[50] Three Weeks' Notice

April 21, 2226

I stared up at UA's imposing gates, now flanked by reinforced security stations and scanning equipment that wouldn't have looked out of place at a military base.

"Damn, they went all out." Camie squeezed my hand as we approached the first checkpoint. "Think they installed all this just for us?"

"More like because of us." The events at USJ had shaken more than just the students. UA's reputation for safety had taken a serious hit.

A robotic voice echoed from hidden speakers. "Please present student IDs and submit to biometric scan."

Metal detectors hummed. Laser grids crisscrossed the entrance. Security cameras tracked our every move.

"Retinal scan complete. DNA verification in progress." The robot somehow managed to sound both cheerful and menacing. "Please state your name and purpose."

"Izuku Midoriya, Class 1-A student."

"Camie Utsushimi, also 1-A. Here to spread chaos and look cute doing it."

The scanner paused. I shot her a look.

"Just kidding! Total serious student mode, promise."

"Identity confirmed. Proceed to secondary screening."

Three more checkpoints later, we finally reached the main building. Other students trickled in through different security routes, each designed to prevent large groups from entering simultaneously.

"Real talk though." Camie gestured at the new fortifications. "This actually makes me feel less safe. Like they're expecting round two."

"They're expecting everything." I nodded toward a discrete panel in the wall. "That's an anti-warp field generator. The whole campus is probably covered now."

"Smart. Still gives me the creeps."

The halls seemed different. Not just the added security or the repair work from USJ. Something in the air had shifted. Students from other classes watched us pass, their whispers following in our wake.

"Did you see the news?"

"That's them - from USJ."

"Heard they took down like fifty villains."

"Heard one got their ass beat by a villain." "Some hero." 

Camie's grip tightened. "Want me to make them all think they're being chased by giant chickens?"

"Save it for someone who deserves it." Though the idea was tempting. "We're almost there."

Class 1-A's door looked the same, at least. The familiar "1-A" placard hadn't changed. But the sounds from inside...

"I'm telling you, they got my good side!" Kaminari's voice carried through the metal. "The news helicopter had the perfect angle when I was zapping those guys!"

"Please, you were barely conscious." Jiro's dry tone cut through his enthusiasm. "Tsu had to drag your 'whey' face to safety."

I slid the door open. The class had gathered in small groups, trading stories and showing each other news clips on their phones. Everyone except-

"Izu! Camie!" Hagakure's uniform bounced toward us. "You have to see this compilation someone made! They're calling us the 'Hero Class That Fought Back' - isn't that wild?"

"More like inappropriate." Iida chopped his hand through the air. "We're students, not pro heroes. This media attention could negatively impact our development."

"Says the guy who made the front page." Sero grinned. "Emergency Exit Iida, the speedster who saved UA!"

"That was not- I merely followed proper evacuation protocols!"

"Which is exactly what made it so manly!" Kirishima punched the air. 

The energy in the room felt electric. Everyone talked over each other, sharing their moments from the incident. Yaoyorozu demonstrated how she'd created capture weapons. Tokoyami described Dark Shadow's battles. Asui explained her rescue techniques.

"Okay but seriously." Kaminari held up his phone. "Check out this slow-motion shot of Midoriya going hand-to-hand with that Nomu thing. It's insane!"

The class crowded around his screen. The shaky footage from one of the USJ cameras showed my Water Stream techniques against the artificial human. Even with the poor quality, the desperation of that fight came through.

"That's my man." Camie draped herself across my shoulders. "Taking down villains, looking fine doing it."

"I didn't take it down." The memory of those hits still ached. "All Might did that."

"After you kept it busy for like, ten minutes!" Hagakure bounced again. "The forums are calling you the 'Wonder Boy' - there's even fanart!"

"There's what?"

"Oh yeah, tons!" She pulled out her own phone. "Some of it's really good too. Look at this one of you doing that spinning kick thing!"

"The internet loves a good underdog story." Yaoyorozu smiled. "Though I wish they'd focus more on our teamwork than individual moments."

