3rd Person POV-
After the scream died down and the light was gone Thor went forward to help Perseus. He brought him near their mother so she can heal him. Frigga was very capable in magic. Odin went forward to greet the guest. Odin said,'' Welcome Yao. We are happy to receive you on Asgard.''
Yao just nodded her head. Her mind was some where else. She is feeling different. Seeing her absent mind Odin again said,'' You are different. Your connection to that dark world is.''
But before Odin can complete his sentence Yao spoke up,'' Gone. The connection is gone. I have never felt what I truly lost after creating that Contract. I lost my emotions. I lost the feelings. Before that contract I protected Midgard because I cared about it. I cared about the people living on that Planet. They were my Peoples. But after that contract what was left only a mission. I stopped protecting peoples because I want to. I did it because I had to. It felt hollow.''
Frigga came who have healed Perseus and asked,'' So how are you feeling now?''
Yao thought for a while and replied, '' I feel whole now. I feel my soul is screaming from joy. Like a parasite left my body. I feel happy. It is like all the scars from previous battles are gone. All the fatigues of the previous battles is no more. All the tensions left my soul. It is great to feel whole again. I felt younger almost in my youth.
Your son is special Odin and Frigga. His powers are like unlike anything we have ever seen. We have seen Dark Magic, Light Magic and many other kinds of powers and magic but your son and his power are different. It was like his powers is made to fight darkness. His control over that Pure Power is almost frightening.
He can wield them to be a Greatest tool of Creation or the Biggest weapon of Destruction. They are so bright and pure that they not only remove darkness but they also destroy any thought of evil from our mind. They inspire us to be good and do good.
His power over Life and Healing is also dangerous. He not only healed my body but also my soul. It made me more energetic and younger. These domains will give him powers like none other.
It's just now that the Power from the Drak Dimension is gone. My immortality is also gone. I don't know how long I can keep protecting Midgard.''
Suddenly Anna spoke,'' Don't worry Lady Yao. Perseus does not abandoned the people he cares about or he respect. You have protected the innocents without wanting anything in return. That's why he respects you. He will do something about this.''
Odin and all looked like they have questions but they all chose to stop and wait for Perseus to gain consciousness. They shifted Perseus to his room to rest. Odin family welcomed Ancient One, Mortal Girl who introduced herself as Morgana Le Fay and Queen Alesa as guest.
It takes whole night for Perseus to gain consciousness. The fight has taken a lot out of him. When he opened his eyes he saw his mother sleeping next to him. She has spent entire time with him if he needs anything. When Perseus woke up she woke up too.
She asked,'' How are you? Do you feel pain? Do you want anything to eat?''
Perseus smiled and said,'' I am alright. I feel no pain and Yes I am starving.''
She breaths a relief and said,'' Good. You go fresh up and I will get your food ready.''
She left then Anna, Zoe and Freyja came in. They told him everything that happened after he lost his consciousness. Then Perseus said,'' I have just the thing she needs.''
Then he went to bath. And after that they all went to the room to eat. That is where everyone was. Odin said,'' Congratulations my son on your first victory. You fought like a KING.''
Perseus said ,'' Thank you father.''
Frigga then said,''But I have some question. I will ask them later. But firstly allow me to introduce you to our guests. They are the Protecter of Midgard and a greater Sorcerer than me ANCIENT ONE. And this is the women you rescued from the Drak Dimension and one of best Sorcerer the Midgard hascever seen Morgana Le Fay. And this is Queen of Light Elves Alesa Featherwine''
Perseus looked at them and said,'' Hello. I Perseus OdinFriggason.''
Then they break their fast. After sometime they all sat there when Perseus said,'' Anna told me about your situation. I am sorry that my powers did this.''
Ancient One,'' No it's not needed. On the other hand I am grateful that you made me free. It's just without that I can't maintain my longevity. So I can't protect the Midgard. She also told me that you have a solution.''
I smiled and said,'' Yes I have. Did you ever heard about Knull. The GOD OF VOID AND DARKNESS.''
Upon her nod he continued, '' Knull is not exactly a God but he had a very strong connection with void that allowed him to create SYMBIOTES. Those creature feest on flesh.
Just like him I do not have a Domain of Light or Holy Power. So I reserched on it. I found out that my powers over it came from the first LIGHT. The Big- Bang or whatever you call it.
That was the thing that expelled the darkness and the void from the world. So I tried to create my own SYMBIOTES with the help of Light and Holy power. From the Goodness of the world. And I did it.''
Then Perseus held out his hand. In his hand there is a Orb like thing. It was full of Light.
Perseus then explained, '' This thing in my version of SYMBIOTES. They do not have any consciousness so they don't feed on flesh. They do not have the weakness of Fire and Sound. Instead of bringing out evil from inside they bring out the good in people. They inspire Hope.
They also have connection to me. So when you or your magicians who will have it does not have to borrow energy from Dimension Lords for every spell. They can do the small spells on there own. Only the big spells will need borrowing.
They will also protect you from all sorts of deseases and always keep you in best health condition. They will give you all the powers of Knull's Symbiotes. Regenrative Healing Factor , strength and others. It will allow you to live unless Killed or unless you truly become evil.''
Ancient one thought for a while and said,'' It's good but won't it affects us.''
I said ,'' No. It won't. You can check yourself. I will give you a sub host. That means you can also create and grant similar SYMBIOTES to others. And one more thing If anyone who has it has a child that child will have it from birth. That SYMBIOTE will born with him.''
Then he gave her the sub host. And she said,'' I will check if there is anything harmful for humans. If not then you have my sincere thanks. ''
Perseus just nods his head. And she left.