A Break

Hello everyone reading, I hope you have been enjoying the story so far!

I don't really like writing author's notes so I try to keep them out of my writing so that it ensures a smooth flow of the story. 

Please do comment and let me know how you are finding the story so far. I accept all forms of constructive criticism.

I really hope that you enjoy this piece I have created and that you enjoy all the chapters to come. As of right now, I have more than 50 chapters already written, I am just proof reading and editing as I upload, so I will upload the next 10 chapters over the next few days and hopefully, if you're still reading this by then, I will have a uploading schedule in place.

If this is where you decide to leave, I thank you for reading this far, you have truly given my story a chance and it just wasn't for you. 

If you are continuing forward, thank you as well. 

Now, on with the show!