Unaware of the trouble heading his way, Arya focused on his own objective—finding a hunting party. While he was capable of going alone, this time, he needed a recommendation to leave the safety of human settlements and enter the wilderness, where ferocious beasts roamed freely.
He had already purchased all the necessary supplies—dried meat for emergencies, a water supply stored in his bag, and essential tools for camping. It wasn't always easy to find suitable low-level monsters, so he had prepared for several days of hunting.
While searching for a team, Arya spotted a recruitment poster. It was looking for low-level cultivators to join a hunting party. The notice mentioned fair distribution of loot based on contribution, though that wasn't Arya's concern—he only needed a way out.
Taking the poster, he approached the adventure hall counter and asked where to find the group. The attendant pointed to a corner where three men stood, deep in conversation.
Approaching the group, Arya saw that the leader was a man in his 30s, slightly older than the other two. He reached out and tapped the man's shoulder.
"Hello, I saw your recruitment poster," Arya said.
The man turned, sizing Arya up. "Oh? Who might you be? Are you here to join our hunt?"
Arya nodded. "Yes, it's my first mission. If you don't mind, I'd like to join your team."
One of the younger men chuckled. "First mission, huh? You'd better be strong enough to handle yourself out there."
Arya knew he looked young compared to the average hunter, but his strength was not something to be doubted.
"Oh? What do I have to do to prove myself?" he asked.
The leader introduced himself. "My name is Lukas, and I'm the initiator of this hunting party. I'm a Level 27 Seed Master. These two are my friends—Redo and Kred, brothers who specialize in beast hunting."
Arya greeted them with a handshake, but the two brothers hesitated before rejecting the gesture. He didn't take offense; he had already guessed why they reacted that way.
Lukas continued, "Redo is Level 25, and Kred is Level 26. Together, they can handle even some Rank 1 beasts."
Arya nodded. Beasts were classified by rank, starting from Rank 1 and above. However, unranked beasts also existed. While weaker, they could still pose a threat to cultivators below Level 30 and were commonly hunted for resources.
"For your test," Lukas added, "you just have to force one of them back a single step using only two moves."
Arya noticed that the brothers were smirking—it was clear they thought Lukas had given him an impossible test as a polite way to reject him.
"I'm ready," Arya said, not summoning his Seed Rings or transforming into Weapon Master form.
"You can attack either of us," Kred said, still grinning.
Arya clenched his fist, preparing to strike. Lukas raised an eyebrow—a physical attack without using skills?
Arya's punch wasn't too fast or too slow, but it carried weight. Kred, expecting an easy block, reached out to catch Arya's fist.
The moment their hands collided, Kred's face changed. His feet slid backward—five full steps—before he managed to stop himself. Meanwhile, Arya stood firmly in place.
Lukas and Redo were stunned. Kred was three levels higher than Arya, yet he had been forced back so easily?
Kred clenched his fists, frustrated, but Lukas gestured for him to stand down.
"Impressive," Lukas admitted. "I didn't expect you to be this strong despite your level. You pass. Welcome to the team."
Arya nodded, not surprised by the result.
Lukas explained their mission.
"Our goal is to hunt three strong unranked beasts. That should be easy with our combined strength. If possible, we'll also target Rank 1 beasts, but only if they're not too troublesome."
Arya replied, "To be honest, I only joined you guys because I needed an escort into the wilderness. I'll help with a few hunts, but after that, I'll be on my own."
Lukas shrugged. "That's fine. But I'd advise against hunting alone—even unranked beasts can be deadly in groups. Even powerful cultivators don't always survive alone out there."
Arya understood their concern but had his own reasoning. If a truly strong beast appeared, a group would only attract attention and slow him down. He needed the freedom to use his full strength without worrying about exposing his secrets.
"I know the risks," Arya said. "Thanks for the warning, but I prefer hunting alone."
"Your choice," Lukas said. "But before you leave, at least help us hunt five unranked beasts to make it worth our while."
Arya agreed. "Deal."
After waiting ten more minutes, their final party member arrived—an older man, even older than Lukas. He was a Level 29 cultivator—two levels higher than Lukas.
"Since Brother Henk is the strongest here, I'm giving him leadership over the hunt," Lukas said. "Brother Henk, any objections?"
"Not at all," Henk replied with a nod.
Lukas then turned to the group. "One last thing—Arya will only be staying with us for five unranked beast hunts before going solo."
Henk and the two brothers glanced at Arya but didn't comment.
"Let's not waste all our strength on unranked beasts," Lukas continued. "After hunting two, we should shift our focus to Rank 1 beasts. With our combined power, we have a high chance of success."
Redo and Kred exchanged looks, then nodded. "Agreed. Hunting Rank 1 beasts will be far more profitable."
Arya raised an eyebrow. "So, I'll only be participating in two hunts, then?"
"You can stay for more if you want," Lukas said. "But if you leave early, you won't get any profits from the Rank 1 beast hunts. Your share from the first two hunts will be counted as compensation for taking up a team slot. That fair?"
Arya considered it. He needed their help and was indeed occupying a position in the group.
"Fine," Arya agreed.
"Good," Lukas said. "Then let's head to the northern gates and begin the hunt."
With that, the party set off—each unaware of the storm brewing around Arya.