Perseus POV -
the rows of soldiers standing at there places. They were diligently doing there job. I moved towards the Throne Room where father usually sat. On the way I saw Loki and Tyr talking and coming my way. When they saw me they smiled and walked towards me.
I said,'' Brothers how are you? How is everything on Asgard? '' and I hugged them.
Tyr said, '' We are good Little Brother. And everything is alright.''
Loki said,''Yes here everything is fine. You tell. Father told us you are building a place in Midgard. I still don't understand why do you go in that backward land?''
I smiled. This is just like Loki. Prideful and Arrogant. I said,'' Yes brother. We have already laid a foundation of the place. We named it Elysium. You should come sometime.''
After some talk I moved towards throne room. When I get there. I saw my Father sitting on his throne looking ahead absent minded. When I get there I stand at the base of the throne and said,'' Father''
He then looked at me and smiled. I can see the happiness and pride in his eyes. He stood up from his throne and came towards me. He put his hand on my shoulder and said,'' I can not define how pride i am of you in words. Beings Gods we are powerful and prideful being. We want people to bow to us. We want to show our strength, to dominate, to rule over others.
Being Aesir we are attracted towards battle. We enjoy it. It will not be farfetched to say that we initiates war just to enjoy it, bask in its glory. We are all like this. Thor, Loki, Vidar, and even me. This concept even corrupts someone as pure hearted as Baldur.
But you are the only one of my son who didn't destroy anything but built something. I am glad that you are like this.''
Then he let out a sigh full of relief. At that moment I did not see the All - Father of Norse Gods. I did not see the pinnacle of power. I did not see the man who broke Galactus face or defeated Celestials. I saw the man burdened from duty. And a proud father.
I said,'' I didn't do many things. Mainly the things are done by Anna.''
Odin said,'' No one can undermine the importance of Anna. Anyone who knows you knew that she is the brain of this relationship. But it is also true that she does what you told her. She follows your order like a Queen. ''
At that moment my Mother entered in the throne room. I immediately ran to hug her. I said,'' Mother, you have no idea how much I missed you.''
Mother said,'' If you missed me so much then why have you not visited me in the last six years. You did not come, not even once.''
I said,'' I know mother. But as a king I can not abandon my people. I can't just order them to do things and run away. I wanted to become a King people respect. The king they consider there family. They did not hesitate to come to me with there problem.
But I should have visited. Sorry mother.''
She just hugged me more tightly and said,'' You will become a great king,, My son. No not become you are great King. But remember always be a just King. Because it does not matter how powerfull a tyrant is he is no true King. A king respect his people and his people respect him.''
I nod my head then I told my father and mother ,'' Father, Mother this time I came to Asgrad to do two things. One of them is that I want to introduce you to my countrymen. Will you come with me? ''
My Father and Mother looked at each other for some time like they are communicating through minds. After some time Mother said,''We will come to visit your country but not now. We will come when you have truly built a nation. We want to see it then.''
I nod my head and said,'' That's okay. I just want my people to see My Father and Mother.''
Then Father asked,'' Is it true that you built your country on the living Island? ''
I said,''Didn't you see? I mean you can see the entire nine realms very easily.''
Odin said, '' I saw the nine realms to for see any danger. If I have to look constantly at my son, then I will truly feel that I have failed. ''
I said,'' Thank you father. Thank you for trusting me. And yes my country is really build on twin living islands. They are called Krakoa and Arakko. ''
Then I explained everything about our getting on earth. How we fought Giants and saved people. Our meeting with Eternals. Then relaocation. Creating country. And other things.
My father were really surprised to listen all this. Especially about the living islands. He was neutral towards Eternals. And he was shocked when I told him about how we created our country.
Then I told him about my training. The new aspect of my powers. How can I control mind and soul and other things. He congratulated me on my progress of powers. And told me to use my powers wisely.
Then Father said,''You said you are here on Asgard for two things. One is to invite us to your country to introduce us as your family to your people. So what is the other work you have? ''
I said,'' Yes father. I am here this time to meet thor for something. ''
Mom asked,'' Why Thor?''
I said, '' Mother don't you think the time has come that Thor became a proper thunder god. Right now he is just the God of Hammers. This time I will right this wrong. I will make hima proper God.''
Father said,'' Are you sure. How will you do it?''
I told them my plan. They both listened it carefully and them Mother said,''This plan has a high chance of success but what if something gone wrong. ''
Father said,''Don't worry my queen. I will keep an eye in all these. This is s good plan. We can just hope that it will be completed with out any risk. ''
Then we talk for sometime and I left to find my brother. It is not that hard to find him. You can easily find him in swimming or in Arena. As I predicted I found myself in front of Arena.