moment she moved her face to look at him and he saw those beautiful blue eyes of hers.

He knew exactly what needed to be done.

"Stephanie, the two of us aren't making it out of here." Chris knew that was the truth.

"Chris, no..." And she knew exactly what he meant by that.

Except that she actually didn't. "I'm sorry." Because Stephanie may have assumed that Chris was going to keep them busy so she could run, but that wasn't what he did.

"AH!" What Chris did in the end, was Sucker punch Stephanie hard on the face, causing the poor girl to fall on the ground disoriented. With Chris grabbing her flashlight off her hand and running right away.

Like hell that I'm sacrificing myself for you! Chris thought as he used the wall to make his way to the opposite end of the wall. She's going to keep them occupied while I find a place to hide. That Edgelord is probably going to distract them again in order to get them away from RV and when that happens, I'll just pretend that I was the only one that survived then I'll grab Jonas or Catherine's gun and shoot him from behind. Chris was planning it as he dragged himself towards the end of the alley, where there was a corner.

Taking a final peek, he saw Stephanie on the ground, with the monsters getting closer and closer to her. Sorry, but it's survival of the fittest in a world like this. He told himself that as he reached the corner. I'm a survivor and I will live to see-

While he was distracted by his own thoughts however, he didn't notice the moment he turned around the corner. Something stopped him. "Huh?!" Moving his head to look forward, he realized that it was the Edgelord that just grabbed his shoulder. With their eyes meeting right away and Chris seeing that he had green eyes. "Wha-"

Before Chris could say anything to him. The sound of a gunshot was heard, with the pain in his feet being replaced by an even worse pain in his knee. With Chris realizing a second after that the Edgelord just shot him in the left knee with a pistol. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" And a scream from the top of his lungs accompanied the pain. But it didn't end there, as the Edgelord fired yet another bullet into his right knee, which caused Chris to fall down into the ground right away. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Once Chris was incapacitated for good, the Edgelord unceremoniously walked past him, right towards the alley where he left Stephanie.

"AAAAHHHHHH!" Screaming in pain was all that Chris could do, his knees were completely destroyed by the bullet. Then, suddenly, the sound of even more bullets was heard by him, accompanied by the muzzle flash that came from the alley. Bullet after bullet after bullet came, and Chris knew that it was pointless as the monsters were going to rip him apart at any second. "AAAAAHHH!"

A minute later, it stopped, and Chris knew what had happened. Made it worse by the fact that he could hear steps coming from the alley. "No..." He desperately tried to crawl away, but it was pointless because he wouldn't be able to get far enough. "AH!" And when the steps got too close, he moved his head back to see. "What?!" Only to actually see the Edgelord carrying the disoriented Stephanie in a bridal carry.

In deep shock and confusion, Chris could only stare at him. Until he actually began to move towards him and unceremoniously walked past him with Stephanie in his arms.

"No!" And the desperate Chris realized that he was about to ditch him there. "Please!" So he began to beg. "I know what I did was shity, but I don't wanna die! PLEASE!"

His begging seemed to have worked as the Edgelord actually stopped. Then he gently placed Stephanie on the ground and turned back. Approaching Chris slowly, while reaching inside his coat's pocket and pulling out a small bottle that had a strange red liquid on it. "Quaedam fata pejora morte sunt." Before he spoke in a soft voice.

"What?" Chris didn't understand what he said, but he knew that actually spoke latin.

He didn't say another, he simply poured whatever that liquid was into Chris's head and tossed the bottle away. Before he turned his back at him and moved towards Stephanie once again. Picking her up and walking away from Chris.

"Hey?" Chris yelled as soon as he realized that he was being left behind. "HEY!" But his yelling was no use as he walked away from him. And that caused his breath to become frantic as he turned on the flashlight and looked around in fear for any more monster. "Mmm..." Attempting to crawl away from the alley to try to get somewhere as soon as he realized that the coast was clear.

Okay... Okay, I just have to find a place to hide. He told himself that. Just needed to get inside one of those buildings and- Unfortunately, his thoughts were interrupted by sounds coming from behind him. Moving the light of the flashlight, he realized that one of those monsters was turning around the corner while crawling on the wall. Seeing it in the proper light only made it even more terrifying.

Chris widened his eyes, as the monster began to hiss and click it's claws. The young man had no choice but to try to crawl away from it, only to realize, as soon as he turned his head to look forward. That dozens of them were crawling from a building on the other side of the street. Causing him to actually try to look left to see if could go the other direction, only to see even more of them crawling down from a different building.

The worst part is that Chris realized that they were all coming towards him. "NO!' He screamed. "GET AWAY!' Crawling towards the wall and leaning his back as they all began to surround him from all sides. "GET AWAY!" Without even noticing, Chris actually peed himself as the monster closed the distance.

Having no other option, Chris just closed his eyes and accepted his fate. Waiting to be mauled by the monsters like everyone else was. "AAHHH!" However, something odd happened, instead of feeling their sharp claws piercing his body, he felt them being wrapped around his arms instead. His eyes shot open in response and he realized that two of the monsters grabbed his arms. "What are you doing?!" Before they began to pull Chris, dragging him away from that area with the monsters following by going towards a direction. "NO! NO! NO!"

After being dragged a bit, Chris realized that they were passing by that garage where the RV was. And as soon as he had a good view of the interior, he could see that it was gone. Alongside the fact that the only corpse inside of Todd's.

"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!" Those were the last words that came out of Chris's mouth as he was dragged away by the monsters towards god knows where.

With the words that he heard from that Edgelord echoing through his head.

Quaedam fata pejora morte sunt

  1. Some fates are worse than death.