Percy POV

"Percy Percy Percy" I heard a voice when i got conscious. When I opened my eyes i saw Annabeth standing in front of me.

I lunged at her hugged her as hard as I cound.

I said" Annabeth, Oh I am so glad you are all right. I was so afraid when he hurt you. Bit how are you alive, I saw you died. What happend."

Annabeth shook her head and said, " Percy, I don't think we are alive look around you.

After listening her I lool around and what i saw is white. Total white. We are in a room. There is nothing but just a big white room.

I asked Annabeth," Annabeth, where are we. What is this place."

She had a frown on her face. She said, " I don't know percy. I am not sure. I can't find anything." She hated not knowing.

We look around us amd there is nothing that can tell us where are we. So we decided to wait for the person who put us here.

Annabeth asked, " Percy, what happend after I died. "

I know if I tell her the truth she will lecture me how I should have been more careful, I should have thought before doing sometgimg, blah blah blah. So easy

I lied ," I don't remember wise girl."

But I forgot she is a daughter of Athena its almost impossible to fool her especially for me. She just know me too well. She glared at me and said, "Percy look into my eyes amd tell me the truth."

I looked at her amd stammered, " I got angry and attacked Typhoon recklessly. " Then I tell her every thing that happend.

She looked downright murderous and was about to start her rant when I interject, " I know I know , What I did was wrong but when I saw you hurt my mind just shut off and I did what I did".

" But I don't regret it. I killed him Anna. He hurt you and I killed him. I will do it again in a heartbeat. Anyone who hurt you i will just tear them apart".

"I am sorry if you are angry but I am not sad Anna for what I did. I love you a lot like a lot and Life without you will not be same so O don't regret what I did okey."

She just looked at me for a long time and then sighed heavily," Oh seaweed brain! What will I do with you. I can't even get mad at you. And I love you too." Then she hugged me.

Suddenly we heard a voice, " Ah! It almost made me cry."

We turn at once and saw what a man. Not just any man The man, The legend, The creator of my favorite comics THE STAN LEE.

"Stan lee, Sir, I am a great fan. Your character, the stories, the technology is everyman's dream sir. And don't even ask about beautiful heroins sir. They are so beautiful that I can barely take my eyes of them.but sir why do they suffer in your story. I was so mad for them and idiot heroes. Like Reed Richards, Scooty summers and others. They have so beautiful girl on their side and they spent their time on machines. Idiot pure Idiot if you ask me Sir. But Sir why are you here. Did you die too. Then what about marvel sir, The stories, The heroins Sir The heroines. What about them." I ranted.

But suddenly I felt a chill and a target pointed at my back. I turn and glare I received from Anna was almost worse thanTartrua itself.

" Seaweed Brain, you do care about helpless, week heroin very much do you." She said.

I said " Come on Wise Girl. Even you believe they are beautiful. Remember our first threesome. The girl was so beautiful. Her boobs, Her pass we enjoyed so much. Just imagine the different girls of marvel Jean Grey, Orroor Munroe, Susan Strom, Peggy Carter, Mary Jane, Gwen Stacy, Natasha, Yelena and other beautiful girls. Just imagine Wise Girl. You, I and Them. So much fun Anne and So much beauty. "

Annabeth is bisexual. She likes boys and girl both. She never looks at other boys but girls are the different matter. We had so much fun with other girls demigoddes, naidas, nature spirits, humans. It was so much fun the past time.

She almost drooled after hearing me. But she composed herself and said, "Focus Seewead Brain Focus. Feel the aura of the man."

After she said that i felt his aura it wasn't enormous like Gods. It was also not like Gaia or Tartrus ancient, monstrous and full of malice. It was shoothing, light and full of hope. It was like anything and everything. I had a suspicion of who he is but

"Who are you" I asked.

''I am GOD" He said



And then started laughing🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