A different world

Ed stumbled out from underneath the car he had been on since fhe entire time of the journey. He could feel the pain from the bruises at his back. He had scratched the road on the way sometimes with his back, mostly when the driver had landed into pit holes on the way but he made sure not to loose his grip on the axle.

He came out and shot glances at the newest surrounding he found himself in.

It was noiseless and except for the voices he heard far away, there was nothing he could hear.

The land was vast. Very big. It could pass for what one of the seminarians at the monastery had described once in classes to be a plantation.a large land where wealthy people planted their crops.

Ed hadn't seen one before yet ofcourse but he has used his senses to create an image of how big it must be,given the seminarian saying that they were usually double and sometimes triple the size of the land on which the monastery had been built.

But this one was larger. Ed hadn't seen a land triple of the monastery and used by a wealthy man as his plantation but he could already tell that the land he was standing on was bigger than that.

He behan walking towards a small building situated in the middle of the empty land like he had seen some people do. But still skeptical as to why such a small building would be situated in the large empty land which was obviously a waste.

There were two men in front of the building sitting on a bench with an ouija board in front of them which hey played.

Ed Warren cursed at them underneath his breadth, as if that made him better than they were. He thought.

Father Romillon had always forbidden ouija boards. They were for the kingdom of the devil and children of God had no business playing with them.. But cursing was also prohibited and he just broke the rule when he cursed at the sinners playing an oija board. Did that make him better than they were or worse?

He walked past them. None of them stood up to accoust him. Nor the others who were walking in like he was. The only difference was that th others walked in the company of someone else whereas he walked in alone, his eyes scanning dartily for Lorraine Blai and wheere the men might have taken her to.

"Are you new here?" A voice asked him and Ed paused immediately, scared for himself and if his cover had been blown.

Perhaps they suspected him of being a little thief? What if he was asked to provide a gate pass? What would he do by then? And who would he be calling for help? Lorraine Blai whom he hadn't even spoken to for years?

Ed turned back to behold who has asked him the question.

It was a little boy, even appeared younger than he was which has caused him to bat an eyelid. Had he been scared by he voice of that?

Notwithstand that his voice did sound too manly to be that of a little boy like he was, but Ed still found it embarrassing that he had actually been scared by a little boy for the alot moment he had paused before turning to stare at him.

He hesitated before giving an answer. He didn't know what to say. What if he were to tell the little boy how he had gotten there and then have himself bundled out by their security without him being able to achieve anything of the reasons he had taken the risk following Lorraine Blai and the men who supposedly might have kidnapped her with gifts for materialistic girls which Lorraine was not.

"I'm new too!!!" The boy relied to his question upon getting tired of Ed's quietness.

"My friend told me that he got super strong after being here and attending their full moon forthright meeting. Oh well, guess what brought me here?" He happily chatted away but Ed wasn't in the mood for such topics.

Hunger was almost settling in on him and he needed to be quick with what he came for not standing like he was and listening to a little boy rattle.

He turned away and begin to walk away from the boy, following the path he had seen others take to get inside the building.

"F*ck you!!! The boy shouted at him as he watched him leave without even acknowledging what he had said.

"My friend mentioned the haughty people and warned that I be careful of them. He should have mentioned prpid members like you as well! I hope you be among the newest batch of sacrifices tonight!"

Ed has walked a reasonable distance when he paused to reflect on what the little boy had just said to him.

He didn't understand. Sacrifices? Tonight? Fortnight of the full moon?

What was he blabbing about? And even if it was all blabbing, he couldn't deny the possibility of it being true. Well imagine where he was. He wasn't even aware and now he wanted to doubt a boy that had a friend in the new area?

"It's getting late!! We need to dress for the meeting" someone shouted from a door and some of the boys began running towards his direction.

Ed Warren followed suit since it was closest to him. Better to join the crowd than to be alone be thought. He was currently in an unknown place, acting accordingly with others was the only ideal behavior for him to.

As Ed Warren changed his clothes alongside others, he began to sense a foreboding presence in the room. At first, it was a subtle and unsettling feeling that something was off. The air seemed to thicken and the shadows cast by the faint light that had begun to dim from the sky appeared to twist and writhe on the walls.

Ed's skin prickled with gooseflesh as he felt an icy draft sweep through the room despite the windows being closed. The chill was not just physical; it was as if a dark and malevolent energy had entered the space which made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.

A creeping sense of dread seeped into Ed's mind and he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched by unseen eyes. The atmosphere in the room grew heavier and Ed's heart began to pound in his chest.

Was this how it felt being under a demon attack? He questioned himself severally. Was the what Father Romillon and Gaufridi always went throight in the hands of the demon?

Fear clawed its way up Ed's spine threatening to overwhelm him. His breath caught in his throat and his hands trembled as he fumbled with his clothes he changed to a different one from the locks like others did. He felt small and utterly at the mercy of the malevolent entity that now occupied the space with him.

With his mind racing, he struggled to regain his composure, but just when he turned around to check if the others had noticed wgatvhe saw too, much wss surprised when no one seemed fearful the way he was. Nor seemed concerned with the demon he had felt it's presence. Which was if they knew about them.

"Father Gaufridi?"