"Yours." Rex placed a shot glass filled with Soma wine in front of Zanis, who sat stiffly on the couch by the fireplace.
Zanis eyed the drink, his fingers twitching on his knees as he adjusted his posture, straightening his back like he was in the military. Rex took the seat across from him, setting the bottle beside his own glass. "Let's begin."
"…Yes." Zanis's voice was calmer now, though his jaw remained tight.
"Alright, I'll be transparent." Rex exhaled, then leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees. "I don't want to be captain."
"What?" Zanis blinked. He instinctively reached to push up his glasses—only to remember they were shattered. "You… don't want to be captain?"
Rex nodded. "That's correct."
"Then why—?!" Zanis nearly snapped, frustration cracking through his formal demeanor. But he quickly swallowed it, taking a sharp breath and regaining control. "So what was the point of your attack?"
"Let me rephrase." Rex clapped his hands together. "I want everything that comes with being captain—money, resources, influence—but not the paperwork, meetings, or Guild politics." He pointed at Zanis. "You stay as manager. Keep the Familia running."
Zanis's eyes narrowed. "…You want the Familia's assets without the responsibilities."
"That's exactly what I just said."
"How fitting." Zanis chuckled dryly. "No one wants leadership's burden—only its privileges."
"You get it!" Rex smirked. "Someone once said, 'With great power comes great responsibility.' And I say—fuck the responsibility, just give me the power!" He raised his fist in mock triumph.
"..." Zanis said nothing, his expression unreadable.
"And you've seen my stats." Rex's smile widned. "With Indomitable Will, I'll be the fastest-growing adventurer in Orario. Surpassing even the Sword Princess. And that makes you lucky."
Zanis raised an eyebrow. "Lucky?"
"I mean, yeah." Rex tilted his head. "Let's be real, Zanis. You're weak. If a Level 3—hell, even a stronger Level 2—decided to do what I just did and they were more business-savvy than I was, you'd be dead."
Zanis's fist clenched on his knee, but he stayed silent.
"But with me, you will get protection. I will build myself up, get stronger, and guard the source of my wealth." He gestured broadly. "Which includes you. So? Yes or no?"
Zanis stared at him for a long moment. "…And if I refuse?"
"For real?" Rex blinked incredulous. "You're considering refusal? Are you trying to get yourself killed? Are you retarded?"
He sighed, then raised one finger. "Option one: You say no. I report you to the Guild. They'll investigate this Familia thoroughly—not that slap on the wrist they gave Soma—and I'm sure they'll find something on you. You'll be stripped of your falna, your position, your wealth, and locked in a Ganesha prison cell."
Rex locked eyes with him. "Meanwhile, I'll join Loki or Freya. I lose nothing. You lose everything."
A second finger. "Option two: You say yes, and we work together—not as master and servant, but as partners. You keep your position, your falna, your freedom, while I get stronger, bring in more money, and more prestige. We both win."
"Soo..." Rex trailed off, smiling. "What's your choice?"
The silence between them stretched for what seemed like an hour before Zanis leaned forward and picked up the shot glass. He looked down at his reflection for a while—his broken nose, his slightly swollen eyes, his busted lip—then he smirked.
"Let's toast," he said, lifting the shot glass. "To our partnership, Rex Magnus."
Rex smiled, mirroring the gesture. "To our partnership, Zanis Lustra."
The glasses clinked. Both men tipped their heads back and downed the shot in one go.
The moment the liquid went down his throat, warmth spread through Rex's body—not like fire, but like liquid gold melting into his veins. His chest tightened, his pulse quickened, and for a split second, it felt like his very soul was exhaling.
Normally, after this would come the wave of pure, unfiltered euphoria, but that never came. Indomitable Will stopped it.
"Haah..." Rex exhaled, calming his body. "Damn. Forgot how good this shit is." He mumbled, picking up the bottle. "How is this not illegal?"
"Soma doesn't shred your mind like those cheap narcotics," Zanis said, holding out his shot glass as Rex poured more. "It's far more refined. There's no delirium, no wild madness. Instead, it seeps into you like a warm tide of euphoria, making your whole body hum with pleasure."
