(1 hour after Ben dies)
After seeing ben die some of us cried as others just went pale but it sunken in 'that this game is not a game. If we treat it as a normal one our lives will be forfeit.'
We returned to our rooms before the curfew of 10pm being that we could not do anything for Ben.
(Present time)
It's now 10pm being that i copied Francine who is the alpha wolf i'm allowed to leave my room.
And join them if i want so i decided to join them as i see Riley leaving her room.
She turns and sees me as i see that she was surprised to see me out of my room.
(At the kitchen)
When we arrived at the kitchen i saw Vincent leaning on a table holding his knife.
Riley calls out Vincent's name as she says "sorry if we're late i ran in to Amanda who is the Alpha wolf."
He looks up and says "you're?...the alpha that sucks...well it sucks that any of us are in this position...especially after we just lost Ben."
Lowering my eye's "yeah...i don't want to kill anyone...i was scared that i'd be targeted by the wolfs by accident so i decided to join in tonight."
Riley and Vincent body tensed visually at first before i saw them release a sigh of relief as they heard the reason why i joined tonight because and that i came out as the alpha wolf.
Vincent: "I know...none of us want to due this but...if we don't everyone will die an you saw what happened to...Ben...if we try to escape the same could happento us."
With reality sinking in "but....but do we really have to do this...i mean what about their own family...that...we will be taking the person we kill from."
Riley: "I know this is hard...but Amanda what about us...if we don't do this then all of our families will suffer you understand right...why we have to do this."
I nod as Vincent says "you girls shouldn't be having to do this i'll do it tonight and as well as tomorrow night but after we will have to take turns."
Vincent: "Let's go after Jack first so that way we can lower the amount of males here just in case something happens to me..you girls will have an easier time."
I give them a wary smile as i'm 'if we get rid of the male players i can have an easier time dealing with the girls.'
(At Jack's room)
We reach Jack's room as Vincent walks in front of us as we reach the door he pulls out his knife and as he place his hand on the nob he looks back to us and nods to us.
Nodding back at him, he turns towards the door taking a deep breath before trying to open the door.
He turns the nob and pushes in to the door but it doesn't open.
He tries again with more strength each time before stopping.
Thinking that the others might come out of their rooms to try an see who we are i whisper "hey guys we should go before they try to see who we are". They look at me and nod as we run to our rooms for the night.
Jack: As I'm looking around the table that we all are seated at for our breakfast "the wolfs came to my room."
But before any of us could say anything we hear Alicia scream.
Looking at each other before running away from the table as i reach the 2nd floor first.
i see Alicia on her knees with her hands covering her mouth as she sobs in front of Logan's room.
The others reach the 2nd floor to see her on her knees crying.
I walk over to her guessing that whoever the fallen angel is must have killed him being that our attack on Jack failed.
The others come over when they see Logan's lifeless body on the floor some of the girls drop to their knees as the guys had either leaned on the wall or cover their eyes in sadness.
I comfort Alicia with a hug and rubbing her back "it's ok...it's ok we will be able to go home."
Alicia: "Really we'll get to go home? After this is over...i'll get to see my family again?"
I smile and say "of course...we'll all get to go home and see our families again."
Francine: "Amanda...you shouldn't be given false hope we don't know who will be able to escape from this place."
I look up to her with a look of "why would you say that! it's obviously not true" as i think of what was said on the tv about "if the wolf's don't kill someone once a night everyone dies."
Selene: Seeing the look in Amanda eyes as she try to hold on to hope "the reason why we didn't all die is because the attack failed so being that they did try to kill someone...the repercussion of them not doing it did not take effect."
Francine: "Amanda you have to accept that in this game people will die...i only want to...be able to protect you and not let you have a sense of false hope."
I help Alicia up and look away from Fracine with a disappointed look as iwhisper "it's not that i have any false hope but...i just..." as i stop what i was saying as i look at Francine one more time before i ran away.
Francine: "Amanda! wait i can.." as i chase after her as i called out to her "Amanda!... Amanda!...please wait i didn't mean to upset you! I' m sorry just hear me out."
I chase her down the stairs to the kitchen as i see her go in the pantry and closed the door.
I reach the door and try to open it but being i felt resistance on the handle when i tried to push down on it i let go of it and got to lean my forehead on the door and say "Amanda... please...open the door i can explain."
Pulling on the handle as i'm standing so that i would be able to have an good grip on it while also making sure i could pull the door back ifbshe tried to pull it open.
"Go away...Francine you don't understand anything i'm not stupid you now...i'm not... trying to be optimistic because i want to i'm just...just...."
Francine: "I know...i know...you're just scared in many ways...i'm here for you now...no one will bully you any more ok...i'm sorry that i've been gone for 2 years."