For All Our Sakes

Night had fallen and darkness had covered the land.

All that was left was the moon above, casting a soft glow over the quiet roads as the traveling entourage stopped at an inn near the edge of the Ross territory. 

The establishment was modest but sturdy, a large wooden structure standing between the surrounding trees, warm light spilling from its windows like tears of joy.

There was activity as a few of the soldiers and servants stayed behind with the carriages, tending to the animals and securing supplies while the rest of the party made their way inside.

Thorn entered first with Ren and Lilith behind him and Elias brought up the rear.

The scent of roasted meat, ale, and burning wood filled the air as they stepped into the ground floor of the inn, which doubled as a tavern. 

Scattered around the tavern were enough patrons to make the room seem occupied but not enough to make it look bustling.