He downed the entire cup. "Yet, unlike other drugs, there isn't the usual withdrawal—no restless shakes or crawling skin once it fades. People drift back to normal all on their own…"
"Ah," Rex mumbled. 'That's why I got no withdrawal. It isn't because of Indomitable Will.'
"However, in the Soma Familia," Zanis continued, "another cup is placed in everyone's hands before the last wave even finishes. They never come down enough to realize they're caught in a cycle—one gentle high rolling into the next."
He smiled, meeting Rex's eyes. "And that is how Soma can enthrall so many without truly driving them mad. An elegant trap, if you ask me—just enough bliss to keep them chasing the taste and keep them locked in the Familia."
Rex shivered.
"And do you know something else?" Zanis pointed at the bottle, "You can force me to drink every last drop of that bottle and Soma's influence would turn me into a very dependable servant…" He paused, "I'll be happy to comply with every order you give me."
The 'absolute' that was created by Soma.
"... And you're telling me this, because?" Rex asked. "Wouldn't it be better to keep that to yourself."
"I am giving you all the alternate options, so you can take it if you want." Zanis explained, "I don't want you finding out about this in the future and betraying this partnership we're building. So are you going to use the bottle?"
"Huh." Rex looked at the bottle.
Mind control.
It was the perfect tool. No risk of betrayal. No loose ends. No complicated power struggles. Just an obedient Zanis. It was foolproof. And yet... Rex found himself repulsed by it.
Was it morality? Maybe. It wasn't like he had a spotless conscience, but he wanted influence, not slaves. Zanis might be a snake, but he was a competent one. The man had built up this Familia over twelve years, managing its finances, keeping things running even when Soma checked out. That kind of competence is what he needed and he didn't want the wine fucking up such a good brain.
"Na, let's try to do this like two normal men." He placed the bottle on the table. "But don't get me wrong," he locked eyes with the captain, "I will use it if you step out of line."
"Haha." Zanis laughed. "Don't worry. I will only do something when my 'investment' is going down the drain." He used his glass to point at Rex, "Right now, there is a lot of potential in this partnership, and I will hate to flush it before it starts."
Rex nodded before taking down the entire glass, shivering as he placed the shot glass on the table. "Now, let's get to income." He sat back. "How much valis can I take from the Familia budget to get myself started."
Zanis thought for a while before replying, "I will need to look through some records, but off the top of my head, there is about seven million valis with no clear allocation."
"That's…" Rex's voice trailed off. 'Seven million valis...'
Prime Rex would've needed three years of dungeon diving to earn that. Even converted to dollars—what's the exchange rate again in yen?—it was more than he'd ever seen in his old life. More than two years of flipping burgers at McDonald's.
He stared at Zanis, mouth slightly open. Then a shaky grin split his face. "That's… a lot."
His mind flashed to his old self—the version of him sweating behind a fryer, counting pennies for rent. The version that ate ramen for a week straight because his car broke down. The version who'd daydreamed of this exact moment between drive-thru orders.
"Wow…" He ran a hand through his hair, laughing weakly. "I'm… rich." The word felt absurd, like a punchline. Then it hit him—rich. "HAHAHA! I AM FUCKING RICH!"
Zanis flinched as Rex leapt up, knocking his couch back. "DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I'VE DREAMED OF THIS?!"
"Your whole life?" Zanis muttered.
"TWO LIFETIMES!" Rex shouted, pacing like a caged animal. He stopped abruptly, staring at the ceiling. "And I got it by beating up a washed-up monkey and stealing his bananas."
Zanis's eye twitched. 'That's me he's talking about…!'
"Ahhh…" Rex spread his arms towards the sky, grinning like a kid on Christmas. 'This is truly the…
'American Dream…'
"We do need to discuss taxes," Zanis interrupted, crossing his legs.
'Taxis, always that shit.' Rex sighed.