"For real." Jiro twirled one of her jacks. "We all did our part."

"And we'll do even better next time!" Kirishima raised his fist. "Those villains won't know what hit them!"

"Let's hope there isn't a next time." I moved to my desk, Camie following. "The new security suggests UA's taking this seriously."

"No kidding." Manga pointed toward the window. "They've got patrol robots circling the campus now. Saw one take down a bird that flew too close."

"Plus Aizawa-sensei's probably extra grumpy after getting his face smashed." Camie settled into her seat. "Bet he assigns us like, twelve essays on proper crisis response."

"Don't give him ideas." Kaminari shuddered. "I still haven't finished the ones from before USJ."

"Dude. We had a week off."

The door slid open. The temperature dropped several degrees as Todoroki entered, her mismatched eyes scanning the room before settling on her desk. The excited chatter died down.

"Hitomi!" Camie waved. "Did you see the fanart? Someone drew you making that huge ice wall!"

Todoroki paused. "I don't follow social media."

"Girl, you should! The art's amazing - they got your hair perfect and everything."

A slight furrow appeared between Todoroki's eyes. "The media attention is irrelevant. We failed to prevent the villains' attack."

"Pretty sure we did exactly what students should do in that situation." I met her gaze. "Or would you rather we'd all gotten killed trying to be heroes?"

The temperature dropped further. "Some of us were trained for these scenarios."

"Okay!" Camie clapped her hands. "Who wants to see the really cute group shot someone drew? We all look super fierce!"

More students filtered in as homeroom approached. Bakugo stalked to his desk without acknowledging anyone, though his scowl deepened at the sight of the USJ footage still playing on various phones.

"Yo, Bakugo!" Kirishima called out. "They got that awesome explosion chain you did in the ruins zone!"

"Shut it, Shitty Hair." But he glanced at the screen. "They got the angle wrong. Impact was bigger."

"Still looked manly as hell!"

The final bell rang. Everyone scrambled to their seats as footsteps approached. The door slid open to reveal-

A figure almost completely wrapped in bandages. Only Aizawa's tired eyes remained visible behind dark shades, making him look more mummy than teacher. The white bandages covered his arms, face, and most of his torso.

"Mr. Aizawa!" Iida shot up from his seat, hand chopping through the air. "I'm glad you're alright! We were all very concerned about your injuries!"

"Keep it down." Aizawa's voice came muffled through the wrappings. "My head's still ringing."

He shuffled to the podium. The class fell silent, watching him. Even Bakugo straightened slightly.

"First, the obvious." Aizawa surveyed us through his shades. "The USJ incident has changed things. Security's tighter. Protocols are stricter. The media's watching." He paused. "And you've all gotten a taste of what real villain combat feels like."

Memories flashed - the Nomu's crushing grip, Aizawa's broken form, All Might's fury.

"Some of you handled it well. Others..." His gaze lingered on certain students. "Need work. We'll address that in upcoming training. But right now, there's something more important to discuss."

He reached into his pocket, movements stiff, and pulled out a small remote. The projector hummed to life, displaying an image that made several students gasp.

"The UA Sports Festival starts in three weeks."

The room erupted.

"For real?"

"After what just happened?"

"Are they crazy?"

"Silence." Aizawa's command cut through the chaos. "The administration considered canceling or postponing. They decided that would send the wrong message."

"But sir," Asui raised her hand, "isn't it dangerous to gather so many students in one place after the USJ attack?"

"Security will be five times stronger than previous years. Many pros in the region will be present." He adjusted his bandages. "This is UA making a statement: We will not be intimidated."

Making a statement, I thought. Or making a target?

"The Sports Festival is our biggest opportunity." Aizawa continued. "Pro heroes from across Japan will be watching. It's how many students secure internships. For first years especially, this can define your entire career path."

"No pressure or anything," Kaminari muttered.

