One Could Be Ignored, Two Could Be Coincidence, But Three Is Enemy Action

Ren, Thorn, and the chest appeared in Ren's room with a pulse of displaced air. 

With a grunt, they set down the chest between themselves. Without wasting time, they secured it under Ren's bed, locking it tight and making sure there were no signs of disturbance.

As they changed out of their dark attire and into their normal clothing, Thorn exhaled deeply, still coming down from the rush of the night. "Alright, I've gotta ask. Who the hell are the Three Swordsmen?"

Ren finished buttoning his shirt before turning to face him. "Fuchsia's elite warriors. They operate just under the Kingpin himself. Ruthless, efficient, and damn near untouchable. Or at least, to anyone third rank and below."

Thorn frowned. "Great. Just what we need. Three more psychopaths to deal with."

Ren smirked. "You've already met two of them."