'Did something happen' he thought thinking to him self, soon he noticed there was something wrong, the sound of the siren seem to be coming closer to his location,
Soon he saw uniformed personnel's in black, red, and blue uniforms, stepping out their vehicle, the wailing of the siren was from them,
Seeing the uniformed personnel's he guessed that his neighbors probably called, thinking what happened to be as the result of an earth quake.
He saw one of the personnel approaching him, and he figured 'this might be as much as a good time to sleep,' and with this thought he stopped holding unto his consciousness.
First person POV
My name is Adam Williams I have been an agent of the U.S. geological survey for a decade now, I joined the cause after losing my family to the Chignik earth quake 2021, its been eleven years, since their passing I've devoted my self to the cause of fighting this natural disaster hoping to help as many people as I can in other to prevent the tragedy that happened to me, from happening to others.
So when I heard of a sudden news of a possible earth quake sighting, I was reminded of the past,
And the fact that we didn't pick any readings of an earth quake, became a source of concern, so I decided to join the patrol team to see what's happening in person.
I was having doubts about it being an earth quake, I thought maybe it was the fault of poor building material,
But seeing this loss of infrastructure, the rubbles on the ground and the man laying in the rubble, struggling for his life, ha! what a tragedy it is, earth quake really is a terrible thing,
walking closer to the man laying in the rubbles , beckoning at his team members, called out
"COME QUICK there is an injured civilian here" he called out. before quickly squatting before Kent's unconscious body,
Step! step
step! step
step! step
step! step
The hurried foot steps of the medics in his team resounded, as the hurriedly approached the unconscious Kent, before running checks on him, and placing him on the stretcher, before taking into ambulance, and taking to the closest hospital.
Adam after the episode of his team members taking Kent to the hospital, was about to continue surveying the area when, the sound of a building door being violently opened,
Facing the direction of where the sound came from, Adam saw what could only be concluded as a couple breaking up,
'Its the same building to which the incident occurred, it not like I am going there to get a gist of the gossip, I am going there to investigate, yes this is official' Adam thought heading towards the couple.
"Haha! looks like Adam is at it again"
"I know right, with the way he always looking for gossip he should have been a journalist instead of this line of work"
"But that is the thing he used to be a reporter, and not just any journalist, a paparazzi, he was responsible for so many celebrity break ups, before the unfortunate passing of his wife and kids, making him turn over a new leaf"
"For real, who would have known, Adam had such a story" his colleague seeing walk to the couple discussed among them self.
Adam didn't know his teammate were discussing behind his back, even if he knows, its not like he would care,
Seeing the couple all he could think about was that he found a perfect scoop, reminiscing about the good old days being a journalist, 'ha! what a glorious time that was' he thought to him self.
Stopping in front of the couple he asked, " sorry for the interruption, but is everything alright with you two" putting on the best concerned look he could wear.
The couple hearing the sound of someone approaching them stopped their bickering, and placing their attention on the person they were both surprise to see a good looking middle age man, with a presence that screamed, I am a successful man, walking toward them.
"Sorry for the interruption, but is everything alright with both of you" he asked with a concerned gaze.
The lady was convinced that this was just person and was about to speak, but was interrupted by the man who spoke before her.
"No need for your concern everything is fine here" the man answered, thinking to him self 'what bad luck I've met with a predator like my self'
The man wasn't convinced by Adam concerned look at all after all he used the same tactics on girls having issue with their boyfriends, and stealing them from them, 'the world indeed who would have thought that someone will use my tactics on me' the man thought with a bitter smile on his face.
But the lady was not happy at all by being interrupted by the man, she cursed at him with different colorful vocabulary, raining spittle and all manner of spiteful word at his face,
Before she finally calmed down and telling Adam, all went down how they were doing their nighty to morning escapade, and how when the incident occurred how the man left her to save his own,
And how she had to struggle with the discomfort she felt, calling the authorities, before hiding under the table herself.
Adam hearing all that, turned and looked at the man with unhiding contempt, before speaking "you did right to live his pathetic ass, he is too unworthy of you" he said with a look of disgust, at having the same gander as the man, when he was wishing he was close to his family so he could save them here was someone saving him self and leaving a lady behind, ha! what a disgrace to manhood.
Time passed, and the skies became bright, at Lenox hill hospital at the recovery room Kent could be seen with an iv drip, and a vital sign monitor connected to his hands, laying on the recovery bed.
Stirring! Kent eyes started to stir open with the blinding light of the sun causing him to wince in dis comfort,
Hearing the hurried foot steps, Kent looked toward the door, and saw a nurse and men in black suit approaching, closing his eyes he thought 'oh! crap'