"Blood and Shadows" unfolds in a realm divided into two distinct territories: the first is where humans reside, and the second is a land filled with dark magic, holding the ancient history of their ancestry. Prince Belin, the rightful heir to the Eastanzarth kingdom, teams up with Princess Liria to uncover the mystery behind a deadly attack on their castle. Their journey takes them through perilous lands, and in the midst of their fight for survival, they are separated. As Liria faces the unknown, she is captured by a dashing assassin, whose true intentions remain a mystery. Will he deliver her to those who orchestrated the attack, or will he help her embrace the power tied to her ancestry? As the forces of darkness close in, both Belin and Liria must navigate treachery and magic to uncover the truth, but only one of them might survive the shadows that threaten to consume them.
This book is soooo good. I'm in love 🤩 You should try reading it. Its's very well written and the plot is really nice 💕