Throughout their journey, Li Ran and the Darkmoon Dragon Princess truly lived up to the phrase "cutting a path through every challenge." In this vast, magical wilderness, the variety of creatures they encountered exceeded anything Li Ran could have imagined.
Thankfully, the Darkmoon Dragon Princess served as a vigilant scout by maintaining a mental link that provided him with constant warnings, enabling him to stay one step ahead of potential threats.
1. The Slime Swarm and Elemental Woes
Their first real obstacle appeared in a sprawling marshland teeming with slimes—far more dangerous than Li Ran initially believed. He had always thought of slimes as weak, low-level monsters, yet facing an entire swarm quickly changed his perception.
Water Slimes split and multiplied.
Fire Slimes spewed scalding, adhesive goo.
Earth Slimes blended seamlessly into the ground, striking from ambush.
Using his "detection" skill (honed from countless hours playing The End of the Divine Realm), Li Ran tracked the magical energy around him to predict the slimes' movements, avoiding ambushes and encirclement.
High above, the Darkmoon Dragon Princess kept watch, relaying urgent mental warnings whenever danger lurked too close. More than once, her quick intervention saved Li Ran from being burned by molten slime.
Even so, the sheer volume of slimes posed a serious challenge. Li Ran cleverly employed high-damage strikes to eliminate the most volatile variants first, then used the terrain to funnel the remaining slimes into narrower engagement zones.
With each skirmish, their teamwork improved. The once-daunting slime army eventually transformed from a threat into a veritable bounty of materials.
2. The Goblin Tribe and Wolf-Rider Scouts
After escaping the clutches of the slimes, Li Ran and the Darkmoon Dragon Princess entered the fringe of a dense jungle.
There, they discovered a large goblin tribe—not the ragtag rabble Li Ran expected, but an organized force whose wolf-rider scouts patrolled the forest with surprising efficiency.
Quick and agile, they darted between the trees, making them more formidable than typical goblins.
Wishing to avoid a direct confrontation, Li Ran used his detection skill to plot the scouts' patrol routes.
With the Darkmoon Dragon Princess's help, he set up an ambush. A single, well-placed amethyst magic arrow toppled the lead goblin knight from his wolf mount. Then, working in perfect unison, Li Ran and the Princess dispatched the startled wolves.
But the noise soon drew the attention of the goblin sentries, kicking off a chaotic pursuit. Though Li Ran tried to slip away from the main path, the goblins had an intimate knowledge of the terrain.
Forced into a running battle, Li Ran scattered small magical traps and rained arrows on the pursuers, carefully timing each move based on the Princess's telepathic alerts.
In the end, the heavy losses forced the goblins to retreat and regroup. Exhausted but victorious, Li Ran and the Darkmoon Dragon Princess salvaged valuable spoils: goblin-forged blades, crude rations, and a few wolf pelts—potentially useful barter items down the road.
3. The Chimera's Threat and Tactical Cooperation
Shortly after catching their breath, the pair pressed on, only to find themselves ambushed at a rocky cliff by a ferocious chimera.
This hulking beast boasted the head of a lion, the lower body of a bear, and the ability to spew corrosive acid. Not only was its appearance intimidating, its raw power and resilience were truly staggering.
Li Ran first attempted long-range attacks with his amethyst arrows, yet the chimera's thick hide and dense muscles nullified most of the damage.
Fortunately, the Darkmoon Dragon Princess possessed a natural resistance to toxins and acids, allowing her to withstand the monster's caustic breath. She moved to the front line, drawing its attention while shielding Li Ran from the worst of the acidic spray.
Meanwhile, Li Ran circled to the chimera's flank, studying its attack patterns and searching for an opening.
As soon as the beast focused on the Princess, Li Ran dashed in and unleashed a "multi-slash" combo—one of his most trusted techniques—tearing into the chimera's hind leg and severing crucial tendons. The creature collapsed with a roar of pain.
This battle underscored the critical importance of strategy, composure, and seamless teamwork. Li Ran emerged triumphant, harvesting rare materials from the fallen chimera: its claws, fangs, and fur—prized commodities in the adventurer's market.
Worn but undeterred, Li Ran and the Darkmoon Dragon Princess continued their journey, each new confrontation forging an even tighter bond between them.
The wilds might teem with dangerous monsters, but together, they proved that with cunning tactics and unwavering unity, no enemy was invincible.