"After Guild fees and more Familia upkeep, expect three million usable valis." Zanis continued. "Maybe less."
"Three million's still insane." Rex said as he picked up his chair. "What happens to the rest?" he asked as he sat down. "The unallocated money?"
"They go into a general fund or reserves," Zanis shrugged. "I take some for my savings."
"Right, savings." Rex nodded, folding his arms. "How much have 'we' saved in 'our' savings?"
Zanis's mouth twitched at the emphasis, but he kept his tone neutral. "Ninety-seven million."
There was a long silence then Rex leaned forward, eyes narrowing. "Run that shit by me again."
"In the past twelve years," Zanis began. "I've managed to save approximately ninety-seven million valis."
"Oh, damn." Rex slumped back, the number thudding in his skull. Ninety-seven million. That was more money than he can even conceptualize. "We've saved… why?"
"To buy myself a grimoire." Zanis sighed, fingers going up to adjust his nonexistent glasses. "But I suppose that won't be happening now, will it?"
"Hundred percent. That money's mine now." Rex nodded. "Doubt I'll need even fifteen percent of it, but I'll be dipping in."
Zanis took a deep breath, calming himself. "…Have your way with it." He will need some time to adjust to this new dynamic.
"And how do I use it?" Rex patted his pouch. "I can't really travel with millions in coins. You have checks or something?"
"Yes." Zanis stood, crossing to his desk. His eyes flicking to the spot where Rex had humiliated him earlier, then yanked open a drawer and pulled out a checkbook. Stamping four slips with the Soma Familia seal, he ripped them free and handed them to Rex.
"Write any amount here," Zanis said as Rex took it. "and hand it to the recipient. The Guild will collect the valis from me."
"Simple enough." Rex tucked the blank checks into his pouch.
"And please," Zanis pleaded, hands clasped like a penitent, "don't use them recklessly. Don't waste my money."
"I'm not an idiot who will waste 'my' money." Rex turned to leave. "I've got two hundred thousand on me which I will use first." He paused at the door, glancing back. "Oh—try to lift Soma's wine ban. I kinda feel bad for the guy."
Zanis raised an eyebrow. "And how will I do that?"
"You could tell the guild that a business partner is demanding more or something." He shrugged. "more stock or something. I don't know how that shit works."
"That won't work." Zanis rubbed the bridge of his nose. "We have no partnerships. Even if we did, the Guild would need proof from a reputable source."
"Ah…" Rex nodded with a hum, thinking for a second. "How about partnering with the Ishtar Familia?"
"It could work if we have a formal agreement." Zanis leaned back, glancing down at the papers scattered across his desk. He'd need to reorganize them to get back to work. "Ishtar is a major Familia. If they demand Soma's ban be lifted, it might influence the Guild."
He paused. "And the partnership would be work since the Ishtar Familia won't be able to resist real Soma being sold in the pleasure quarter, but," Zanis rubbed his temples as if already regretting the paperwork, "it'll mean hiring more people for the accounting department. Right now, I manage everything alone. A partnership would make that impossible and risk uncovering some things…"
"That's on you, Captain." Rex flashed a thumbs-up, grinning as he backed toward the door. "Use your big brain."
Rex left the room, closing the door behind him, his smile dropping as he thought, 'Selling Soma's wine though the Ishtar should boost Soma's 'stock value.''
And if it does increase the stock value, they could stash crates of the wine in Ishtar Familia's vaults days before they get obliterated by the Freya Familia—based on his current timeline of Bell just leveling up, it should be in a month from now. And when they do, the Soma Familia could claim their stored inventory was destroyed in the attack.
The Guild might compensate them for the loss, or even pressure Freya to pay damages. However, he knew that the Freya would likely avoid paying damage, so the Soma Familia could snatch a slice of the Pleasure Quarter's prime real estate once Ishtar's territory went up for grabs. Who knows, he might just be able to get the entire Belit Babili and make that his new base or something.
'Shit, I am intelligent.' Rex rubbed his jaw, commending his brain even though that was just common sense. 'Maybe I should try this business thing.'
