Shiloh woke up two days later, he was already back to his own room. Surprisingly, he doesn't seem to remember what happened. When I walked into his room in the morning he gave me a big smile.

"Good Morning, today the sun is also shining very brightly." He said, he was still sitting on the bed. The sun hit his face and his pale skin looked dazzling.

I approached him, "Are you much better?"

He looked at me, his eyes blinking a few times, "Did something happen to me? Why you ask me that?" He tilted his head with confusion. "Ah, don't tell me I fell asleep again?"

I was silent for a moment, Andrew said this to me before. He think, Shiloh will not remember what happened, judging from his condition he did it under conscious. I thought he had a wish to long live, but it wasn't like that. In his subconscious he wants to leave all this pain behind and just gone.

"Yeah, you fell asleep again, long enough." I smiled as I said that.