
He noticed another inverted cross by the right side of her waist when she turned and he sat transfixed at the window spot till evening, forgetting to even move, talkless of having his bath.

The loaves of bread he had stolen in the morning and eaten still latched on his stomach, though at times he felt the occasional growls of his intestines searching for food.

He walked out of the house and sat on the grasses, watching the red moon and the sky.

The moon was red, probably from the weather. He didn't know what season they were in as it didn't matter to him. All he cared for each day he opened his eyes from sleep was what he would eat and not to acquire any knowledge about the weather nor the divine mysteries.

He saw a meowing cat moving towards Lorraine's house and his eyes followed it. The other woman who had lived in the house wouldn't have let it enter unlike Lorraine who did.

He wondered what became of her. She always landed herself in debts and left them for her daughter to pay before in the past.

That was before she had stolen some money which she framed her daughter up for, and escaped.

Since then no one had heard of her. Not even of the landlord threatening to throw Lorraine out of the house if she and her mother were to default paying the rent.

He was genuinely happy life had changed for the best at least for her but couldn't shake his mind off what he had seen during the day time when he peeped at her.

Am inverted cross meant the antichrist. And antichrist's would end up in hell and burn for the rest of their days without turning to ash.

That he had recalled. He hadn't been a dullard at the monastery and had picked up plenty of the stories that had been told.

"Stories" He said after himself, reminiscing he correction Father Romillon always gave.

" These are not stories or fairy tales of distant lands I am peddling. But deeds contained in the divine mysteries. Only the meek at heart will be able to learn them. Only the obedient will be able to implement them to sway the demon's grasp, and only the saved will join Godhead the father in His kingdom of heaven. The most beautiful of all kingdoms"

But he had always wanted asking, if here on earth, he and those who were children of wealthy families were treated differently, how would it be at this Kingdom of Kingdoms that was always spoken about. And would he, the son of a nobody be let in despite how dirty and poor he is?"

Ofcourse those had always been questions he harboured in his mind and never asked during any of the lessons. Father Romillon wasn't good at answering questions he didn't fancy and would accuse him of being possessed by a demon. He of all people knew what fate had awaited him if he had been said to be possessed by a demon at the monastery.

He waited a few more minutes awaiting the cat to come out but it never did, and after what seemed like eternity, he stood up to sneak in inside the house to check for himself.

There was no electricity at this downtown part of the neighborhood, they couldn't afford the bills, and so it would be easy for him to sneak in without her knowing and without any of the neighbors noticing the suspicious movement and raising an alarm.

He tiptoed to her front yard, carefully opening the wooden door to not cause a noise.

In, he heaved a sigh of relief.

He was just going to take a peep at her and what she did in the evenings and that would be all. And this curiosity had been sparked by the inverted cross he saw underneath her left breast and right hip.

He reminded himself, lest he would be possessed by the demon of lust.

As he sneaked further, he was met with an unsettling atmosphere.

The air was thick with an eerie silence and he began to feel a sense of unease.

As Ed walked on in shock, his senses were assaulted by a noxious odor that seemed to sear his nostrils. The air was heavy with the acrid smell of sulphur and its pungency made his eyes begin to water.

The stench was overwhelming, like a physical presence that wrapped itself around him, making it hard to breathe. Ed's stomach churned, threatening to expel the loaves of bread he had eaten earlier.

The smell seemed to carry with it a sense of malevolence, a warning that something evil was present. Ed's mind raced with thoughts of demonic possession. As that was the only plausible explanation, and he wondered if he had stumbled into a den of darkness.

Soon he started to hear strange noises, like whispers or creaks, which send shivers down his spine.As he turned to a corner, he's confronted with a disturbing scene: Lorraine engaged in a explicit act with a man.

She was seated on his laps while he laid on his back on her bed and what made it grossly immoral was that she was naked; he could tell from the lantern that was lighted by the bedstand corner.

Ed's eyes widened in shock as he took in the scene before him. It was wrong. Lorraine was unmarried and this act of her was the sin of fornication.

Apart from being unmarried, she has vowed to be wedded to the Holy Spirit and had consecrated herself and body to them when she agreed to be celibate as a student nun.

This was not just right.

He felt a mix of emotions, unsure of how to process what he was seeing.

His mind raced with thoughts of demonic possession and he wondered if Lorraine was indeed an antichrist.

"Should I go down on you?" Ed heard Lorraine asking and wondered what she meant by that.

"Yes. Do so" the thick baritone replied. Ed noticed that the voice sounded commanding rather than it did as a simple reply to her simple question.

He watched from where he was, almost falling as he stared to see what she was going to do next and what she had meant by the question she had asked before.

Lorraine tied her hair, getting down from the thighs of the man that she had been on his thighs before.

He watched as she bent over towards his abdomen and he covered his eyes immediately from seeing the bigger evil that was about to unfold again.

"In the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy Spirit" he muttered to himself.

His hand instinctively rose to his forehead, his fingers trembling as he made the sign of the cross. He touched his forehead, then his chest, and finally his shoulders, whispering a silent prayer.

He contemplated on his next action for a few minutes. He couldn't let Loraine go down the wrong path.

This was wrong, in all senses. Even more than his own desires to wed her after they graduate from the monastery.

He stood up, making up his mind to go over and stop them but he didn't imagine the face he would see the next minute he looked.