Perseus POV -
We walked in silence to the Throne Room. My Father and Mother are there in the Throne Room with all my siblings. I went and stand before my Father. I did not bowed since I myself is a King and neither did my Fiances.
Father looked at us and said,'' As I have told you before about my assumptions of Midgard. I am afraid they are right. But the extent is not normal. I thought there will be some normal battles there but the number of rebels is in tens of thousand.
So that's why I wanted to ask you if you need any help.''
I came forward and said,'' We will be alright Father. If we need any help we will ask it. ''
He nod his head and said,'' Then go and do your duties of protecting the Nine Realms. And you can take that mortal back to Midgard. ''
Then my Fiances and I left the Throne Room to go to Bifrost. Heimdall was there. I went to greet him,'' Heimdall. How are you my friend. ''
He did not turn his eyes from where ever he was looking at but answered,'' I am well Your Grace. I congratulate you on your victory against Dormamu.''
I said,'' Thank You. So what are the condition in Midgard? ''
He replied, '' Things are not looking good. Peoples have been frozen to death i
Or burned alive by the Giants. You should hurry.''
I nod my head and told him to open the Bifrost. He did and we step into it to our designation.
3rd Person POV -
It was a peaceful time in a small town in Norway. Humans were going through their daily needs. Among these were some very extraordinary beings known as ETERNALS.
Eternals are the species created by Celestials. They are made of cosmic energy
They can manipulate this energy to do different things. They are here to guide humanity to a better future but they are not allowed to interfere in the life of human.
There are total ten Eternals. The one who leed them her name is Ajak. Even today they are here among the humans watching them. But suddenly things changed. Temperature started decreasing. Once the clean weather turned into hailstorm. The sun is like gone from the sky. It is like the Day time had turned into the night.
Then a crack in the space formed. It is a space rift that connects one place to another. Then another space rift formed. From those cracks two different kinds of beings started appearing. One is made of ice and the other is made of fire. There were thousands of them.
They attacked humans as soon as they came. Human did not even have the chance to protect themselves. But before they could harm the humans Eternals came to protect them.
At first the battle was going on equal foot but the relentless assault of Giants were distracting the Eternals from protecting peoples. Then a Ice Giant froze a Human Mother and Her daughter to death. When all the hope was almost gone for humans A multicolored light came from the sky.
It felt just infront of the ongoing battle between Eternals and Giants. The battle seemed to stop for a moment. When the light was gone. There stands were only five peoples. One of those man who was wearing the Golden Armor with Red hands and Blue and Green lines came forward. He was also wearing the same type of cape.
He said,'' My name is PERSEUS ODINFRIGGASON. King of Vanaheim. Prince of Asgard. If you stop this madness now. I promise you on the of Odin you will be forgiven. ''
Giants started laughing. One of the ice giants said,'' Look the son of All - Father. A child came here to become a warrior. We will send your head back to Asgard.''
Perseus sighed and said,''It is always the same line. I was seriously hoping to solve this matter without any violence. ''
Anna came forward and said,''They are not exactly peaceful Percy.''
Then she pointed to the mother daughter duo and suddenly all emotions disappeared from his face.
Zoe said,'' They did not need to do that. ''
Frejya replied, '' No they didn't. But they wanted to. People like this take joy in others suffering. ''
Perseus closed his eyes then said,'' This ends now-
Then an extraordinary scene happened. The sky which was looking like night suddenly lit up with the light. The light formed a black hole in the sky. From it descended Hundreds of Thousands of soilders.
They stood behind Perseus. Then they all bent on knees and said, '' My Lord.''
Perseus ordered,'' Clean the way for me.''
Then all the soilders attacked on the Giants. Giants did not even got the chance to fight back. They were being slaughtered left and right. In mere moments a clean path was formed. Perseus moved towards the frozen bodies.
When he got there there were some people. They survived because of his coming otherwise they have also joined the mother daughter duo. Perseus clicked his fingers and unfrozen them. Then he put his hand forward. A very beautiful green light emerged from it and moved towards them.
Zoe asked Anna ,'' What he is trying to do?''
But instead of her Frejya answered,'' He is trying to breath the life back into the humans.''
Anna asked,'' Then why is it taking so long?''
She replied, '' Because Perseus is not strong enough. It will take a lot of his energy.''
Then under the shocked eyes of Eternals and Humans the dead and frozen humans came back to life. The mother looked at her child and suddenly hugged her. The daughter was terrified she started to sob in her mother's arm.
Then leaving them behind Perseus looked at the ongoing Battle. Battle is an exaggeration slaughter will be the better word. The soilders of light were more capable in fight, using weapons, elemental mastery and were far stronger.
They were killing enemies everywhere. The battle was over in mere moments. Then Perseus looked at the strangely dressed peoples standing at some distance. Perseus has a very good idea of their identity.
Anna came from behind and said,''They are Eternals. ''
Perseus nods his head and said,'' I know.''
Then both side locked eyes. Seeing Perseus looking the them Ajak ordered them to go and greet them. Then the both side started walking to each others side. They met in middle and-