Pain for Opportunity [part 1]

Ethan wakes up to Deshawn's loud alarm. Deshawn stretches already out of bed. While Ethan slowly gets out of the bed and stretches.

Deshawn says while getting water from the mini fridge in their dorm, "Welp hope you are ready, we have training today."

"I hope I can work out than just training. I need... I need to calm down" Ethan saying almost riling himself up Ethan walks to the door opening it.

Deshawn asks "Ethan, are you sure you are ok? I mean no offense but I don't want you to ruin yourself because of your hate to Alejandro."

Ethan then yells "It's not just the hate for him, I want to carry this team to places they've never seen before, I want to make sure that Alejandro will either quit or be ashamed of himself!"

They both hear walking towards them and see Parker with a smoothie in his hand and he asks "Goodness even in the morning y'all managed to find a way to hate, though I don't blame you. He does attempt to threaten me here and there but he doesn't do anything. But as bad as this sounds Deshawn, Ethan needs to surpass Alejandro."

Deshawn looks Determined yet worried for Ethan. He then says "Ethan look, our next game I'll try to keep you in the game. Also I'll try to make sure you keep getting the ball, but I need to make sure you push your limits."

Ethan nods while they all walk to the gym. Ethan goes to gets a pair of dumbbells that are eighty five pounds or thirty two kilograms.

After a long and painful amount of hours, Ethan struggles to move his arms. His legs are a little sore. Parker helps Ethan to sit down and parker hands him his bottle. Ethan tales it and drinks from it.

The coach walks over and says "Listen Ethan I am sorry for being hard on you but i got a new plan here ok i'll discuss it when we are in the meeting room or when it's lunch"

Ethan nods and watches the coach walk away. Parker finishes his shake and tosses it in the bin.

Ethan sees deshawn on his phone and asks "What are you doing on your phone Deshawn?"

"I'm playing a slots game, yea i know it's gambling but at least I'm not spending money." Deshawn says while sighing

Ethan says "I mean i hope it helps you, I'll try to go to the dorms alright Deshawn."

Deshawn nods as he continues playing slots as vague music and sound effects of a jackpot he then slightly smiles.

Ethan slowly stands up and walks out of the gym and he starts to walk towards his dorm. He then feels a hand grab his shoulder, he turns to see Alejandro. Alejandro with an already called up fist punches Ethan in his face.

Ethans falls to the ground and alejand looks down on him, he then turns around to get almost instantly get punched by Deshawn, Alejandro stumbles back.

Deshawn grabs his shirt and punches him once more. Alejandro drops and Deshawn gets on top of him and repeatedly punching him. Parker manages to get to deshawn and grab onto him.

Other players sees this and grab onto Deshawn it takes up too three players just to get Deshawn off of Alejandro. Parker looks down and squat to Ethan.

He then looks around and says "Deshawn might get benched for a bit but it's guaranteed that Alejandro gets benched too. So you are guaranteed for this spotlight."

Parker then lifts Ethan up and take him to the medical room within the facility. Parker sets Ethan down onto a chair.

Parker goes to the team's head doctor and says "There was a fight, Alejandro hit Ethan, and Deshawn handled it." The doctor shakes his head 

"Where has this team gone, and we have a game in one day it's not that difficult to just wait then use that tension on the field." The doctor says disappointed.

Parker walks out of the room and the head doctor gets a bag then he fills it with ice. He then puts it in another bag. "If this breaks just come back to me and I'll give you another." The doctor says

Ethan nods as he grabs the ice pack and puts it on his cheek. He stands up and starts to walk out of the room.

Ethan does walk to his dorm's door but after what happened made him contemplating about Deshawn if he got benched. Ethan unlocks the door and opens it to see Deshawn on his phone assuming he's playing a slots game.

"Deshawn you didn't have to do that. Don't get me wrong I am happy that you helped me from him." Ethan says while looking down ashamed

"Ethan I don't like bullies and we made a plan for you to become the top, so you better not waste this golden opportunity you got that. Oh neat a jackpot." Deshawn says courageously

Ethan lays down on his bed, he then remembers it's only the morning and he groans asks he gets right back up.

He takes out his phone and goes to Kickline to see if anything major happened he then sees a headline read "Hall of fame soccer player Kai Tanaka one of the greatest playmakeing passers retired at the age of 34."

Ethan has heard of him but not a big fan after an allegation of him for taking enhancements and paying people off.

He continues to scroll he then sees another headline that reads, "Commenters disappointed at Ethan Holloway's curve goal."

Ethan then sees a audi on it and listens to it.

Two commenters named Bryce Whitaker and former player Miguel Navarro. Bryce says "Now don't get me wrong this rookie had guts taking that shot but it was obviously foolish, he could've lobbed it to his captain or a player that's not to far from him."

Miguel then says "Now hold on Bryce Alejandro was covered by other players and Ethan obviously had the clear of mind to take that risk and that risk managed to help them win."

Bryce then counters with "I mean true but even then he got benched immediately after that which I'm assuming he went against the plans."

Miguel then says "Well thats all we have folks for Kickline audio, thanks for joining us today Bryce Whitaker."

Bryce then says "Same to you Miguel. Have a nice morning to you all and a nice day." As the audio ends

Ethan is annoyed by what Bryce said.

He then looks around little more and he reads an article that says, "Alejandro under investigation for suspicious activities and possible connections to an illegal organization."

Ethan gets surprised by this and he turns off his phone then puts it in his pocket. He then places the bag of ice on his cheek and goes outside to relax.

Parker comes out and sits next to him. He then says "I am so hungry Ethan, but the coach put me on a strict diet."

Ethan looks at parker then says "You look pretty fit in my opinion Parker, though you do have to eat healthy."

Parker responds with "well obviously eating healthy but I have a fast metabolism I need to eat a lot or I'll just crave for more."

Ethan chuckles then says "How about this if I get the mvp this upcoming game I'll get you food."

Parker nods then says proudly "I will make sure you get player of the month by that point."

Parker then stands and says "Well I'm going to check up on Deshawn don't stay out here for to long. I heard the media are quick with things around our building."

Ethan then nods as he watches Parker goes inside. He then looks at the almost cleared out clouds and takes a picture of it before heading back inside minutes later.