Seperate Ways

Ash's body felt frozen, and his mind went blank. Liliana's lips felt very soft against his own, and that was all he could feel, except for his heart pounding painfully in his chest.

He didn't dare close his eyes, and he could see Liliana kissing him with her eyes closed.

Liliana kissed him for a while, then slowly pulled her face away. Her hands were still gently holding Ash's cheeks, and she smiled sweetly.

Ash asked innocently, "What was that for?"

"Umm... I don't know. Maybe you're cute," Liliana replied, turning her face away.

Ash stared blankly at his map, then folded it and put it back into his Inventory.

They both sat quietly for a while until suddenly Liliana's walkie-talkie made a sound.

"Liliana, you need to go to the Town Hall now," Gabriel's voice came through the walkie-talkie.

"Roger that. I'm on my way," Liliana replied to Gabriel.

Liliana quickly stood up, turned to Ash, and asked, "I need to go to the Town Hall. Do you want to come?"

Ash nodded and stood up too, saying, "Okay."


They walked past the inn, and Maya, who was by the window, saw Ash walking with Liliana, who occasionally held his arm affectionately.

She quickly closed her room window, feeling very sad and angry.

However, she didn't notice when Ash glanced at the closed window, then continued walking to the Town Hall.

When they arrived at the Town Hall, almost all the members of Sassi Hunter were gathered there. Ash looked around and saw Matheus, who waved at him in a friendly manner.

They were all standing and talking to each other, confused about why they were called to gather.

Shortly after, John entered with Gabriel. They immediately went up to the platform that was usually used for a stage, and John spoke loudly.

"Friends of Sassi Hunter, we have important news for you. A group led by Jiahao, from the area next to Ancient Asia, is planning to attack us in a few days," John announced.

The whole team looked at each other.

One of them shouted, "Where did this news come from? Ancient Asia is far from here."

John then raised his hand, and a Town Hall staff member sitting by a projector quickly pressed the play button.

The other staff members immediately closed the curtains in the Town Hall, making the room dark.

The projector immediately played videos taken not far from Sassi City, showing about fifty people on horseback, wearing ancient Chinese warrior uniforms, heading towards Sassi.

"These images were taken by shepherds who happened to encounter them," John explained.

All the members of Sassi Hunter whispered to each other, busy discussing what they saw.

John clapped his hands a few times to get their attention.

"All Sassi Hunters, please prepare yourselves. And for the mage team, please get ready to defend the city," John instructed.

"All team leaders, please gather with me in the meeting room, now," he continued and immediately walked down the stage towards the door behind the reception desk.

Several members of Sassi Hunter, including Gabriel, followed him from behind.

Before opening the door, John turned and called out loudly, "Ash, you join the meeting too!"

Several members of Sassi Hunter looked at Ash, who felt awkward, and quickly walked towards his uncle.

Liliana, who had been next to Ash, watched everyone going into the meeting room with half-squinted eyes.


Inside the meeting room, they discussed the tactics they would use.

John, Gabriel, and a team leader who had gone on an expedition a few days ago, asked Ash to help them.

Ash's ability to summon several creatures could greatly assist them in facing Jiahao's forces and minimize casualties.

Ash, without much thinking, agreed to help them.


That night, Ash entered the inn, greeted the innkeeper and had a brief conversation with her, then went straight to Maya's room.

He knocked on the door, and Maya's voice asked, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Ash," he said.

There was no sound from inside the room, but suddenly there was a rumbling noise, and soon the door opened.

Maya stepped out of the room and quickly closed the door behind her.

"Hi, Ash. What do you need?" Maya asked with a slight smirk.

Ash raised an eyebrow and suspiciously asked, "Why did you close the door? Am I not allowed to come in?"

"N-No, my room is very messy. You... You can't come in," Maya answered nervously.

Ash looked at Maya with a suspicious gaze and then said, "Alright, let's go eat outside."

"O-Okay," Maya replied with a big smile. The turmoil in her heart from seeing Ash so close with Liliana vanished instantly.

When they arrived at a small restaurant that served steak, they immediately started eating their dinner with great appetite.

When their food was almost finished, Ash said to Maya, "Soon there will be an attack from a group from the Ancient China region, and they will attack this city."

Maya suddenly put her knife and fork down on her plate, making a loud clanging noise.

Ash looked at Maya, confused. 'What's wrong with this girl?' he thought.

"Ash," she said suddenly. "Can't we leave this city as soon as possible?"

Ash also put his knife and fork down upon hearing Maya's request, "What are you talking about, Maya?"

His voice sounded a little annoyed.

"Let's find the item for your quest quickly, then let's leave this place. We don't need to fight with the other group," Maya insisted.

"Maya!" Ash almost shouted but then lowered his voice because the other restaurant guests were looking at them.

"What are you talking about, seriously. My uncle is here, Maya, is it wrong for me to want to help them even a little? I need to stay here," Ash said with a slightly annoyed tone.

Maya looked into Ash's eyes with swollen eyes and said, "Are you sure he's really your uncle? You've only known him for a few days."

Ash felt even more annoyed and replied, "At least I know from some evidence he showed that he's my missing uncle. And who are you? I've only met you recently too."

Maya's body stiffened, then she stood up and said, "Then we should go our separate ways," and walked away from Ash.

Ash threw his napkin on the table and said loudly enough for Maya to hear, "Whatever. I'm not your babysitter."