[12] Perception is Reality

Tap tap Is this thing on? 

I adjusted my round glasses and peered at the metaphorical camera, a warm smile spreading across my face as I tucked a stray strand of purple-highlighted black hair behind my ear. My trusty Stitch kigurumi was covered in ink stains as usual, but hey - occupational hazard of being a writer, right?

"Hi everyone!" I waved enthusiastically. "I'm Wisteria, your friendly neighborhood author and general chaos coordinator for this little story we've got going on here. And oh my gosh, you would not believe the day I've had!"

I bounced in my chair, causing my messy bun to wobble precariously. The pencils stuck through it threatened to rain down like wooden arrows, but I was too excited to care.

"So there I was, buried under a mountain of textbooks, cramming for this absolutely brutal literature analysis exam - we're talking the kind of stuff that makes your brain feel like it's been through a blender..." I paused to take a breath, realizing I was rambling. "But guess what? I ACED IT!"

My victory dance nearly sent my laptop flying, but I caught it just in time. 

"And you know what that means?" I leaned forward conspiratorially, lowering my voice. "I'm in such a good mood that we're doing a double chapter today! I know, I know - don't get used to it. This is a special occasion kind of thing, like finding an extra french fry at the bottom of the bag or spotting a double rainbow."

Shuffling through my papers, I retrieved my main notebook. "But before we dive in, I should probably mention something important. See, I'm not just telling this story - I'm more like... its guardian? Curator? The person who gets to peek behind the curtain and share these amazing moments with you all."

I glanced down at my notes. "It's a big responsibility, you know? Making sure every character gets their moment to shine, keeping track of all the little details, making sure everything flows just right..." A soft smile crossed my face. "But honestly? I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Oh! And fair warning - I might pop in from time to time to chat or offer some insights. Think of me as your friendly tour guide through this wild ride we're about to embark on. Just don't expect me to give away any spoilers!" I winked, then immediately regretted it because wow, that felt awkward.

"So... ready to get started? Because let me tell you, what's coming up next?" I grinned, reaching for my favorite pen. "It's going to be plus ultra."

Now then, where were we...


The hot shower had worked wonders on my muscles. I stood in front of the locker room mirror, running a hand through my still-damp hair. The strands felt impossibly soft, like fresh cotton. Gramps would say I'm preening, I thought, but dismissed the notion. There was nothing wrong with looking presentable.

I pulled on the black turtleneck, the fine wool settling perfectly across my shoulders. The rest of the outfit followed - tailored black pants, leather belt with its understated silver buckle, Chelsea boots polished to a subtle shine. The silver chain around my neck caught the light as I fastened my watch.

A touch of cologne - cedar and sandalwood, nothing overwhelming. My phone buzzed.

Room 2187 💅✨ - Camie's text included a string of emojis I didn't bother decoding.

I looked up the Grand Sakura Hotel. My eyebrows rose at the room rates displayed prominently on their website. The presidential suite cost more per night than most people made in a month.

Rich kid, huh? That explained a few things about her designer "test outfit."

The time caught my eye. Thirty minutes gone, forty-minute trip ahead. She'd said an hour, but...

"Late is late," I muttered, grabbing my bag. The trains would be crowded this time of day.

My phone buzzed again as I walked to the station.

"How'd it go?" Mom's text radiated concern even through the screen.

I smiled, typing while I walked. "Pretty sure I aced it. Sixty-eight villain points, plus whatever they give for taking down the zero-pointer."

"The WHAT"

"Don't worry, I was careful. Tell you all about it at dinner?"

A flood of heart emojis filled my screen. I switched to Gramps' chat.

"Exam finished. Used that throw you taught me."

"Did you break anything?" Classic Gramps, straight to the point.

"Just a robot. Though technically Uraraka's quirk did most of the work."


"Girl I met during the exam. She can remove gravity from things she touches."

"Hmm." I could picture his knowing smirk. "Useful quirk. Good synergy potential."

"That's what I thought too. The-"

"Save it for training." A pause, then: "Proud of you, kid."

The message hit harder than expected. I pocketed my phone, blinking rapidly.

The train platform teemed with afternoon commuters. I found a spot near the back of the car, slipped in my earbuds, and pulled up Luna Snow's latest album. The hero/idol's voice filled my ears as Tokyo's skyline blurred past.

Wonder what Camie's planning for this photo shoot thing. The thought of spending an hour getting the perfect boba tea picture seemed ridiculous, but she approached it with the same intensity I brought to training. Different priorities, I guess.

My phone buzzed again. Camie had sent another message:

"Hope you're on your way fam! Got the PERFECT spot picked out 👀✨ Trust the process!"

I typed back: "Running a bit late. Traffic."

"No worries! Beauty takes time and I am SERVING today 💅"

The Grand Sakura Hotel's lobby stretched before me in marble and gold. Crystal chandeliers cast warm light across the polished floor. A grand piano sat in one corner, its ebony surface reflecting the afternoon sun. The whole place screamed old money.

I pulled out my phone. Three rings before Camie picked up.

"Izu! You here?"

"Just walked in. Nice place."

