In an age of space travel and exploration, a war between the Eltec Empire and Galactic Alliance of Species has been in a stalemate for decades. A young girl, Tienerra Santii a Soltarian (dragonborn) who has also lost her family to this war is seeking to rescue her imprisoned family. On her journey to locate her surviving family, she comes across a young Foxlarian girl named Star Burday, who is looking to find freedom from her owner’s oppressive grip and to escape the Dark Region at any cost. Their meeting and subsequent journey will spark a chain of actions that change the course of the war and their journey for the best or worse. They will uncover a dark secret of the Eltec Empires origin and their past dark secrets. Will they overcome these challenges or fall victim to the darkness lurking within their own hearts.
In an age of space travel, a war between the Eltec Empire and Galactic Alliance of Species has been in a stalemate for decades. Tienerra Santii lost her family to the war and is seeking to rescue her imprisoned family. Tienerra's journey will spark a chain of reactions that can change the course of the war and her journey for the better or for the worst. She will uncover dark secrets that can overwhelm her. Will she fall victim to the darkness lurking within her own heart or overcome it.