What makes a Parent?

"Where are you on your way to Mama?" Ed asked as he opened the door wider and walked in.

He collected the suitcase she clutched by her side as he asked his question. The fact his own luggage was two pieces of clothing wrapped inside a polythene bag aided his collection of her own luggage.

"And who is that lady that passed through the front yard of the house a few minutes ago?" He added on cue. How could he have missed asking her that first?

He peered at her as no answer was forthcoming to his questions. She still stood at the door and he wondered where she was going to with such determination.

" How is Papa?" He somewhat remembered to ask and the loud hiss she let out suggested to him that all wasn't well.

He sighed. He should have known from the start and should have gone to look for him if he wanted to know what happened and why his mama was leaving.

"Ed your mother is a vile and evil woman! What does the scriptures at your Monastery say about hot headed women who do not submit to their husbands? They will go to hell and spend the rest of the days of their lives in hell. Did you hear that? Your place is in hell, Rachael!! The hottest seat in hell!" He bellowed angrily as he came out of where he had been on hearing his name being mentioned.

Ed Warren stared at him in both surprise and disbelief. His head was bleeding profusely and he used a piece of clothing he held by his right hand to clean the blood as they came. Though he was doing a subpar work. Evidence of his handwork as always.

Perhaps his mama had broken his head with one of his alcohol bottles? Her reasons? He bought them with the money she made from her runs. But he couldn't assume yet. Atleast he needed to ask to know what happened and from both sides to avoid being unreasonable in his judgements.

" Mama what happened?" Ed Warren asked, turning towards his mother. She wasn't drunk and was sober which made him want to hear from her. She wouldn't hide a thing, not even her sassy mouth and that was exactly what he needed currently. A sassy but truthful mouth to tell him what happened the way it did.

"I've always known you were so weak and a sissy.. Mama what happened? Does that mean that I don't exist for you to ask me what did? Don't you see this cut on my head and how I am bleeding? The place you went to is stupid and they're raising you to be a sissy!! That isn't how a man behaves! I am ashamed being your father!"

Ed dismissed his words. It was obvious he was still intoxicated from drinking and not yet sober.

He was a heavy drunkard you see. And worse a thief.

Ed wondered why he called him a sissy when in reality he was the one who was. What man never provided for his family and stole the proceeds his wife made from selling her body to buy alcohol for his consumption?

A sissy and that was what his father was.

"Ed just give me my bag! I have no time staying here to converse with you and your deadbeat father." Ed's mother finally spoke and he turned towards her.

He noticed,like he said that he was still clutching on to her luggage but couldn't bring himself to let it go.

" Where are you going to mama? You haven't even told me!" He protested.

" Just give her what she asked for and let her leave. Never beg a woman! After she leaves, you return back to wherever you came from. I'm selling this house and I don't want a sissy derailing me"

Ed Warren was angry and wished that at that moment his father would go dumb or something just so he could stop talking. He was always speaking like someone without sense!!

Since his childhood his mom began her pleasure runs to cater for him, down to when he left home to the monastery as he couldn't handle the hunger and lack anymore.

His father had done nothing else rather than talking, beating up his mother and stealing the money she made selling her body to provide food on his table.

"I regret marrying you!!" She screamed at him at the top of her voice, unable to contain her anger anymore.

"Did I even marry you? I don't remember myself doing so! You just forced yourself on me, exactly the same way you force your self and body on men for a pay!" He insulted.

Ed stood with his head on his bowed forehead and the other still clutching onto the bag to prevent his mother from leaving. None of them even asked him why he had returned nor if he had eaten. Typical of them. Since when had they ever asked him that nor be interested in his affairs?

"I force my body on men for a pay? Yes! I do that and I am proud of it! But how about you deadbeat father of Ed? Since I gave birth to him, how many days have you bought him a clothes or a pair of shoes? How many days did you bring money for him to be fed or even bought him a loaf from the downtown baker?" She questioned angrily, walking closer to where her husband stood.

Ed didn't do anything to stop them or the arguments. He was in short learning about what happened from their outburst. And even if he wanted to stop them, he had no strength to. Pangs o hunger bad began kicking and straining his body as much as it would take to separate them from the verbal war would cause him the little he had left.

"I didn't provide anything but how about you? You're more shameful than I! You sold your body to men for pay. You committed adultery because you are a married woman!"

She chuckled dismissively. " You said you never married me, doesn't that make it fornication? How could I have committed adultery against you when you didn't marry me?" She corrected.

He was angry she was correcting him and slapt her.

Rachel held her cheeks for a while as she looked around the house contemplating what to do.

It was at that moment Ed let go off the bag he clutched and ran towards his father, holding him from releasing his belt. If not, he would have to witness a belt beating of his mother and he dreaded that since childhood more than any of his other ill treatments towards her.

"Ed your father doesn't deserve to be called a man! Inshort he doesn't even deserve to father a child nor be called your father!" She screamed and Ed agreed on impulse with her, to calm her down and prevent her from provoking his father anymore. He was getting tired of holding him.

Perhaps her leaving was the solution but he couldn't bring himself to tell her to do so. She might never return.

" And how about you? Do you think you being a prostitute and providing for your son makes you fit to be called a mother?" He retorted and Ed turned to his father's ears to whisper something to him before he felt his weight being pulled down as his father lost balance.

Raising his head from the floor he fell unto with his unconscious father whose head continued bleeding profusely, he saw his mother with a shattered bottle glass, sighing heavily.