I adjusted my Stitch onesie hood and stared at the powerstone counter, blinking rapidly behind my round glasses. The numbers didn't lie - 2,250 powerstones. My jaw dropped.
"Damn!" I nearly knocked over my coffee mug, catching it just in time. "I see you guys hit 2,250 powerstones! And here I was, this close to romancing Takemi..." I sighed dramatically, slumping in my chair. The pencils in my messy bun threatened to escape as I shook my head.
Focus, Wisteria. Important announcements first, pining over missed romance opportunities later.
"Oh well, time for the bonus chapter!" I straightened up, pushing my glasses back into place. "But before we dive in, there are two things we need to discuss."
I pulled out my butterfly-themed notebook, flipping to a fresh page. "First up - and this is pretty major - I'm changing the story's name from 'Heavenly Restriction' to 'Izuku Reloaded'."
Here comes the explanation part. Deep breath.
"Let me break down why. You see, while working on recent chapters, I realized something was bothering me about the original title. In Jujutsu Kaisen, Gege Akutami is incredibly vague about how Heavenly Restriction actually works. Like, frustratingly vague. We get bits and pieces, but never a complete picture."
I started doodling little Izukus in my notebook's margin. "Plus, 'Izuku Reloaded' just... fits better? When you see that title, you immediately know what you're getting into - someone becoming Izuku, changing him, 'reloading' him if you will. It's more direct, more honest about what the story is… plus it's a nod to persona as well."
My pen tapped against the paper. "It also carries this nice Matrix vibe, you know? The whole 'reality isn't what you think it is' theme we've got going. And let's be honest, Toshiro definitely gave Izuku's life a complete reboot."
"Second thing!" I held up two ink-stained fingers. "We need to talk about these bonus chapters. You wonderful readers keep hitting these powerstone goals - which is amazing and slightly terrifying - but I need your input on something."
I pulled my legs up onto my chair, wrapping my Stitch onesie around them. "When we hit these goals, would you prefer double chapters on that specific day, or would you rather have the bonus chapter on a different day when there's no regular update scheduled?"
"Think about it - double chapters mean more content at once, but spreading them out gives you something to look forward to on non-update days. It's like choosing between binge-watching your favorite show or savoring one episode at a time."
Was that a good analogy? Maybe I should've gone with a food comparison instead...
"Either way, it's your call! Drop your preferences in the comments. Whatever the majority decides, that's what we'll do going forward. Democracy in action, right?"
I glanced at my wall clock - the one shaped like All Might's face - and straightened up. "Now, about that bonus chapter... Let me just grab more of my Ghost Swedish Fish energy drink, and we'll dive right in."
Toshinori slumped in his chair, the too-large suit hanging off his gaunt frame as he listened to Detective Tsukauchi's briefing. The conference room at U.A. felt smaller with all the teachers present, each face more serious than the last.
"Most of the villains we apprehended were low-level criminals," Tsukauchi explained, spreading photos across the table. "Petty theft, minor assault charges. The kind you'd find in any rough neighborhood."
"Cannon fodder," Snipe drawled, examining one of the mugshots. "Expendable pieces to test our defenses."
Nezu perched at the head of the table, tiny paws wrapped around a teacup. "And the creature? The Nomu?"
Tsukauchi's expression darkened. "That's where things get complicated. The being is alive but... docile. No response to stimuli, no communication. Just..." He paused, choosing his words carefully. "Empty."
"A weapon," Toshinori rasped, drawing concerned glances from his colleagues. He cleared his throat, tasting copper. "Not a soldier or an ally. A living weapon."
"Precisely." Tsukauchi clicked through several slides showing the Nomu in containment. "Multiple quirks surgically implanted. The level of modification suggests extensive research, resources..."
"And a complete disregard for human life," Queen interjected, her usual sharp tone softened by disgust. "The pain threshold alone for such procedures..."
Midnight leaned forward, her typical playful demeanor absent. "Do we have any leads on their base of operations? Their leader - Shigaraki - seemed unhinged but someone had to be backing this operation."
"Nothing concrete," Tsukauchi admitted. "The electronic interference that allowed their initial breach was sophisticated. Professional grade. But the attack itself..." He shook his head. "Chaotic. Uncoordinated. Almost like..."
"A test run," Vlad King growled, his fingers drumming against the table.
