The ramming power of our vessel delivered the final blow to the flagship as we pressed onward, slamming through the remnants.
As the tides shift and our speed falters, our fleet sails through the devastation of our own doing.
The aftermath of our charge drains what thrilling rush that coursed through me and forces me to watch something that mirrors the work of the devils. The strait is polluted by the sickening crimson red oozing from the severed bodies of the monsters.
Even in death, they still taint everything they touch!
A vast tangled web of fractured timber kindles the roaring fires that are slowly disintegrating their structure.
The carnage, one that would leave a man sick to his core, can quickly steel oneself with grim determination to fight on and surpass the brutal work he's already completed.
A lesson my sailors have excelled in. The battle christening them anew. No more would they be cowering, wishing to flee and live, they would see this through until the scum is scraped from our home!
Even if it comes at the cost of their lives.
A lesson I too will take to heart and more.
Preparations for the second wave must be taken with the precious time given to us.
No time is wasted as the order is sent out to form up and ready our cannons. Our surroundings are still narrow enough, still snuffing out the chance for these pirates to encircle us. But with our supplies as it is. The losses are sure to be greater.
Much greater.
It doesn't matter now. We must hold out until the current blesses us with the momentum in the meantime.
Even if it comes at a great cost.
"They're turning around!" An elated wail captures my attention as my eyes turn to see one of the young men gleefully pointing out at the enemy formation. "YEEEAAAAH!"
"They're retreating! They're actually running!"
"Wait... we- that means we won right? There's no way we won just like that?"
Their cries do not deceive me. The vast ranks of the enemy are slowly but desperately turning back. It's only when the last of their ships have funnel out of the Strait is when it is safe for us to withdraw.
"Signal the fleet: Prepare to return to port and resupply." My order comes as the much-needed cheers of joy and relief ring out across the ship, contagiously spreading to the others.
It is a victory well-deserved for these young men.
As the sky bruises to its darker shades of violet, my eyes flutter, and a soft gush of air seeps through my nostrils, as I long to treasure the aftermath. For I fear the retaliation from our enemy will be brutal and, dare I think, irrational.
"Dare I say, sir," Toshisuna's voice pulls me away from such horrid thoughts. "What you've accomplished… it is nothing short of pure genius!"
I cannot help chuckle, feeling out of place by such praise. "Have a seat." I rest my hand on the side of the step next to me.
Toshisuna accepts not saying a word.
I decide to stir the conversation further. "It is a much needed one. After Chilcheoyang, these young men lost their will to fight. What we accomplished here will restore their spirits."
A laugh from Toshisuna follows. "Is it too strange for you to accept praise, sir?"
I cannot help but laugh along. "It has always been awkward. Dare I say it can be a little unsettling."
"Once we return to Headquarters, and should I be free from my duties, I'll tell you when my senior blessed me my first compliment." I couldn't help but grin at the memory. "It truly felt out of place."
Not hearing any amusement from Tushisuna, I'm quick to see a disheartened frown he wears on his face. I did not have to wait long for him to explain what troubles him.
"Would you prefer your king not reward you a prize?" He asks bitterly. "Or the court to sweep you under the rug like many times before?"
I stiffen growling, "You are out of line."
"And they're not?" He scoffs. "They are permitted to lie, cheat, and shame you every chance they get? For what? A cushy retirement? How long will it take before the King strips you from your station and cast you back in prison? Or worse? Will they ever open their eyes and see that you're the only reason Joseon still lives?"
"Quiet!" I hiss. "Not another word!"
Toshisuna flinches and after pursing his lips does not let another word run free.
"Leave me."
Aware that it is a direct order, Toshisuna emerges to his feet and marches away.
A heavy exhale flees my nostrils, calming my nerves. There is no need to dread on the past. It has always been a pointless endeavor.
Right now, all I desire is to merely savior this tranquility.
"Admiral. I have the after-action report, sir."
My nose twitches irritated that the solitude is cut short. Though my Junior's gleeful grin diminishes my frustration.
"Go ahead."
He is quick to relay how we fare in battle.
"The enemy has lost dozens of ships. We estimate over 30, sir."
Only over 30. That is hardly a dent in their fleet. But it is reassuring our actions bought us much needed time.
The young man's expression grimaces before continuing. "We've suffered a few losses, yet all of our ships remain intact and fully operational."
A huge bounty of air escapes my nostrils after analyzing our casualties. All I can do is savior this blessing and tend to our dead properly once we return to shore.
"And what of our supplies?" I ask.
"Our inventory is nearly empty, sir. We are scraping the bottom of the barrel, right now."
A curt nod serves as my answer seeing that the aftermath is acceptable.
"See to it that every ounce of our inventory is fully stocked as soon as we dock." My lips purse as my heart sinks. "And have our dead be identified and see they're families are properly compensated and escorted safely to our base."
My order stuns the young man, but he's quick enough to respond.
My junior makes himself scarce after executing a curt bow.
With this peaceful moment reclaimed, my legs slowly stagger downward before I am rewarded with respite. It's only when my feet rest atop the step below is when my spirit feels tired yet fulfilled.
Dusk would soon fade to night, but there will always be the few impatient stars ready to shine down upon, almost as if they are competing for our attention.
Though, now that I gaze upon them, glimmering with such beauty, their early presence serves to assure us that they are watching over us.
My smile grows, discovering the bittersweet hope and inspiration from the lone cosmos. Though scattered across the now fathomless void, their light refuses to be snuffed out.
It's not long before more of their brethren courageously lit their own torches and the vast sea of constellations glittered the night.
My thoughts recall what Toshisuna claims what we have achieved, that it was nothing short of pure genius.
"No." I dare not turn away from cosmos. "It is only by the grace of the heavens that we have prevailed."
"Hey, Chief!" Song's Brash voice rattles my gaze away from the heavens as he jubilantly jabs his finger ahead. "Better brace yourself! Got quite the fanclub wanting our autograph!"
Puzzled by what he means, all became clear when our home port is clogged with the refugees mad with elation. All while displaying food, clothes and other generous bounties that I has me at a loss for words.
"Welcome back, Admiral! Welcome back, Admiral! Welcome back, Admiral!"
Their jubilant chant is making my heart overflowing with awe and joy at such kindness. After all these people endured at the hands of the demons, to never give up hope, to never lose faith in us, or our righteous fight, it serves as the soothing remedy to the weary soul.
Though I dare not permit a single tear to slither down my face by such benevolence as it is truly unbecoming of an officer.
I would not dare… I Would not dare…
"It may be proper to compare me to Horatio Nelson, but not Yi Sun-sin for he has no equal."
-Togo Heihachiro Commander-In-Chief of the Imperial Japanese Combined Fleet