New Friend

It's been a few days since I left the hospital. I began school again, and it didn't seem like anyone noticed my absence- except for this one guy.

He was the same guy with tattoos running up his arms. He was part of the strip club, or was it a mafia? I don't remember. I have still decided not to speak at school, I figured it wouldn't matter anyway.

The man I explained about, I feel as though I've met him before, or at least seen him before, I just can't put my finger on it. Well, before he began talking to me a whole bunch. He doesn't seem like he minds that I don't talk, he actually seems pretty happy about that fact.

"Hey there," The man says, he never told me his name, which is interesting. He walks up to me as we begin our walk into the boring-looking building we call school. I respond to his greeting with a smile.

"Well, I was going to invite you to a party tonight if you wanted." He tells me. "My buddy is having it at his place tonight if you're interested," He continues. "I could even pick you up if you want to," He says, giving me a small smirk. Although I wasn't sure why or what the point was of smirking.

I nod my head in agreement. I could use a small break. My mom won't be home until tomorrow evening and all of my homework is finished.

"Cool, just tell me your address then." He waits until he gently hits himself in the forehead in a 'duh' way. "Or just write it on a piece of paper." He hands me a piece of paper. After I finish writing it, I hand it to him, and he looks at it a little surprised. "Your handwriting is remarkable," he says. "I had no idea you knew cursive," he says, looking at me, still shocked.

The rest of the school went by fairly quickly and easily. I wasn't sure how the party was going to go, but I kept confidence in my mind. I was a little nervous, but kind of excited.

Walking home was strange, I had a feeling that I was being followed, but each time I looked back, there was no one there. I assumed it was just my paranoia or something. As soon as I got home, I immediately went up to my room to prepare myself for this party.

A few hours later it was finally time, I assume because there was a knock at the door. I walk down the stairs with a little makeup on, a pretty cute baby blue dress that barely stops just above my knees, a black jean jacket, and my white and black vans. As I opened the door, the guy was right there, waiting for me. I just smile at him before walking out of the house, locking and closing the door behind me.

"That's a pretty cute outfit you have on there," He says. I give him a weird look before walking towards his red Chevy truck. "What? I just complimented you," He says. I just shrug my shoulder as I hop into his red truck.

Driving towards the party, I heard him quietly singing and humming the songs on the radio. Other than his singing, it was pretty quiet, I didn't have much to say, and neither did he.

Arriving at the party, there were already a lot of vehicles and people. The house was pretty secluded, with trees surrounding it and it was so huge. Like, think of a hotel, but bigger, at least that's what I think.

"Are you just going to sit there with your mouth open or are you going to go have an enjoyable time?" The man asks, giving me a look with an interesting smile. I didn't understand the look he gave me. I mean I've been watching and analyzing people, but that man confuses me. Haha, I still don't know his name, interesting.

"Hey, want a drink?" A man asks, handing me a beer. I look at it before taking a small swig and grimacing at the taste. I didn't like that. I immediately put it down before continuing my adventure, getting closer to the music and yelling.

As I finally met the screaming and the music, I was offered another drink. This one was in a fancy cup, the drink had some fruit on sticks on it and when I took a sip, I barely was able to taste the alcohol, so obviously, I drank multiple. Multiple people were swimming in the pool, making out, or even rocking out and dancing to the music.

"Hey man, what's going on?" I hear a man wrap his arms drunkenly around the man who drove me here. The man who drove me was on his own now, going over to his friends, and leaving me. Well, I guess that's fine, but what am I supposed to do now? I ask myself before I feel my body let loose and my body begin to dance to the rhythm of the music. I felt as though I had very little control over my body, maybe a little free.

"Wow girl, you are a great dancer," A girl comes up to me, I don't believe I've seen her before, but she looked very pretty. "I don't believe I know you, but I like how free you seem," She says, ignoring the fact that I still haven't spoken. She looks maybe between the ages of 17 and 20. "Yeah!" She screams as we start dancing together. "Go girl," She says as we start jumping up and down to the music rhythm. "Hey girls," A man comes towards us, but the girl rolls her eyes. "What do you want, Darren?" The woman I was dancing with earlier asks.

"Oh come on, Bea," He says. "You know I won't stop trying with you," He says, then he notices me. "Well, aren't you pretty," He says, giving me a weird vibe before looking back towards, who I now know as Bea.

"Leave us alone, we want to dance together, as friends," She says, turning away from him and starting to dance to the music again.

"Fine, I'll leave you alone, for now," He says, I glare at him as he walks away. I know I don't know him, but he does give me a creepy vibe, so I don't like him already.

"Hey, don't worry about him," Bea says as she notices my glare. "He's an ex-boyfriend who I will never give another chance," She says before giving me a gesture to keep dancing. I shrug my shoulders in understanding before I get a couple more drinks in me and we continue to dance.


"Damn girl," She says, noticing something about me. "You look a little pale, are you okay?" She asks.

Before I responded, I finally felt what she was talking about and began making my way out of the crowd.

"Shit, wait up," She calls as she follows me.

"I feel so sick," I slur to her.

"It's probably too much drinking," She says before she starts guiding me somewhere, I wasn't sure where, but we eventually made it there. "Here's the bathroom, I'll hold your hair," She says. "Fuck, you were chugging them drinks down like they were candy, I thought you were pretty used to it, but next time, I know to keep a better eye on it," She tells me as I throw up into the toilet. My stomach felt like something stabbed me with a knife and turned it where as my throat was burning from the bile coming out of it. "It'll be fine," Bea says as she readjusts her hands in my hair. "Damn," She says, trying to ignore what I was doing. She probably is grossed out or something. "I realized I never got your name, yet, I feel like we're new besties," She says.

"Stella," I say as I grab a washcloth to wipe my mouth. "My name is Stella," I repeat, flushing the toilet. "And sorry about this," I tell her. "I don't drink very often," I inform her.

"I figured," She smiles. "Anyways, you might want to brush your teeth, I'll wait for you outside the door," She says while handing me a toothbrush in the packaging still. Where did it even come from? And how did she know where it was? As I was finishing up cleaning myself up, I stepped out of the door to find Bea talking with that guy, who was her ex. She didn't look too happy about their conversation either.

"Oh, hey girl," She says, a smile growing on her face as she sees me.

"Hey," I say, looking at her before glaring at the guy.

"What do you want?" He asks angrily before walking away.

"Good?" I ask her. She gave me a brave face, but I noticed a sense of fear in her emotion too. Why fear? I decided not to mention it before we went back to the party. I noticed the party was beginning to slow down a bit.

I mean, the music was still loud as hell and people were still here, but most of them were making out with one another. I looked around, looking for the guy who drove me here, and I realized his presence was no longer there, maybe he left?

"I think It's time for us to go," Bea says, guiding me toward the front of the house. Weird. I think to myself as I notice his truck still parked at the house. I decide to ignore it as I feel a sudden dizziness. 

"Shit," I say, my head beginning to pound. "I'm going to sit down," I say, sitting on the curb, holding my head in my hands. 

"The joy of having too much alcohol," Bea says before sitting next to me. "I ordered an Uber," She informs me before I gently lay my head on her shoulder. Who would have thought that I'd meet a friend at a rager?