"Hey…. Don't cry, Ana…..", Lucas extended his hand which she gladly took and got up on her feet.
"I'm…..m…..scared….", she uttered in between sobs and Lucas took her in a warm embrace. He shot a 'Look what you have done' look at Oliver and Oliver shrugged back in response. If she was scared of him, it wasn't his problem.
"Weaklings…..", he muttered under his breath and moved towards removing the carnage in his house. Now, she was Lucas's problem and not his.
"Ana….. Hey... Look at me...! Calm down…. Come, sit here...", Lucas softly said patting her back and soothing her first.
Her mind was fuzzy and completely gone for a toss. She was puzzled of what to believe and again sneaked a peak at Oliver who was dragging up the wrangled bodies making a heap in the corner of the room. He was back to normal, back to being her obnoxious boss and not the bloody creature with horns.
The bodies in front were humans just like her. They wore black robes over their normal clothing, but now they were just a mess of blood and bodies on the floor. She cried again, unable to stop the tears from breaking out.
"Yes….. Just get it all out of your system…..", Lucas said as he embraced her, stroking her hair affectionately.
Ana tightly shut her eyes not wanting to see anything. She wanted to find some solace form Lucas to calm down first and worry about everything else later.
She released herself from his hug and met his eyes with watery eyes and pouted lips.
"It's okay.…..", he purred, "Are you feeling okay now?", he asked softly and she nodded yes.
She wiped off the remaining tears away from her cheeks and noticed that Lucas was hurt. Even though he had done some sloppy first aid of his own, more blood was leaking from his wound and he needed medical help immediately.
"Lucas... your leg….. You need to go to the hospital…..", she urgently searched for her phone to call an ambulance but realised that she wasn't in her night pants and didn't see her phone in a long time.
"Hey…Ana… Look here…. Relax… okay? First breathe…", Lucas was guiding her and she followed his cue and breathed slowly. Three deep breaths as always trying to calm down first.
If she was reacting this bad for whatever happened, Lucas was worried how she was going to react once she known who they were. And he wasn't even sure if they have to tell her everything or keep her in the dark.
Since she'd have already seen them fight, especially Oliver, she'd have known by now that they weren't humans. Maybe that could be the reason why she got afraid of Oliver as soon as the fight was over.
"But… you need to go to the hospital, Lucas….", she chimed bringing his attention back.
"Uh…... actually, not required…. I'll be fine… but, I want you to first calm down…."., he said gradually taking her away to sit in a chair which he was previously resting on. He didn't need to go to the hospital. One of the mages took him by surprise and gashed him, but he could heal himself with his powers and maybe with some help from Oliver.
"Luke, if you're done there, I could use some help over here!", Oliver said standing over a pile of corpse with hands on his hips like he was god. Ana's eyes darted over to him and the mere sight of everything made her threw up a little in her mouth.
She released Lucas's hand but stood up and faced Oliver, "He needs to go to the hospital…. Right now!", she firmly condemned him.
She didn't know where she found the courage but it came to her because of Oliver's insensitivity. Lucas pressed her shoulder from behind and smiled at her… "Um, Ana… I'll be fine… Why don't you go inside and we'll talk in sometime?", he offered politely but Ana refused to listen.
She was ready to fight with Oliver for Lucas's sake and stood in front of him defensively folding her hands, challenging Oliver to say another word.
Oliver just pursed his lips and tilted his head shooting a 'what now?' look at Lucas.
"Ana….", Lucas was hesitant and trying to find a way to make her understand but she turned furiously at him. "Um... We…. We'll be fine…", he uttered but that didn't make any change in her expression.
"Oh.. for god's sake! Don't be such a baby!", Oliver cried out and bridged the gap between them in a matter of seconds.
For a minute there she thought he was going to slap her, push her away or turn into some creature again and devour her. Even though she cringed a bit, she refused to budge an inch.
Oliver stood right in front of her, his green eyes burning with anger and suddenly Ana felt everything going dark around her again.
"Not again….!", she grumbled and caught Lucas's hand just in time before she went completely blind to the darkness surrounding the room.
Her eyes took a while to adjust to the darkness but when she finally noticed it, she felt a chill run down her spine when there was a mild red glow in front of her radiating from Oliver, just like moments before.
She tightened her grip on Lucas's hand but found that there was a red glow coming from behind her as well. She turned to see that Lucas and Oliver almost looked alike.
Their skin a shining bronze, dark toffee coloured under which a blood red glow was slowly dissipating. Their eyes completely red and sharp like lasers. Both of them had small horns which are almost invisible under the thick hair. They were bulkier than their usual self and that was all Ana could observe under the darkness.
They wore the same clothes which they were wearing moments ago but they were not the same people. Lucas stared at Oliver and angled Ana in a way that now he was the one facing Oliver.
He let go of Ana's hand and slowly brought his hand to the wounded leg and placed it there. Ana saw Oliver doing the same thing and they were both whispering and chanting something unknown to her.
Ana was frightened, curious and overwhelmed all at the same time. She didn't know what she witnessed in front of her was some kind of magic or her own hallucinations. She still couldn't believe her eyes even after witnessing live corpses just inches away from where she was standing. This was all too much to handle.
As they were both chanting, a light red glow poured over from their hands and that was the only thing visible to her. She took a step back worried about Lucas when all of a sudden everything came back to normal, the lights, the brightness and both of them looked humans again.
Ana's eyes took some time to adjust to the new brightness and she cursed under her breath. They both were keenly looking at her to gauge her reaction and she did the same. Lucas was completely okay now, his leg as good as new with no trace of the blood which was oozing out few seconds back. Except for the tattered jean he wore, there was no proof of any wound ever happening.
"Okay…. I'll ask… What the hell?", she questioned, shooting a look at both of them. Now that she had somehow calmed herself down, she felt courageous and ready to confront them. She thought at least Lucas was on her side but even he was fooling her with his own secrets.
Oliver conveniently ignored her, shrugged it off, looking at Lucas like he owes all the explanation to this crazy woman.
Lucas said it out loud like ripping off a band-aid, "Ana….. We're demons..!"