
It was only lunchtime, and most people just stared as I walked by. Although, in class, they seemed just to ignore my existence. I never really ate much, but I did eat.

During lunchtime, I found a table that was usually empty and decided to analyze today rather than eat. I enjoyed it because I felt entertained while watching rather than involving myself with other people's things.

"Hey," A man sits next to me as I analyze others. "What are you looking at?" The man sits down.

I finally look at him and he looks like he belongs to a hot male strip club. He had tattoos running up his arms, well, as far as I can see with his rolled-up sleeves. He had a small tattoo on his neck, but it was mostly covered by his leather jacket. His hair was lying messily on his head and he was wearing black jeans with black leather boots. I take back my last idea. He looks like he belongs to a mafia rather than a strip club.

"What? Did I make you speechless?" The man says, still staring at me. I decided to gather my things and make my way away from him. "Where are you going, shortcake?" The man asks, following me to my locker.

"Hey, man," One of the football players stops the man. "She doesn't speak," He says. "She's a mute," He finishes. "Aren't ya, freak?" He looks over to me.

I decide to ignore him as I grab my notebooks and pencils out of my locker before I head to my next class. As I sit outside my classroom door, I begin to write in my diary. What? I wasn't planning on telling you about it, but I figured I needed something to express my thoughts since I don't speak.

Today has been weird. People are weird in general. My mom began to speak about my father again, and I would like to meet him someday. Anyway, that's not even the weird part. The same bully, Jackson keeps getting into my space and bullying me, and I feel like he's literally asking me to sock him in the throat, but I haven't yet.

If only I could speak, maybe I'd be able to speak up for myself rather than allow him to bully me with his friends. I hate being pushed around and usually, I do pretty great at holding my temper, but it feels hard to do so around him. Brittany, Jackson's girlfriend ended up dragging him away before anything escalated to major extremes. 

Moving on... There's apparently a new guy here. I mean, I think he's new, I have never seen him here. He looks like someone from the mafia or something. I'm going to have to keep an extra eye on him just to stay safe.

Anyway, until next time...xo Stella xo

As soon as I finished, the bell rang for lunch to be over and everyone began to get ready for their next class. As soon as Ms. Elias got to her door, she smiled.

"Good afternoon, Stella," She says, cheerily. I give her a small smile before entering the classroom behind her. 

As soon as class began, I felt happier.

"As you all know, the spring festival is coming up and I would like us to attend it." Ms. Elias begins. "Now, of course, It is required seeing as you all are taking music, but if you do attend, you shall also earn extra credit, which I know some of you can benefit from. 

"Ms. Elias," A student begins. "Do we have to sign up, or are we already signed up for it?" He asks. I rolled my eyes at him, but I guess it was a serious question. 

"No need to sign up, Sirus," She smiles at him. "You all are already signed up for it," She continues. "You can choose your own music to play or sing and it's your choice of an instrument as well," She finishes. 

I hear some of the students celebrating that fact with their friends while I sit here in my own mind. Why does the inside of my head sound louder than all of the cheering around me? Soon, the classroom quiets down and we begin to play the music that Ms. Elias provided us for the Thanksgiving concert. Finally, the end of the day arrives, and I am honestly relieved. Each time he saw me, Carter made it his goal to torment me. I don't understand why he does it, but I have no control over other people's actions, at least not that I know of. 

On my way home, I decided to let my mind wander. I usually don't allow it to while I'm out walking, but I feel like I need it today. It was kind of a long day. While I was digging through my mind, I remembered the man at lunch. Who was he? I never got his name. Why was he talking to me? Usually, people avoid me. Where was he the rest of the day? I don't remember seeing him. My mind continued racing until I felt a very hard surface hit my body and everything went black.