CH10: Invitations

"How about this, Asia? We can move to Asia if you want, but we can't just go live on an uncharted island," Elliot said, trying to persuade his wife to think more clearly as they descended the stairs.

"Are you that afraid that you're going to drown?" Sicilia asked, stopping as she looked at her husband with a raised brow. While she held onto the railing of the stairs.

"I mean, I ain't totally excited about the idea of being surrounded by water," Elliot said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.

"For Christ's sake, Elliot, you're a dragon. Maybe act like one," Sicilia said before sighing. She continued down the stairs, passing Elliot, when she stopped, hearing a shameful sound.

"RaAaWr?" Elliot said awkwardly, coughing to cover his mistake. He pretended nothing happened.

"Okay, he is your husband, and you love him very much. You can't hurt him," Sicilia whispered to herself, taking a deep breath to calm herself. She nearly smacked Elliot in the face.

"Ahem, I can hear you, you know," Elliot said weakly, hurrying past Sicilia. He felt he might get hurt if he stayed put.

"Ah...We told you to leave some for us!" Elliot exclaimed, as soon as he entered the kitchen. The first thing he saw was Ragnar's bloated cheeks as he took another bite, filling his mouth.

"How...How can you fit all that in your mouth!" Elliot said, pointing with a trembling right index finger at Ragnar. He was in shock and disbelief.

Ragnar didn't answer. He smiled, showing his teeth covered with whipped cream before continuing to eat. He took a big mouthful of apple pie with his spoon, looking at his father, mouth wide open, as he savored it.

"You! You ain't getting away from this!" Elliot shouted jokingly, rushing towards Ragnar's side and snatching the apple pie.

Seeing this, Ragnar used his strongest secret power against his dad. "Mom! Dad is taking away my food!"

"Huh, you tattletale," Elliot said, looking at his son with disappointment and shock. "I...didn't...teach you that," he mumbled, taking a bite of the apple pie.

"There's still more, so don't fight," Sicilia said with a soft smile, walking toward the oven. She took out another freshly baked apple pie and put it on the table.

"Should we check out the girl from the accident later?" Sicilia asked while cutting the apple pie into even pieces.

"Why?" Ragnar mumbled. He felt he had already spent enough time with Jean in the conscious space.

"Didn't you say that the chat group system gave you a mission, and when you completed it, it gave you a reward?" Sicilia asked, smacking her husband's hand as it reached toward the apple pie.

"Maybe the chat group will give another mission when you're close to her," Sicilia said. She wanted Ragnar to earn more rewards so her son could get stronger and have more protection.

"Your mother is right, and now we can help you complete your mission," Elliot said, nodding in agreement. He knew they'd be in peace if Ragnar could protect himself even if they weren't there for him.

Ragnar couldn't help but be amazed at how thoughtful his parents were, but he shook his head. "The chat group already gave another mission, but she should have left the hospital by now," he said thoughtfully, remembering Jean telling him that Professor X had already visited her.

"Oh, how did you know that?" Sicilia asked in confusion, looking at her son with a raised brow.

"Yeah, about that...we're both connected until my Psion Energy in her is exhausted," Ragnar said, a wry smile playing on his lips. He didn't know how his parents would react.

"Looks like a little man here is already talking to a girl. Is that it?" Elliot said with a teasing smile, ruffling Ragnar's hair.

Sicilia also smiled with amusement, hearing Ragnar's situation. "What mission did the chat group give you?" She asked with curiosity.

"To help Jean in controlling her powers," Ragnar said, as he already thought of a plan on helping Jean in the conscious space.

"I say, I think your chat group system should be helping you pick up girls. That's how girls fall for boys when they help them in time of need," Elliot said, knocking on the table with his fingers before winking at his son.

"And who is that girl?" Sicilia said, turning her head toward her husband, showing a smile as she jabbed a fork into the apple pie with force.

"Wha—what, of course it's you, love," Elliot said, trembling slightly. He knew that although his wife was smiling, it was a warning. A cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

"But I'm sure when we were still in school, you're the one that asked for my help in controlling your powers, am I right?" Sicilia said, her eyes narrowing. "Then did you help another girl to control their powers and make them fall for you?" she asked, her tone becoming colder with each word.

As his parents argued Ragnar continued to eat the apple pie, but now more slowly, as he savored it bit by bit while watching his parents argue. 'First-class drama,' he thought before turning his attention to his father, waiting for his excuse.

"What?! How could you blame me like that?" Elliot said dramatically, looking like he was hurt as he held his wife's arm. "What I meant is that I fell for you the first time you helped me," he said sincerely.

Sicilia's eyes narrowed before she sneered, turning her head back to focus on her food.

Elliot was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he felt something patting his hand. He saw Ragnar trying to get his attention.

"Dad, I think you should grow more backbone. You just admitted you're the girl in the story," Ragnar said, shaking his head as he felt his dad was a bit unreliable.

Elliot's lips twitched, hearing this. He looked at his son, not knowing what to say before he thought of something. "Let's see if you can say that again when you're older. You'll understand what I'm going through," he said, thinking about the girl who was connected to his son. He considered how to support the girl to teach his son a lesson.

"I won't be like you," Ragnar said, thinking about working hard to get stronger to not get beaten up by his wife when he grows older. 'There are too many women that are strong in Marvel,' he thought, thinking of Jean or Wanda who could erase his private parts with just a thought or a single word. 'Yeah, definitely not going to flirt until I'm strong,' Ragnar thought as he shook his head.

