Far, far away, in the Land of Lost and Wonder, lived a man as mad as a hatter. Forgotten by the world, he continued his life in solitude. But this isn’t his story.
This is a story about his daughter.
Ever since Alice had her grand adventure, she left Wonderland behind, and the magical world faded into memory—a mere dream to those who once visited. But what of those who were left behind? What became of the people and the magic that remained?
This is my story.
My name is Madie Hatter, and I am the daughter of the Mad Hatter himself.
For too long, I’ve lived in the shadows of his legacy, watching Wonderland grow quieter and lonelier. But now, it’s time for the world to hear my name.
This is my story and be ware it may be madness because we all are mad here. I am telling my story and it is time that the rebels has they happy ending juts like the fairy tales.