"In the past, the festival was just a replacement for the Olympics. Now it's one of the most-watched sporting events in the world." Aizawa's bandaged face turned toward us. "And this year, after USJ, all eyes will be on Class 1-A."

I felt the shift in the room. Everyone sat straighter. Even Mineta looked determined.

"They'll be watching to see if you're as good as the media claims. If you can handle the pressure. If you deserve the attention." His voice hardened. "Don't disappoint them."

"Yes sir!" The response came in unison.

"Train hard. Be ready for anything." He picked up a stack of papers. "These are permission forms. Get them signed. And remember - this isn't just a school competition anymore. This is your debut on the world stage."

The rest of homeroom passed in a blur of excited discussion and speculation. When the bell rang, Aizawa had one final message.

"Don't let the attention go to your heads. Fame is fleeting. True strength isn't about headlines or rankings." He gathered his things. "It's about what you do when the cameras stop rolling."

As he left, I studied the permission form. The Sports Festival. My chance to show the world what I could do. To start my journey of becoming the #1 hero.


The cafeteria felt alive with an energy I hadn't seen since the first day of school. Every table hummed with Sports Festival discussions, strategies, and declarations of victory.

Our usual spot had gotten crowded. Kirishima dragged over extra chairs while Ashido perched on the table's edge, gesturing wildly as she described her planned "super moves."

"It's all about style points!" She explained. "The scouts want someone who can fight and look good doing it."

"Facts." Camie unpacked her perfectly arranged bento. "Gotta give the cameras something worth posting." 

"The festival isn't about social media presence." Iida's hands chopped through the air. "It's a serious competition that-"

"That gets broadcast worldwide!" Kaminari grinned. "Think about it - millions watching me unleash my true power!"

"You mean watching you short-circuit?" Jiro smirked. "Yeah, that'll impress the pros."

"Harsh, Jiro. But I've been working on something new. Check this out-"

"Please don't demonstrate in the cafeteria." Yaoyorozu sighed, opening her elaborate three-tiered bento. I casually reached over and snagged a perfectly rolled tamago. She pretended not to notice, but the slight smile gave her away.

"The pros will be looking for more than just flashy moves." Tokoyami's deep voice carried over the chaos. "They seek those who understand the true nature of heroism."

"Deep, bro." Manga nodded sagely. His speech bubble displayed philosophical symbols.

"What about you, Uraraka?" Hagakure's floating uniform leaned forward. "You've been pretty quiet."

Uraraka's eyes burned with an intensity that made several people lean back. "I'm going to win."

"Whoa." Ashido blinked. "That's... direct."

"I have to." Uraraka's hands clenched. "The top players get noticed. Get offers. Get paid."

A moment of silence fell over our corner.

"Now that's what I call Plus Ultra!" Kirishima pumped his fist. "Super manly attitude!"

"Indeed." Iida adjusted his glasses. "Though perhaps with slightly less emphasis on monetary gain..."

"Nah, she's right." I grabbed another piece from Yaoyorozu's bento, earning a mock glare. "Knowing Uraraka, she's probably doing it to support her family. The festival's our chance to show what we're really capable of. No holding back."

"Says the guy who fought a Nomu." Mineta muttered from his precarious perch at the table's edge. No one remembered inviting him.


The cafeteria fell silent. All Might stood in the doorway, his massive frame barely fitting through. His eternal smile somehow seemed even brighter than usual.

"Is that..."

"All Might?"

"In the cafeteria?"

"Did he just yell for Midoriya?"

I felt hundreds of eyes turn toward our table. All Might strode forward, producing an absolutely massive bento wrapped in an All Might-themed furoshiki.

"I thought we might share lunch!" He declared, holding up the bento like a trophy. "Eat with me?"

The silence stretched. Then:

"Holy shit." Kaminari whispered. "All Might cooks?"

"Language!" Iida chopped the air so hard he almost fell over.

"This is the best thing ever." Hagakure had her phone out. 

All Might stood there, still grinning, clearly waiting for my response. The entire cafeteria held its breath.

I met his expectant gaze. "Sure. I could eat."