"Right? The shower pressure alone is worth the price tag. Just head up to my room - I'm still getting ready."

"Wait, I should probably-"

The line went dead.

I stared at my phone. Did she just... A laugh bubbled up. Is this about to get complicated? Memories of another life, another time surfaced. But no - this was Camie. Sure, she was flirtatious, but that was just her personality. We'd only met today.


I shook my head, amused at my own thoughts. The elevator dinged open onto the twenty-first floor. The carpet muffled my footsteps as I searched for room 2187.

My knuckles had barely touched the door when it swung open. Camie stood there in black lace and silk that left little to the imagination.

"Sorry about the wait." She stretched languorously. "The shower was just too good to resist."

I leaned against the doorframe, studying her. Something felt... off. The way she moved, the cadence of her speech - it was Camie, but not quite. 

An illusion? I was about 65% sure. The real question was: why?

Well. A smile tugged at my lips. Two can play this game.

"Don't apologize." I let my gaze drift deliberately. "Some things are worth waiting for."

"Oh?" She stepped closer. "See something you like?"

"Maybe." I moved into her space, noting how the illusion didn't quite capture her usual scent. "But I think the real thing would be more interesting."

The fake Camie froze for a fraction of a second. Behind her, barely visible through the suite's open bathroom door, I caught a glimpse of movement.

"You're no fun." The illusion dissolved in a swirl of smoke. The real Camie emerged from the bathroom, and my breath caught.

She'd transformed the UA test uniform into something else entirely. A crisp white collar framed her neck, the dark tie knotted with mathematical precision. The navy v-neck sweater hugged her curves perfectly, its sleeves rolled to expose delicate wrists. Her pleated skirt swayed with each step, the deep navy fabric catching light in mesmerizing patterns.

Black thigh-high stockings drew the eye down to oxford shoes that gleamed like mirrors. A velvet choker completed the ensemble, its tiny pendant catching the light.

"Figured you'd keep it classy." She grinned. "Dark academia vibes match your whole aesthetic."

"You clean up nice." 

She pulled out her phone. "This fit is too good not to document. Get over here."

I moved beside her as she adjusted the angle. "All this for boba?"

"Content creation is an art, fam." She leaned against me, phone raised. "Now smile like you just threw another building."

The camera clicked. Camie studied the result with critical eyes.

"Perfect first shot." She tapped the screen. "The lighting hits just right - makes your jawline look illegal."

"Speaking of illegal." I raised an eyebrow. "That illusion was bold."

"Had to test if you could spot the difference." She slipped her phone away. "Not many people can."

"The details were good. But you missed the little things."

"Like what?"

"Your scent, for one. The way you move. Small gestures that make you... you."

"Careful there." Her eyes sparkled. "Keep talking like that and a girl might get ideas."

"From the girl who greeted me in lingerie?"

"Hey, if you've got it..." She struck a pose. "Besides, your reaction was interesting."


"Most guys either freeze up or get creepy. You played along, but kept your distance." She tilted her head. "Almost like you knew it wasn't real."

"Maybe I'm just a gentleman."

"Maybe." She studied me. "Or maybe you've got experience with this kind of situation."

I laughed, adjusting my collar. "Right. Because the quirkless guy has loads of experience with beautiful women in hotel rooms."

"You'd be surprised what some people are into." She pulled out her phone. "Now, about that social media presence..."

"I have social media."

"Lurking on hero forums doesn't count." Her fingers danced across the screen. "What's your handle?"

"Don't have one. Was planning to set something up once I actually became a hero."

Camie's jaw dropped. "Fam. Fam. You can't just walk into UA looking like that and not have a platform. The brand building starts now."

"The brand?"

"Being a hero is like, sixty percent marketing these days." She perched on the suite's leather armchair, patting the spot beside her. "Especially for someone in your situation."

I sat, curiosity piqued. "What do you mean?"

"Think about it. First quirkless hero student? That's going to draw attention. Lots of it. Some good, some..." She shrugged. "Better to control your own narrative."

Huh. She had a point. I'd planned to not flaunt my quirkless status at first, but rumors would spread eventually. And once they did...

"Fine. But nothing too..."

"Extra?" She grinned. "Please. You wear designer turtlenecks to an entrance exam. You're already living that life."

"It's not designer-"

"That's Armani, sweetie. I know my brands." She tapped her screen. "Now, usernames. Something clean, professional. Your actual name's probably taken..."

"Most variations are." I pulled out my own phone. "Checked a while back out of curiosity."

"Of course you did." She nudged my shoulder. "What about playing into the whole martial arts thing? Modern_Warrior or something?"

I shook my head. "Too generic. And it sounds like I'm compensating."

"Fair. Oh!" Her eyes lit up. "QuirklessPunch?"

"Might as well call myself UnderDog and be done with it."

"Okay, Mr. Picky. You try."

I thought for a moment. "What about... Sovereign?"

"Ooh." She typed rapidly. "Available on both platforms. Sounds more mystical than quirkless. I like it."

"Thanks. I think."

"Trust me, this is going to be huge." She finished setting up the accounts. "Now for your first post. Let's get that boba."