"We'll see," Elliot whispered with a sneer, thinking about how to support the girl to make his son suffer in the future.

While the father and son were thinking about retaliation against each other, the chat group invitations had gotten to different worlds. Some people accepted, while some didn't think too much about it and declined.

This made the Chat Group System pick other people to invite in that world.


In 8 Heathgate, Hampstead Garden Suburb, London, a child with messy brown hair and buck teeth was studying diligently. Suddenly, a blue screen covered her vision.

[Do you want to know the truth of this world? Do you want to learn more knowledge? Do you want to learn more about magic?]

[Join the Omniverse Chat Group System]


Nine-year-old Hermione Granger froze, screaming in shock. She threw her pen at the blue screen, "Ahhhh!" but the pen passed right through it.

"Mom! Dad!" Hermione cried, running out of her room. She was terrified and needed her parents' help.

"What's wrong, honey? Is everything okay?" Mrs. Granger asked, looking worried at her daughter. Even though their daughter might not notice, both she and her husband had seen items in their house floating when Hermione's emotions were out of control.

"Can't you see it?! There's something in front of me!" Hermione said, feeling afraid. After all she was just a normal child before going to Hogwarts.

"Okay, calm down. How about you tell us what you can see?" Mr. Granger asked, crouching down in front of Hermione.

"There's a blue screen. It says if I want to learn the truth of the world and offers me knowledge and magic. It was asking if I want to join a chat group system," Hermione said, looking to her father for answers. She didn't even know what a chat group system meant.

Mr. and Mrs. Granger shared a bewildered look. They both thought the first part sounded like a pyramid scheme. Mr. Granger didn't know about the system, but when he heard the word "group," he felt his daughter was being targeted by someone.

"Can you decline?" Mr. Granger asked tentatively, holding his daughter tightly.

"I think so," Hermione whispered, looking at the choices.

"Okay, now I need you to listen to me carefully. I want you to reject it and say 'no' to it, okay?" Mr. Granger said, looking into Hermione's eyes. Mrs. Granger clutched her chest.

Hermione looked at her parents, seeing their worried expressions. Knowing they were concerned about her, she followed their advice and chose "no."

[You have declined.] The blue screen in front of Hermione disappeared without a trace.

"It's gone, Dad! It's gone. It worked!" Hermione said happily, feeling it was right to listen to her parents' judgment.

"That's good. How about you go back to your room? I need to talk to your mother first," Mr. Granger said, ruffling Hermione's hair.

"Do you think it is connected to what's happening to her, like last time?" Mrs. Granger whispered, pointing out on how things floated and even sometimes disappeared when Hermione's emotions were out of control.

"No, it isn't like that. Those accidents are unpredictable," Mr. Granger said, shaking his head. "And you heard what Hermione said—there were options she could pick from. I think she was targeted," Mr. Granger said with a frown.

"Oh my god, what do we do?" Mrs. Granger asked worriedly. She felt they couldn't protect their daughter from an unknown force.

"Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to my daughter," Mr. Granger said, hugging his wife. 'Not over my dead body,' he promised himself, not knowing that their daughter had just lost a once-in-a-lifetime chance.

Meanwhile, in Ottery St Catchpole, Devon, in a house that looked like a giant chess rook, Luna was happily playing beside her mother, who was experimenting with spells, when a blue screen appeared in front of her.

[Do you want to have friends? Do you want to know if the Crumple-Horned Snorkack exists? Do you want to find out more about magic?]

[Join the Omniverse Chat Group System]


"Ah," Luna gasped in shock from the sudden appearance of the chat group. She started reading the words on the blue screen aloud, gaining her mother's attention.

"What are you talking about?" Pandora Lovegood asked, caressing her daughter's hair with a soft smile. She wasn't upset about the disturbance.

"There's something that appeared in front of me," Luna said with an adorable smile, pointing toward the blue screen. Pandora didn't see anything.

"Can I see it as well, honey?" Pandora asked, her hand tightening around her wand.

"Okay," Luna whispered, feeling there was nothing to hide from her mother.

"Just relax," Pandora whispered, kissing Luna on the head before raising her wand. She pointed it at Luna's head and whispered, "Legilimens," wanting to see from her daughter's perspective. Though she couldn't see what Luna was seeing, she knew her daughter wouldn't lie to her.

Pandora frowned. She didn't see anything out of place in Luna's memories, but she didn't let her guard down. She carried Luna and let her sit on her lap.

"Can you tell me more about what you see?" Pandora asked worriedly, trying to get more information.

"It's asking if I wanted to have friends," Luna said, pouting. Ginny was the only friend she had. "And it's asking if I wanted to find out if Crumple-Horned Snorkack is true," she said excitedly, bouncing slightly on Pandora's lap.

"Then it asked if I wanted to join a chat group system," Luna said, tilting her head in confusion as she didn't know what it was.

"Do you want to join?" Pandora asked, looking at her daughter. Unlike Hermione's parents, Pandora thought it was an opportunity. This seemed like a form of magic she had never seen or felt. 'Whoever did this is strong,' she thought.

"Yes!" Luna answered, nodding her head excitedly. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"Okay, do it. If anything happens, I'm here," Pandora whispered, holding Luna tightly while gripping her wand more firmly. She looked around cautiously.

"Yes," Luna said out loud, wanting to find out more about the Crumple-Horned Snorkack.


End of Chapter.


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Announcement: Upcoming new fanfic, I'm not confident about my writing so I just created it for enjoyment, it's base on old movies I've grown up watching.

First world: Treasure Planet