Odin POV-
Its been seven years since my youngest son was born. He is giving us surprise after suprise. Firstly The Spear Then The Armor. They were precious and powerful items.
Speaking of the Armor. It is golden in color. It covers him from head to toe. There are Red gloves in his hand and Blue Wings behind his back. I can feel dragon aura from the Armor. It came from the Gloves and Wings.
When Frigga told me about armor I tried to check it. But it didn't came out. Only when Perseus is in danger it will come out. How do i know? Once Frigga and Perseus were playing and I was there. The tip of Spear Gungir was on Perseus' side. And that very moment the Armor appeared on him.
When I studied it I found it to almost unbreakable. And it has a Dragon Aura too. Well what matter is Perseus is almost immune to harm because of it.
Frigga who was next to me said, '' Tomorrow is the day when Perseus, Zoe and Anna will get there domains. ''
I rep lied, '' Yes. Well Girls were going to get it last year but they wanted it to be together. So they are getting there domains late.''
She smiled and said, '' It is to be expected. They are practically join to the hip.''
I asked,'' Where are they?''
She said, '' Sleeping. They were very excited. Anna said when we are sleeping time moves faster. So they all went to sleep.''
I smiled at that and said ,'' Well that is to be expected. She practically controls them both. ''
She said, ''Yes. Let's go to sleep too. I am very excited for tomorrow. What domain will our son get?''
I replied, '' I do have an idea about his domains. But I want to see it too. Sleep well my love.''
She replied ,'' You too.''
Then we went to sleep.
Perseus POV -
I woke up. I am very excited because today we are going to get our domains. Then I will go swimming.
I went to open the curtains of the windows. I saw it is barely morning. I thought I have to wait for some time. I went to bed and sat there. I started thinking about the progress I made.
My powers are still not developed yet. I can't summon the more powerful weapon from the Gate of Bablyon. Only simple Sword and Spear. But I can feel it the more powerful weapons in there. They are very powerful. They have the power to destroy a planet.
It is so frustrating to have something but can't use it. Mother doesn't let me learn magic. She said I have to be at least of proper age to learn it.
So I spent my days playing with my family, Zoe and Anna. It is so cute to see Anna act as her bossy self in her eight year old body. Her chubby cheeks look very cute when she try to act as adult.
Thor is very jolly to play with. Just like we see in the movie he loves his family the most. He loves to fight very much. He brought spoils from his wars.
Vidar is always quite and Baldur is usually not seen with us. Tyr is always busy in protecting the Nine realms and Loki is Loki. He spends most of his time on playing pranks, creating heavoc. He is smart and a monster in magic. He has learn many schools of magic.
I was busy thinking when the door of my room open and my mother came in. She looks at me and smiled,'' Excited for today ha!''
I seriously said ,'' Yes ! Mother. Today I will get my domains then I will protect you from everything. ''
She smiled and said,'' You have to be stronger than me to protect me. And I can asure you my son your mother is not weak.''
I know what she is saying. She is far from weak. She is one of the greatest magician in the Nine realms. I said, '' I know you are not weak. But still I will protect you. And I will become strong. I am a Friggason after all.''
She laughed and said,'' Its not Friggason it is Odinson.''
I asked ,'' Why''
She said ,'' Because it is the name of the Father that a child is known of.''
I didn't understand So I asked,''Why mother?''
She replied, '' Because the name of the father is very important. ''
I asked,'' But the name of the mother is also important. ''
Frigga then smiled and said ,'' Both are very important but its tradition to be know by Father's name.''
She saw I was going to argue further so she held her hand to stop me and said,'' We can talk about this later but now it is time for you to take bath. Let's go.''
I immediately said, '' Mother I can bath myself. You don't need to worry about it.''
My mother got sad and said, '' My son doesn't love me anymore. He doesn't want to spend time with me.''
I knew she was acting but I can't stand her sad face so in the end I decided to sacrifice my modesty and said, '' Don't cry mother let's go to bath.''
She smiled a triumph smile and said, '' Let's go.''
She took my hand and we went into bathroom to bath.
After bathing I was dressed in a blue dress. This dress was blue with green outline. It was like the dress of the Prince from a Disney movie.
After that we left to meet Anna and Zoe. Since they are also getting there domains. We went to there room and knocked on the door. We open the door after getting permission.
I went inside amd saw both the girls. They were looking so cute. Zoe was wearing a brown dress that was contrasting with her brown eyes. Her eyes are sharp like those of wolf. Her dress was like a long Gown.
On the other hand Anna was wearing the same kind of Gown. But hers was blonde like her hair. Even in this life her eyes were grey. And she was still analyzing everything she saw.
I went to them and said like a gentleman, '' You both are looking very beautiful. So are you excited for today.''
Zoe said,'' Thank you sir. You are looking handsome too. And Yes I am very much excited. I will finally get my domains and will become stronger.''
I knew she was getting tired of these dresses she want to go to forests and be with nature.
I turn to Anna and I know she was excited as well. But wasn't for domains but for something else.
Anna said, '' I am so excited Seaweed Brain. I am finally going to see Yggdrasil. I have heard so much about it. I can't wait to see it.''
And I stand correct. She is more happy about learning something new. My Wise Girl.