Recovery Girl, who had been quietly reviewing medical files, looked up. "The injuries support that theory. The villains weren't going for kill shots, even when they had clear opportunities. They were gauging reactions, capabilities."
Toshinori felt his stomach clench. All For One. But he kept that thought to himself. He is dead and there's no need to add that particular nightmare to their current concerns.
"Which brings us to our next point of discussion," Nezu announced, setting down his cup with precise movements. "The Sports Festival."
A heavy silence fell over the room. The annual U.A. Sports Festival was more than just a school event - it was a national spectacle, broadcast across the country. After the USJ attack, continuing with such a high-profile gathering seemed...
"We should cancel," Ectoplasm stated flatly. "The security risk is too high."
"I disagree," Cementoss countered, his blocky features set in determination. "Canceling would send exactly the wrong message. It would tell these villains - and the world - that they've succeeded in disrupting our society."
"Our students' safety has to be the priority," Queen argued, though her tone suggested she wasn't entirely convinced of her own position.
Toshinori cleared his throat again, drawing all eyes to him. "If I may..." He straightened as much as his broken body would allow. "The Sports Festival isn't just an event. It's a declaration. It tells our students - and yes, our enemies - that we will not be cowed. That the next generation of heroes will rise, no matter the opposition."
"Pretty words," Snipe commented, "but they won't stop another attack."
"No," Nezu agreed, "but enhanced security protocols will certainly help." He produced a tablet, pulling up detailed schematics. "I've been working on several improvements since the USJ incident. Multiple layers of detection systems, new response protocols, enhanced barrier parameters..."
The discussion shifted to technical details, but Toshinori found his thoughts drifting to young Midoriya. The boy had shown extraordinary courage during the attack, protecting his teacher despite being quirkless. It was the kind of heroic spirit that deserved to be showcased, to inspire others.
"There's another factor to consider," Midnight spoke up, interrupting his reverie. "The psychological impact on our students. After the attack, they need to know we trust them. That we believe in their potential."
"And what better way to demonstrate that than by proceeding with the festival?" Vlad King nodded slowly. "Under enhanced security, of course."
"The decision ultimately rests with the principal," Tsukauchi reminded them, gathering his files. "But I'll support whatever choice you make. The police force will coordinate fully either way."
Nezu's whiskers twitched, a sign Toshinori had learned to recognize as deep thought. "Before I make my decision, I'd like to hear from All Might directly. You're our pillar of peace. Your insight carries weight."
Toshinori felt the familiar pressure of responsibility settle on his shoulders. In his weakened state, every word seemed to cost more energy, but this was too important for silence.
"The USJ attack showed us two things," he began carefully. "First, that our enemies are growing bolder, more organized. But second - and more importantly - it showed us that our students possess true heroic spirit. Young Midoriya, despite being quirkless, rushed to save Aizawa. Young Yaoyorozu led her team with tactical precision. Young Bakugo and others demonstrated not just power, but strategic thinking."
He paused, suppressing a cough. "The Sports Festival isn't just about showing off quirks or winning medals. It's about showing the world that the next generation of heroes is ready to rise. That even in the face of growing darkness, we continue to move forward. Plus Ultra."
Queen's expression softened slightly. "You really believe they're ready for that spotlight? After what they've been through?"
"Because of what they've been through," Toshinori corrected. "They've faced real villains, real danger. They didn't break. They adapted, supported each other, fought back. The Sports Festival will let them show that strength to the world."
"And to themselves," Recovery Girl added thoughtfully. "Trauma can leave deep scars, but so can fear of moving forward. Perhaps this is exactly what they need."
Nezu set his empty cup down with a decisive click. "I've heard enough. The Sports Festival will proceed as scheduled."
"With enhanced security," Ectoplasm insisted.
"Naturally." Nezu's beady eyes gleamed. "In fact, I have several ideas about that. Detective, if you could stay behind? The rest of you, thank you for your input. Please begin preparing your students. This year's festival will need to be more than just a show of power."
As the teachers filed out, Toshinori lingered, waiting until only Nezu and Tsukauchi remained.
"You have concerns you didn't want to share with the group?" Nezu inquired, already pouring fresh tea.
"The Nomu," Toshinori said quietly. "Multiple quirks, surgically implanted... there's only one person with that capability."