But now wasn't the time. He needed to focus on returning to the dungeon and grinding the middle floors. First, though, he had to officially register as a Level 2, which meant another trip to the Guild. Stepping out of the Familia building, Rex took a deep breath of the cool afternoon air. It washed away the tension from earlier, and he looked up at the clear sky, slowly transitioning into evening hues.
'I won't be able to do much today since things are closing down,' he thought, stretching as he walked. 'So I'll need to get up early tomorrow and start getting my new commissioned gears and everything else.'
He sighed. 'I just hope Zanis isn't planning anything stupid.' Despite the man's calm demeanor about this new 'partnership,' Rex doubted it was genuine. 'Should I use Soma on him?' he wondered, folding his arms.
It was a foolproof method, but Rex didn't like the idea of mind control. Out of all the genres he'd read, mind control porn was the worst…
'I can't believe I just thought of that.' He shook his head, pushing the thought aside as he continued walking.
The Guild's front soon came into view, and he strode toward it. Entering inside, the Guild was as busy as when he had left two hours ago. Rose had just finished helping a rabbit-eared girl who was blushing so hard it was obvious she had a crush on the werewolf.
'Wolf and rabbit?' Rex thought, watching the petite, white haired rabbit girl walk past him. 'That will create another Legoshi and Haru situation.'
As he walked towards the receptionist desk, he heard Rose sigh when she noticed him, her tone practically begging him to go to someone else. So he did, walking up to the half-elf he remembered was Bell's advisor.
"I want to register my level-up," he said, which made Rose sigh even louder, confusing him.
"Ah, that's something only your advisor can do," the half-elf said with a slight smile. "If you can tell me your advisor's name, I'll check when they're working."
'Why is level-up registration limited to your advisor?' Rex thought. 'A money thing to get the advisor paid?' Just as he was about to say Rose's name, the werewolf spoke up.
"I'll take him." She stood from her booth.
"Eh?" Eina turned to Rose. "You're his advisor?" she asked, and Rose nodded slowly. 'Aha…' Eina finally understood why Rose had been sighing so loudly. "She'll take you," the elf addressed Rex, who nodded.
Rex followed Rose to the same room they'd used earlier. She opened the door. "Wait here," she said as he entered. "I'll get the registration slip."
"Alright." Rex stepped inside, taking the same seat he'd sat in before, facing the window with the setting sunlight streaming through.
Rose left for a moment, returning shortly with a clipboard, a paper, and a pen, taking the same seat she'd occupied last time. "I assume that the coin flip you did was to decide if to level up or not," Rose began as she slid the clipboard toward him with the pen.
"Not really," Rex replied, looking down at the registration slip. "It was for something else. Not important, though, so don't worry about it." He could particularly feel her glare.
The form was simple: name, Familia, current level, time taken to level up, and other details, with optional sections like what he had done to earn a high-rank elixir or development ability. He filled out everything except the development ability section and handed it back to Rose.
She took it, scanning the details before glancing up at him. "An infant dragon?"
"Yes," Rex nodded.
She said nothing, jotting down a few notes before signing it. "I won't be taking up any more of your time."
Rose glanced at the clock behind Rex. Seven more minutes until she could clock the fuck out. "Since you're a Level 2 now," She returned her golden eyes to Rex, "why don't we take seven minutes to discuss a few things about the Middle Floors?"
"Right," Rex sat back down. "Tell me about the wyverns."
Rose blinked. "Why don't we start with the weakest and most common monster, the Almiraj?"
[Author's Note: I feel like the negotiation was a bit drawn out but I wanted make it as 'realistic' as possible. Also, do you think Rex should go full armor or just stay light? I think light is better. Even if he isn't an agility based fighter, with more in strength and endurance, a full set of armor would be cumbersome. As for the weapon, I was thinking of something like Leysritt Halberd from Fate Stay Night.
Now, romance. I was thinking about romance/relationships and I will be interested in your thoughts and idea.
Anyway, thanks for reading and have a good day/night~~~ o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