The next morning, Kent waking up didn't feel as sick as he felt yesterday, he felt better, more than better in fact, he felt strangely good, he could feel a sort of energy coursing through him, and the things around him.
A potential, a sort of slumbering energy, that lied in still wait, he could feel it in the air moving, it stood still, he could feel it move, at the same time, it was a parody, confusing.
But even with this he still didn't, get up from bed, instead he chose to dive further into his sub conscious feeling, delving deeper into this foreign sensation, finding it oddly addictive.
Diving deeper into this subconscious feeling he felt that it wasn't just one energy but two, the felt the same but distinct, he could make out that one seem to be present in still object, gathering conserving till it has enough force to cause it to move, while the other, seemed to be present in moving object, it was fascinating.
Digging deeper into this feeling he felt, the still energy converses into the moving energy when enough force is applied to it, and the moving energy converses to the still energy when the force enabling it to move runs out of power, it felt like it was the same but they where not, potential energy turns into kinetic energy, with the addition and subtraction of force,
Letting his mind submerge into this feeling, he felt something more, it was as if he could control this energy, he felt a connection to it,
He felt like all he needed to do to control this energy, was touch it, well not physically really, he felt he had mind hands, connected to the metaphysical, and then he could control it,
Putting his thought into motion, he reached out to the surrounding potential energy and gave force.
While doing this he subconsciously stretched out his hands, and the next moment there was an explosion Whooom!
In a studio apartment, a twenty something year old man could be seen, lying sporadically on the bed, with the bed sheet in disarray, and the blanket to the side, in a corner of the room, suddenly there was motion in the room, stretch!
Every thing was peaceful until suddenly the young man Kent Kuzaki, suddenly stretch out his hands into the air, ripple like waves spreading toward the surrounding, with his hands being at the center of it, the ripple was so tiny and sudden that it was almost invisible.
there was a stillness in the apartment, like the calm before a storm, it was silent until whoom! everything in the room just suddenly shot out ward, toward the sky,
Ripping out the entire apartment toward the sky, with every thing in it moving travelling up with tremendous speed.
"eh uhn ehhhhhhhhhhhhn" startled awake from the feeling of being thrusted into the air, he opened his eyes, and what he saw shocked him so much causing him to make weird sounds.
Moving his eyes around erratically, supprise seeing everything in his apartment in the air, moving towards the sky and it didn't seem to be loosing speed.
Badump! badump! he could feel his heart beating erratically against his chest, like war drums, it was like his heart was afraid that his fears will not be heard.
Shutting his eyes close he tried to convince him self that everything is just a dream. 'this is just a dream, yes, yes everything is all just a nightmare, its all in my head so when I open my eyes I will wake up from this nightmare' he thought.
Opening his eyes he still saw himself in the same nightmare, with nothing changed, still gaining altitude at a tremendous speed.
"Ah!!!!!!!!! why ain't I waking up from this nightmare ah!!!!" he screamed frustration.
"Okay calm down Kent, getting worked up isn't going to save you," he said to himself softly.
"what was I doing before I wind up here,"
"I came home from work, feeling faint, which is strange as I was fine before going to work, I didn't even shower last night before laying on the bed, woke up the next morning and I was fine, decided to lay in bed and meditate, meditating before fell into a state of enlightenment, [hypnagogic state] yes then I felt a kind of pulse, an energy, and I felt a kind connection with it, a link I felt I could control it, and I did I released some kind of force to transition the potential energy into kinetic energy, which is how I find my self I this situation "
"So I established that what is happening is my fault, BUT HOW IS THAT GOING TO HELP WITH MY CURRENT SITUATION!" he started of softly but ended up screaming at the end.
"Calm down Kent, I already established how I got up here all I need, is how to get down from here" he said before tilting his head to get a look below.
He would have tried his lock jumping off the bed but, he couldn't even afford to move that much, with the air pressure forcing him down, and his shooting him up.
Normally he should have died from the pressure, but his body was some how absorbing the force being applied to him, making him extra durable, which he didn't notice, because he has been panicking.
"So all I have to do is extract the force which I gave, in the potential energy, that shouldn't be to hard right" thinking deeply, he came to the fact that all he needed to was take back what he has given that should be simple right.
Arriving at this conclusion he closed his eyes, trying to fall into that state of enlightenment, but it was proving elusive, with him entering in and out of it.
With a bitter smile on his face he thought, 'ah! what a slippery bitch enlightenment is.'