"How wonderful! Such tenacity! You're one interesting boy!" The clapping stopped and was replaced by dismissive words.
Rattled by the mysterious voice, Arjuna jolted upright, his wand ready. A figure slowly emerged from the shadows. It was a jester.
The bells on their hat dulled over time, producing an inconsistent jingle as they moved. Their cloak was covered with blood-red patches, shaped like a playing card's suits.
Their mask was a skull that grinned from ear to ear, portraying an eerie smile. Their look gave the impression of a distorted performer.
"Back off," Arjuna leveled his wand at the jester, his arms trembling from fatigue.
The jester moved slowly and deliberately. Then with a dramatic flow, they executed an exaggerated bow, sweeping one hand theatrically across their chest.
"Excuse my manners," the jester's voice sounded polite.
"Careful, Juna, I smell trouble," Kunti leaned into Arjuna's ear.
"No need to be on guard," the jester held up their arms, posing to surrender. Their bells jingled coarsely, adding an eerie feel.
"I am called Bali, a humble entertainer, and the contractor of that," the jester gestured sloppily to where the Leyak dissolved.
"That thing… has a master?" Arjuna's grip tightened.
"Master? No, no, no! Such a crude concept!" Bali waved a hand dismissively.
"We were partners, equals if you will."
"Though, I must say… I'm shocked you didn't know. Especially when you're harboring one of them," Bali chuckled from behind their mask.
A faint purple hue flickered from within Bali's eye socket. It was as if Bali could see through Arjuna.
"This is getting dangerous, Juna," Kunti tugged at Arjuna's sleeve.
The atmosphere stiffened. Arjuna's stomach twisted with unease as the air felt heavier and more oppressive.
Kunti's eyes darted around, looking for a possible escape route. There was nothing, it seemed as if all paths lead to the jester.
"No need to fret," Bali casually waved.
"I'm not here to hurt you, but the opposite," Bali put their hand down.
"I'm here to recruit you," Bali began to walk erratically, their bells jingling as they headed to where the Leyak was.
"Recruit me?" Arjuna shifted away from Bali.
"Yeah, especially after that display of power. It was marvelous!" Bali flailed theatrically.
Arjuna clenched his jaw. Something about the jester's movements put him on edge. It was too fluid, too calculated beneath the act of randomness.
Without breaking stride, Bali meandered toward the Leyak's ashes. They twirled their wand, casting a spell over the remnants. A strange blue hue flickered from the ashes, pulsating like a heartbeat.
"They took its origin!" Kunti murmured under her breath. "Refuse them, Juna!"
"I refuse." Arjuna stood unwavering.
"Think about it, dear boy! You haven't even heard me out!" Bali spun on their heel, their grin stretching wider beneath the mask.
With a dramatic twirl, they flicked their wand, conjuring a slow-moving green light between them. Then, they leaned toward Arjuna.
"That power you used… it felt familiar," Bali pulled out their thinking hat, alongside their monocle and pipe.
"Perhaps… a primal fear?" Bali closed in on Arjuna, smoking their pipe.
"But who…?" Bali turned away, tapping at their chin.
"That Kuntilanak's contracted to that woman, while the rest have their own… who's left?" Bali took off their monocle to wipe it clean.
"…" Arjuna stood in silence while Bali continued rambling.
"Ah," Bali snapped their fingers.
"The Pocong," Bali twisted their head, staring into the depth of Arjuna's soul.
Arjuna stiffened at the revelation and felt a chill run down his spine. Bali's eyes glinted with mischief as they revealed their knowledge of the Pocong.
"The ruler of the undead! Who would've thought?" Bali twisted the rest of their body toward Arjuna.
"Mmm, yes... that stench on you fits the image of a pocong," Bali mimicked smelling through the green light.
"Such an elegant smell, yet you wield it so… chaotically. Such a waste!" Bali twirled their wand.
They pressed a hand to their chest, voices dripping with theatrical sorrow. "But we can help you refine it."
"We?" Arjuna asked, despite himself.
"Yes!" Bali spread their arms wide, their bells jingling. "We, of The Doomed Dissidents, can help you actualize that power." They bowed with a flourish.
Kunti's eyes widened in realization. "Juna—those are the guys I told you about!"
"Pass," Arjuna acted before Kunti told him.
"Hmm?" the grin in their voice faltered for just a second before they recovered, shaking their head.
"Now, now, don't be hasty! We are constructing something ethereal, a world free of chains! A place where power is not feared, but embraced." Bali spun.
They twirled in place, their movements fluid, hypnotic. Then, with a final spin, they extended a hand toward Arjuna, their mask's eerie smile seeming almost inviting.
"Don't you think such a world is nice?" Bali took off their hat.
"No means no," Arjuna's arms crossed, his voice unfaltered.
"Tsk, tsk, such a shame," Bali sighed, their shoulders slumping in disappointment.
Bali sighed, letting their hand drop. "Tsk, tsk. Such a shame." Their shoulders slumped in an exaggerated display of disappointment.
"Ah, well. Have fun in the barrier!"
Before Arjuna could react, Bali twirled their wand, and the green light expanded. Runes flickered across the surface as the energy spread, sealing the cave entrance with a translucent wall.
The jester's lighthearted act cracked slightly. Their voice darkened, their movements sharpening.
"Let us play a little game I made. I'd love to see how you'd do," Bali wrote runes on their barrier.
"I wonder how long you'd last against actual spiritual energy," Bali continued writing with their wand.
"I'll even let you go if you satisfy me!" Bali opened their hands.
Bali clapped their hands, and the barrier between them shifted, morphing into a dome encircling Arjuna.
"I'll help," Kunti materialized beside Arjuna.
"Thanks," Arjuna tightened the grip on his wand.
Bali let out a delighted giggle, clapping their hands together. "Oh my, you're here too?"
"Well! No matter," their grin returned, wider than ever.
"Let's dance."