Deals with demons

Ana pondered what Lucas said for a few minutes, "So, the only way now is with this necklace….", she said mostly to herself but found Lucas nodding in agreement.

"And we're not able to remove it….", she said and he again nodded.

"Is there anyone we can ask about this? Maybe from hell?", she was unsure if what she was asking even made sense to him but Lucas immediately nodded no.

"It's not that easy to contact demons… Demons are… demigods… And to summon up a demigod… it takes a lot of energy, caution.. especially from Earth….. it's just not feasible and we need help from mages to do that….", he accepted in defeat.

It wasn't like this thought never crossed Lucas or Oliver. They had been discussing since the day before but the current morning events changed their beliefs further.

"Mages? You mean the guys who tried to kill us today morning?", she asked uncertainly.

"Yes… Exactly…"

That was bad news! The only people who could help them to solve this issue tried to kill them, so whom to go?

"Ana… We'll somehow figure it out… I promise!", Lucas squeezed her hand gently and this time Ana let it happen. "First eat…", he said.

Ana started munching off on her burger in silence. She had more questions to ask him, but right now she was concerned how they could remove the necklace which was the major cause of all these issues. 

"Can we try cutting this in half?", she asked him and saw his reaction go from soft to mischief like that of a child who had done something wrong, "We tried everything when you were unconscious, but nothing works….. I'm very sorry… Maybe you'll have to give it up by yourself", he apologised for violating her privacy.

"No.. I tried too.. It's not coming off….. I got myself electrocuted", she said defeated.

"What do you mean?", he asked in disbelief.

"When we were back home, I tried removing it and felt like electrocuted so I stopped. Did you feel the same when you tried?"

"Yes", he agreed sadly. 

That was when something hit her.

Why didn't they kill her yet? Oliver tried it once but he lost consciousness if her memory was right. According to her knowledge, she had been unconscious for two whole days which was enough time for them to finish her off.

It wasn't like Oliver to be kind to her as she had somehow mistakenly intervened in something which was very important to him, she had been a major disturbance in their plan and now she was the only thing preventing him from going back. If they killed her, they could've easily taken the pendant off her corpse right? And they were demons for crying out loud! Till now she didn't see that because of the trust she had on Lucas and humankind. But it was dawning on her that they were not human after all.

She asked him the same without any hesitations, "Why haven't you killed me yet?"

Lucas was taken aback for a moment as he didn't expect Ana to be that straightforward. He searched for an answer when Oliver entered as if on cue and took his seat again.

"That's because we're not able to….", he replied with the same detachment he exhibited every time he spoke.

But this time Ana didn't let herself become sensitive, she decided to tough up and asked, "Why not?"

Oliver sighed and glared back at her, "Can't you just be grateful that you're still alive and move on?"

"No… It's unlike you to have helped me back there… I know you hate me… I can see it in your eyes… See it in the way you talk to me every time… I just…. I want to know… What is stopping you from killing me? It's not like you have taken new pity on me and spared my life… I caught you feeling confused of your own actions…. Tell me the truth if you need my help", she said firmly with confidence.

She was too emotional, swept up by the conflicting events and even somewhat hoping that there was some good in everything but not anymore. They both were demons. Given a chance, they'd slice her up the same way they tore those mages apart and would live without an ounce of remorse. It'd be foolish of her to believe in them any further. If she must be involved in this game, she must fight for her survival too.

Oliver observed her with new interest and spoke coolly, "Hm… Now, you've spoken like a human…."

"So?", she raised an eyebrow in question.

"I don't need to answer to the likes of you…", he snarled angrily.

"Then, I won't help you…. From what I've heard so far, looks like you need me more than I need you…. So, why should I help you anyways?", she knew she was playing a dangerous game but he wasn't leaving her much choice.

She wanted to know the truth to decide how much risk she was putting herself in. She didn't need their help. If the pendant didn't come off, good, let that be. Who cared!

Oliver was furious his gaze zoning in on her in a threatening way when Lucas touched his hand mildly, preventing him from speaking anything that would further put them at a disadvantage, "Ana… I understand your concerns. The truth is.... You're right. We can't kill you…", he declared boldly.

"Why not?"

"Because of that damn necklace, I'm forced to protect you…. are you happy now?", Oliver retorted in frustration.

Ana took some time to assimilate the new information.

He's forced to protect her?

"Is this why you couldn't kill me that day in that old room?", she finally voiced out the question which was nagging at her.


"Also, why you protected me today morning?"

"Yes.", he said indifferently.

"Okay.. Let's just say that, now this necklace is preventing you from killing me but what is the guarantee that you'd not cause me any harm after I give up on this?", she showed the pendant and Oliver averted eye contact.

Oh! This human was definitely smart, he thought. He must be careful around her and not take her so lightly. If she also got to know his weaknesses, he'd be done for.

"Be happy that I haven't killed you already and move on, weakling…", Oliver threatened her but she ignored his threats. She understood that she had the upper hand here and he was only making empty threats at her.

Ana was quiet for some time wondering how she could ensure her own safety after all this was over. She was tempted to give them that necklace, end all this and go their separate ways but if this was the only thing protecting her from them, then how could she give up on that?

Oliver was plotting a hundred different ways to torture and kill her. He couldn't stand the fact that they had to rely on such a weak creature to solve their issues. Humans! They were all the same, greedy, selfish, prideful and disgusting. They should've never existed in the first place.

"Then make a deal with me….", she uttered suddenly taking them both by surprise.

Lucas shot a look at Oliver trying to get him to do the exact thing which he didn't want to do. "No!", Oliver said strongly even before any of them could ask any further.

"I've read about demons and the deals they make. I'll give up on this necklace in exchange that you won't kill me after all this is over… If you were really demons, I know how much you value the deals you make. If that is true, make a deal with me… Or is that also just a myth", she boldly declared all the while knowing that she was treading on thin ice.

But she still took a shot in the dark finally coming to terms with the cruel reality. She wouldn't take a risk on their behalf.