The ship suddenly lurched.
The sky darkened. The once-gentle moonlight that had bathed the deck vanished. When the people looked up, they saw a massive black cloud swallowing the silver moon.
And then, the sea raged.
The waves surged high, thunder rumbled in the distance, and heavy storm clouds rolled in.
"A storm! A terrible storm is coming!"
The sailors cried out in panic, scrambling to lower the sails.
A towering wave, as black as a mountain, crashed upon the grand ship, making it shudder violently. The impact sent the king tumbling to the deck.
Wave after monstrous wave battered the ship, threatening to snap its masts like twigs. Ice-cold rain pelted down. Silver lightning split the sky, turning night into day for brief, blinding moments.
Tossed upon the raging sea, even the Western Asia Kingdom's largest warship seemed like a toy in the storm's face.
The ship groaned in protest, splintering apart. The elaborately painted hull buckled under the fury of the waves. The masts snapped like brittle twigs in the gale.
The grand ship tilted sharply, half of it sinking beneath the sea.
Whoosh! Ice-cold seawater flooded into the lower decks.
"Protect His Majesty!"
The captain shouted, but his voice was swallowed by the roaring wind and pounding rain.
But even if his soldiers could hear him—what could they do?
The elite guards shielded the king, forming a protective circle around him. They struggled to keep their footing against the storm, bracing themselves so the king wouldn't be struck by falling debris or the barrels and crates rolling chaotically across the deck.
Rain slashed against their faces like icy needles.
But beyond this, there was nothing they could do.
Their razor-sharp bayonets could not pierce the storm.
Their polished shields and armor could not block the sea's wrath.
"Gods above! Why now? Why must I face this storm now?"
The king lamented.
Only hours ago, he had received joyous news—his son, Prince Eric, was to wed the Princess of Enderland.
He had not even had the chance to see his son in his wedding finery.
Had not yet seen Eric standing before the priest, hand in hand with his bride.
"I wonder if Eric is safe..."
Clutching the ship's railing, drenched in icy rain and buffeted by the howling wind, the king's mind was a storm of thoughts.
Those who stare into death often find themselves flooded with memories.
"Eric... You are rebellious, a dreamer, but you dare to chase your goals without hesitation."
"At times, you are reckless. But who is born wise? Who does not go through youthful folly?"
"No matter what, you are far better than your pleasure-seeking, useless younger brother."
"You are the Crown Prince of the Western Asia Kingdom. You are destined to be its king."
"Of course, none of what I think now will reach you. I fear I will not live to see you again."
"Right now, you must be in the royal capital of Enderland, standing in the temple, surrounded by the glow of a thousand oil lamps, ready to pledge yourself to your bride."
"When you hear of my death, you will return home with your new queen. You will take my place on the throne."
"At least... I have already secured the alliance between our two kingdoms. You only need to finalize the last details."
"From now on, our merchant ships will sail freely. The Enderland Royal Privateers will no longer attack our vessels or fishermen. The protection of their navy will shelter us. Our kingdom will flourish..."
"But you are still too young. I have not had time to teach you the dangers of court politics. Have not prepared you to distinguish between wise ministers and deceitful flatterers..."
Too many thoughts flashed through his mind.
And then—cold.
A bone-chilling cold seized him.
The king had fallen into the sea.
Saltwater burned his nose and throat, dulling his senses.
Through the turmoil, through his desperate struggle, he saw them.
Sleek, agile figures weaving through the waves with inhuman grace.
Darting past floating debris, moving faster than any human swimmer.
Even though his fogging consciousness, the king realized—
They had tails instead of legs.
Hundreds of them.
The sight shocked him awake.
He thrashed in the water, reaching out—somehow, he felt that these mermaids would save him.
Perhaps it was the lingering words of his attendant, the one who had suggested that mermaids were not the monsters of legend.
And then—
A wave swallowed him whole.
Darkness. Cold.
And then—a hand.
A strong hand seized his arm, pulling him up, and lifting his head above the waves.
The king gasped, coughing out seawater.
He turned and saw his rescuer.
A proud, regal figure with a mermaid's tail, but unlike the others.
He wore a crown carved from coral and a robe woven from the scales of a thousand fish. His left hand held the king firm, his right hand gripping a golden trident.
"Who is he?"
And then he spoke.
"There are many humans in the water. Their ship has been struck by a terrible storm."
"Remember—humans cannot breathe underwater. We cannot let them drown!"
His voice carried across the stormy sea, so powerful that it drowned out the howling wind and pounding rain.
And then, the ruler of the deep raised his trident.
"Save them. Save them all. Take them to the nearest island!"
His command echoed through the ocean.
The mermaids obeyed.
One by one, they lifted the struggling soldiers, sailors, and attendants, holding their heads above the waves.
The rescued men stared in disbelief.
These were the creatures they had been taught to fear.
And yet, they were saving them.
Some men, still trapped in fear, flinched away, thinking the mermaids might eat them.
But when they realized they were being rescued, their shock deepened.
"That's a mermaid!"
"So many mermaids—I've never seen so many gathered together!"
"Gods... they're helping us! They truly mean to save us!"
"I knew it! The stories about mermaids bringing disaster were lies!"
They reached out, waving for the mermaids to save them, calling out for help.
For the first time in history, sailors did not fear mermaids—they were overjoyed to see them.
The Sea King lifted his trident high.
"O great ocean, I ask you—quell your rage."
"Let me and my people bring these humans to land!"
Meanwhile, in the royal capital of Enderland, near the temple where the wedding was to take place...
The storm had thrown the port into chaos.
Even the temple guards were confused, with officers shouting conflicting orders.
Another warship had sunk.
A massive sea beast had appeared.
A giant flying fish had leaped onto the soldiers, causing a frenzy.
In this chaos, no one noticed—
Three birds flew through an open window, into the temple.
A soft crack.
As soon as they entered, Rhine lifted the transformation spell.
In a swirl of mist, they reverted to their human forms.
"Strange..." Aurora murmured. "Isn't this supposed to be the wedding? Why is it empty?"
The grand temple was deserted.
The golden lamps still burned.
Their fragrant oil still filled the air.
But there was no one here.
The bride, groom, priests, musicians, and nobles were all trapped inside a mirror world.
And the mirror?
The Old Witch had already taken it, hiding it where no one could break it and free Prince Eric.
Rhine narrowed his eyes.
"Of course."
The first witch of Enderland had been part of the plan all along.
And as the greatest of Enderland's witches, she had set formidable obstacles in their path.