Tsukauchi's expression grew grim. "We thought the same. But without concrete evidence..."
"Perhaps," Nezu mused, "but not directly. This Shigaraki... his behavior suggests a student, not a master. Someone being groomed, tested."
"A successor?" Tsukauchi frowned. "That would fit the pattern. The League of Villains could be a training ground."
Toshinori felt the old wound in his side throb. "Which makes the Sports Festival even more crucial. If he's preparing the next generation of villains..."
"Then we must prepare the next generation of heroes," Nezu finished. "Not just in power, but in spirit. The festival will showcase more than quirks this year. It will demonstrate the unbreakable will of our students."
"I'll coordinate with local law enforcement," Tsukauchi promised. "Multiple layers of security, plainclothes officers in the crowd. We won't let them turn this into another USJ."
Toshinori nodded, but his mind was already racing ahead. The Sports Festival would be a declaration of strength, yes, but also a challenge. By proceeding despite the attack, they were essentially daring the League to try again.
"One more thing," Nezu added as Toshinori turned to leave. "Young Midoriya's performance during the USJ incident... it was remarkable for a quirkless student."
"It was heroic," Toshinori corrected firmly. "Quirk or no quirk."
"Indeed." Nezu's whiskers twitched again. "I look forward to seeing what he shows us during the festival. A student who can inspire others like that... that could be exactly what our society needs right now."
Toshinori felt a surge of pride, quickly followed by concern. The Sports Festival would put all their students in the spotlight, but Midoriya's quirkless status would draw particular attention. Both positive and negative.
"I should check on Aizawa and Thirteen," he said, deflecting his thoughts. "Their recovery progress will factor into our security planning."
"Of course." Nezu waved him off. "And Toshinori? Do try to rest. You'll need your strength in the coming weeks."
As he made his way through U.A.'s halls, Toshinori couldn't shake the feeling that they were standing on the edge of something momentous. The Sports Festival had always been important, but this year it would be more than a competition. It would be a message - to their students, to the villains, to society itself.
Plus Ultra indeed, he thought, allowing himself a small smile. Show them what you can do, young Midoriya. Show them all what true heroism looks like.
The sun was setting outside his office window, casting long shadows across the campus. Somewhere out there, the league was moving their pieces into position. But here, in these halls, the next generation of heroes was rising. And Toshinori would do everything in his power to ensure they were ready.
Even if it cost him what little strength he had left.
The chopsticks clinked against porcelain in a steady rhythm, the only sound breaking the silence in the Todoroki household dining room. Hitomi sat across from her older sister Fuyumi, who kept glancing up with that particular worried expression she'd mastered over the years. Next to Fuyumi, Natsuo maintained his usual studied indifference, though his shoulders remained tense.
A traditional Japanese spread covered the table - grilled fish, miso soup, pickled vegetables, and rice. The empty seat at the head of the table loomed like a shadow. Their father was still at his agency, as expected. As preferred.
Hitomi took another bite of rice, letting the coolness spread across her tongue. Her right side always ran cold naturally.
"So..." Fuyumi's hesitant voice broke through the quiet. "How has UA been? We haven't had a chance to really talk since you started."
"It's been fine."
"Just fine?" Natsuo's tone carried an edge. "That's all you have to say about the top hero school in Japan?"
Hitomi met his gaze evenly. "The academics are challenging. The hero training is comprehensive. The facilities are excellent."
"And the villain attack?" Fuyumi's chopsticks paused halfway to her mouth. "We saw it on the news. Were you...?"
"I was there." Hitomi's grip tightened slightly on her chopsticks. "We handled it."
"Handled it?" Natsuo's voice rose. "You're first-year students! You shouldn't have had to-"
"Natsu." Fuyumi's quiet intervention made him fall silent, though his jaw remained clenched.
Hitomi took a deliberate sip of miso soup. "The teachers protected us. We followed protocols. Some students showed exceptional capabilities under pressure." Her mind flickered briefly to Midoriya, the Quirkless student who'd fought a monster bare-handed. Interesting.
"Have you made any friends?" Fuyumi tried again, her smile gentle but strained.
"A few." Hitomi allowed. "Kodai from my class is... quiet. We study together sometimes."
"That's wonderful!" Fuyumi's enthusiasm seemed disproportionate to such a minor admission. "Anyone else?"
