[In the meeting room]
As soon as entering the room, nobody could miss the magnificent presence in there.
Oliver was already seated at the far end of the oval-shaped table and was pouring over an iPad in his hand, sitting calmly, with one leg on top of the other, radiating power, masculinity and charisma.
He was dressed in a jet black suit with a neatly pressed pure white shirt and a black tie smoothly hanging on it, completing the attire. He flicked his wrist to check out the time on his expensive timepiece when Ana entered the room. He looked like one of Leonardo Da Vinci's portraits of a modern male beauty coming to life and playing with an iPad.
Below all this façade, if Ana knew any better, she would say that he appeared to be a dangerous predator just resting in wait to hunt its prey.
His green eyes were unwelcoming and sharp and his neatly combed black hair fell on his face on one side. His perfectly chiselled jaw only accentuated the rest of his facial features and he was too perfect to be a human. Ana wondered again how someone could be born this handsome and perfect in this world but with such a bad temper.
He had a smug look on his face and was looking at his iPad with utmost concentration. Ana noticed that he also had a proud smirk on his face. Or..... Was that a smile? No, she must be mistaken!
She had a bad feeling about this whole thing.
Lucas was going through the place settings and giving a welcoming smile to everyone arriving inside the room. Ana took her seat and somehow today more than ever, she just couldn't take her eyes off of Oliver. Something was different about him and she wasn't able to quite point out what it was.
It almost seemed like he was in a good mood as Lucas pointed before, but Ana immediately rejected that thought because it was impossible. Once everyone was seated, she immediately averted eye contact from Oliver because she didn't want to deal with his assholery today.
Lucas started the meeting, "Good Morning everyone. Today we have a big announcement to make for you! This is a very important news and I request everybody's attention here, please!", he said and Ana resisted the urge to sneak a peek at Oliver.
"Ollie, do you want to take over?", he asked politely.
What was happening?
Oliver rarely spoke in these meetings and he reserved his energy for sneering at people when they presented their ideas. It was unbelievable that he wanted to address today.
He graciously placed his iPad on the table and turned to face the audience in his revolving chair in one fluid motion. His green eyes hovered over the people gathered and finally rested on Ana and their eyes met for a second. She didn't realise she was staring at him and instantly averted eye contact to look elsewhere.
"Ana! Good to see you today…..!", Oliver said in a silky low voice and smirked.
Ana looked up at him suspiciously. That sounded very sarcastic. Did he already know what happened? If he knew, there was no way he was going to be quiet about it…. She gulped once and found his smirk widen.
But it was also possible that he was grasping at empty straws, so she thought that it was better to see how this played out instead of getting angry and accidentally revealing everything herself.
She nodded at him and just said, "Yes".
"Hm….. Good….. Take care of yourself!", he said sympathetically and turned away his attention to others.
Oof! That was it? Maybe he didn't know and she jumped to conclusions!
Ana was glad but couldn't believe that he just let it go so easily and doubted if there was more in store later for her. She decided that it was better to avoid him the entire day just in case.
"Everyone…. I know how much you all loved me as your CEO..... Unfortunately, I'm resigning today and from tomorrow Lucas will be taking over! I hope you are very respectful of him, like you were with me. Today will be the last day I'll be seeing you!", he announced in such a calm tone.
Ana's jaw dropped to the floor and she had a feeling that everyone in the room mirrored her expression.
She was in confusion because Oliver was basically resigning from his own company which didn't make any sense at all. But people knew better than to ask him questions.
After saying that, Oliver quickly went back to whatever amusing thing he was watching on his iPad like he just didn't drop a big bomb on everyone.
"I look forward to working with you guys!", Lucas happily said breaking the silence.
But everyone were still perplexed and nobody uttered a word. The room was pin drop silent.
Finally after what seemed like an eternity, Jack said "Congratulations, Lucas!", and everyone started following suit.
Ana was still reeling from the shock when Kathy nudged her towards congratulating Lucas.
"Oh!", Ana realized that she hadn't spoken in a long time. She came out of her trance and congratulated Lucas with all her heart.
So, no Oliver anymore? Oh my god! How great was that! But why was he resigning? It didn't make any sense! But did it matter? She should just cherish the fact that she got a much better boss now than ever. She could keep working in her dream job forever!
"That's all for today, guys! You can kindly go back to your seats and continue your works… Thanks a lot", Lucas told sincerely and people started leaving the room.
Ana also came outside with one final glance at Oliver. He didn't pay much attention as to whatever was going on and was still keenly looking at his tablet. Ana couldn't hide her excitement much like everyone else and there was a celebration brewing in their office room among men.
"I thought this was going to be the worst day ever! But it just became the best! Ohhhh.....! I'm sooooo exhilarated Kathy…. Oh my god!!!!! Can you believe it ????? We all will be working with Lucas…..!", Ana beamed in happiness hopping like a little kid in the hallway and Kathy couldn't hide her excitement either.
"Come… Let's go the restroom….", she said and dragged her friend to the ladies room so that they could share their joy in secret without alerting the entire company.
"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!", Kathy kept repeating and Ana said, "I know...…" and jumped up.
They did a fist bump and cheered each other up by hugging.
"This is the best...! I love it!", Kathy jumped cheerfully.
'Yeahhh…..", Ana said too.
"But... why would he leave his own company? It doesn't make sense to me….", Ana voiced out the query which was bugging her for sometime.
"Maybe his interests shifted and he finally decided to concentrate on something serious..…. Who the hell knows! Let's just celebrate and have fun! Okayyy…. We should definitely go drinking today with Lucas and everyone, and then to Karaoke!!", Kathy said and gestured praying to god.
"Yeaaaahhhhh! Of course... I'm so happy right now, I could cry!", Ana hugged Kathy again in joy.
"No more yelling and crying! Finally, freedom…Oh, thank god!"
"Yeah… Come… Let's find Lucas…", Ana grabbed Kathy but she was standing there a bit.
"Wait! Wait! Let me straighten up my skirt a bit. It's a real mess today…", she said looking at the mirror and ironing out her already perfect dress.
"Oh! Kathy… You look good already… Just leave it…"
Ana caught herself in the mirror smiling from ear to ear, which was happening after a long time. Her cheeks were flushed in a deep crimson red adding a nice colour to her face.
She thanked all the gods for making this a reality for her. Oliver's reign was over, she was extremely happy not to put up with his snarky remarks and cold blooded attitude anymore.
They both finally reached back to the office room but observed a lot of grim faces, especially girls.
"Ughh! Are they really sad that he's leaving? Give me a break….!", Ana sighed in frustration.
Seriously? All those superficial people who only saw the outer beauty in people!, she thought. Ana really hated them. But, to be honest, Oliver was a rare beauty in his own way. Ana never saw him that way because of his personality anyways. Instead of being a jerk all the time, if he was a little sweet, smiled a bit and had been kind, then he'd just be godlike.
"Yes… I can't believe this... Although, even I'll miss his pretty face a little…", Kathy joked.
Ana slapped her friend's shoulder mockingly, "Cut it, Kathy…. Not you too…. He's such a rich snob…. I'll never fall for such a guy even in a million lives...", she said firmly.