The café she picked sat tucked between a bookstore and a vintage clothing shop. String lights crisscrossed the ceiling, casting warm patterns across exposed brick walls. Plants hung in macramé holders, their leaves casting intricate shadows.

"Perfect aesthetic." Camie surveyed the space with professional eyes. "Order something colorful. Brown tea doesn't pop on camera."

I studied the menu. "The taro looks good."

"Basic but classic. Get the crystal boba - regular's too dark."

The drinks arrived in tall glasses, layers of purple and white topped with pale pearls. Camie immediately started arranging them on our table.

"Hold yours like this." She demonstrated, fingers curved elegantly around the glass. "Tilt it slightly - catches the light better."

"Can't I just drink it?"

"After we get the shot." She adjusted my sleeve. "Now look thoughtful, like you're contemplating hero society or whatever goes on in that big brain of yours."

"You're enjoying this way too much."

"Obviously." She snapped several photos in quick succession. "Social media's my thing. Got it from my mom - she runs this massive PR firm in Sapporo."

"That's why you're in a hotel? You're from up north?"

"Born and raised." She lowered her phone, satisfaction evident. "Got to get an apartment down here if I make it into UA. Which, after today? Pretty sure I did."

"Your parents must be proud."

"Mom is. Dad..." She stirred her drink. "He wanted me to join the family business. PR's more stable than hero work."

"But you chose this anyway."

"Some things are worth the risk." She smiled, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "What about your folks? They must have opinions about the whole quirkless hero thing."

"Mom's supportive. After the initial shock wore off." I took a sip of my drink. "Haven't heard from dad in about ten years. He works overseas."

"Shit. Sorry, I didn't-"

"It's fine. Mom and I do alright." I gestured to her phone. "So, what's the verdict on the photos?"

"Right!" Her usual energy returned. "These are fire. Look at this one - the light hits your eyes just right. Makes them look all intense and mysterious."

She leaned closer, shoulder pressing against mine as she scrolled through the shots. Her perfume carried notes of vanilla and something floral I couldn't place.

"This isn't a date," she said suddenly.

I blinked. "What?"

"Just... clarifying. Because this kind of feels like..." She waved her hand vaguely.

"Two people getting drinks and taking pictures?"

"Exactly!" Relief colored her voice. "Totally normal friend stuff."

"Completely platonic."


We stared at each other for a moment before breaking into laughter.

"We're ridiculous," she said, wiping her eyes.

"Speak for yourself. I'm a delight."

"You're something alright." She checked her phone and jumped up. "Oh! Perfect timing - we can catch the All Might movie. It's the 20th Anniversary edition."

"I should probably head-"

She grabbed my arm. "Come on. I won't be back until the end of march, and my bestie needs proper cultural education."


"You helped me ace the exam. We're basically bonded for life now." She tugged me toward the door. "Besides, don't you want to study a successful hero brand up close?"

I let her pull me along, hiding my smile. "You're not going to let this social media thing go, are you?"

"Nope! By the time school starts, you'll have a whole aesthetic going. Trust me."

The theater's marquee glowed in the gathering dusk. Camie's hand remained warm on my arm as she bought our tickets. Not a date, I reminded myself. Just two future heroes analyzing successful marketing strategies.


The lobby's neon lights painted everything in shades of blue and pink. Camie's hair caught the colors like liquid metal as she debated snack options.

"Sweet or salty?" She studied the concession menu. "Actually, get both. Movie snack photos are essential content."

I raised an eyebrow. "Everything's content with you, isn't it?"

"Life's a story worth telling." She ordered a ridiculous amount of food. "Might as well tell it beautifully."

"Your mom really rubbed off on you, huh?"

"More than I like to admit sometimes." She balanced drinks and snacks with practiced ease. "But she taught me something important - perception shapes reality. If people see you as confident, capable, beautiful... eventually you become those things."

"Fake it till you make it?"

"More like... choose your own story. The world's going to try to write one for you anyway." She nodded toward the theater entrance. "Might as well make it one worth reading."

We found seats near the back, surrounded by the smell of popcorn and the murmur of other moviegoers. Camie arranged our snacks for yet another photo.

"Last one, I promise." She angled her phone. "Then we can just enjoy the show."

The camera clicked. She studied the result, then showed me. Our faces glowed in the theater's dim light, surrounded by carefully arranged snacks and drinks. We looked... happy. Natural. Like we'd known each other for years instead of hours.

"Not bad." I reached for the popcorn. "Though I still say the boba ones were better."

"Obviously. That lighting was perfect." She settled into her seat as the previews started. "Just wait till we do a proper photo shoot. You're going to break the internet."

"Should I be worried?"

"Probably." Her shoulder bumped mine. "But that's what besties are for."

The lights dimmed. On screen, All Might's logo sparkled to life. Camie's hand found the popcorn at the same time as mine, our fingers brushing briefly in the darkness.

Not a date, I thought again. But sitting there, watching hero propaganda disguised as entertainment with someone who saw past the quirkless label to the person beneath... it felt like something. Something worth documenting.

Maybe Camie was right about the whole narrative control thing. Every story needed a beginning.

This seemed like a pretty good one.