Hitomi considered for a moment. "Jiro, Yaoyorozu and Utsushimi are... acceptable."
A small laugh escaped Natsuo. "High praise from the ice princess."
Hitomi chose not to respond to that, instead taking another bite of fish. The conversation lulled again.
"They're saying you're favored to win the Sports Festival," Fuyumi ventured after a while. "For the first years."
The fish turned to ash in Hitomi's mouth. Of course they were. Endeavor's daughter, blessed with his "perfect" creation of fire and ice. The masterpiece he'd engineered through his quirk marriage.
"I intend to win," Hitomi said quietly. "With ice alone."
The temperature in the room dropped several degrees. Natsuo's knuckles went white around his chopsticks.
"Hitomi..." Fuyumi's voice carried that familiar note of concern. "Your fire quirk is part of who you are. Using it wouldn't mean-"
"It's not about him." The lie felt cold on her tongue. "I simply prefer ice. It's more precise. Controlled."
"Like you?" Natsuo's question cut sharp.
Hitomi met his challenging stare. "Yes."
Silence fell again, broken only by the soft clink of dishes. Hitomi's mind wandered to the upcoming festival, to strategies and techniques she'd need to overcome opponents without fire. Her right side would be enough. It had to be.
"Fuyumi-nee." Hitomi's voice was quiet but clear. "What are your thoughts on someone wanting to be a hero while Quirkless?"
Her sister blinked in surprise at the unexpected question. "Quirkless? Well... it would be very difficult. Most hero work requires some form of quirk use, especially in combat situations..."
"But not impossible?" Hitomi pressed.
"I suppose with enough support gear and training..." Fuyumi looked thoughtful. "Though I've never heard of a Quirkless hero before. Why do you ask?"
"There's a student in my class." Hitomi's chopsticks traced patterns in her rice. "Quirkless. He fought during the USJ incident."
"Fought?" Natsuo leaned forward. "Against villains? Without a quirk?"
"He held his own against the artificial human they brought." Hitomi's voice remained neutral, but her mind replayed the fluid movements, the calculated strikes. "His technique was... impressive."
"That's incredible!" Fuyumi's eyes widened. "To face villains without any quirk at all..."
"Reckless," Natsuo corrected. "He could have been killed."
"Perhaps." Hitomi set down her chopsticks. "But he chose to fight anyway. To protect others."
"You sound almost admiring," Natsuo observed, a strange note in his voice.
Hitomi felt the temperature around her drop another degree. "I respect capability. Quirk or no quirk."
"Still," Fuyumi interjected quickly, likely sensing the brewing tension, "it must be difficult for him. The hero course is designed around quirk use..."
"He adapts." Hitomi's voice carried a finality that ended that line of discussion. "The food was good, Fuyumi-nee. Thank you."
"Oh! You're done already?" Fuyumi glanced at Hitomi's half-full bowl with concern. "You should eat more..."
"I'm satisfied." Hitomi stood smoothly. "I have training to do."
"Training? It's nearly eight..." Fuyumi's protest faded as Hitomi turned away.
"The Sports Festival is coming." Hitomi paused at the doorway. "I need to be prepared."
"You don't have to-" Natsuo started.
"Yes. I do." Hitomi's right hand frosted slightly. "Good night, Fuyumi-nee, Natsuo-nii."
She left before they could respond, their worried gazes burning into her back. The hallway stretched long and dark before her, family photos lining the walls like silent witnesses. She didn't look at them. Couldn't bear to see his face or hers.
Her room, when she reached it, felt like a sanctuary. Sparse and clean, with light blue walls and a single photo frame face-down on the desk. The window was open, letting in the cool night air that matched her natural temperature.
Hitomi changed into training clothes efficiently - a simple white gi reinforced for ice formation. The movement was automatic, practiced over countless nights like this one.
As she began her usual kata, ice crystallizing around her right hand, Hitomi's mind drifted to the Sports Festival. To green hair and determined eyes. To a fighting style that flowed like water, precise and devastating even without a quirk's power to back it.
If he can fight without a quirk, she thought as ice spiraled around her in complex patterns, I can win without fire.
The night grew colder as Hitomi trained, her movements becoming sharper, more focused. In the quiet of her room, away from worried siblings and empty chairs, she let the ice flow freely. Let it build and shape and crystallize into the future she would carve for herself.
A future without flames.