by Blessed Kearns
In law, merits are the inherent rights and wrongs of a legal case,
absent of any emotional or technical bias. The term comes
from Old French merite, meaning "reward" or "moral worth".
The evidence is applied solely to cases decided on its merits,
procedural and any matters are discount
The name of the hospital and their lawyers have been omitted
from my story.
Whistleblowing in UK .....46
America about Whistleblowing ....46
Whistle-blower's in America .....49
APPEALING LETTERS 2017/2019 .....68
This is the beast of the jungle; it was built to survive the harsh
conditions. It is built with turf skin. It survives the jungle life,
and even lions approach them with caution. The vicinity I
encountered with this beast was unbelievable. I was invading
their space, and I knew this.
I saw two of these beasts at very close range; at that time they
were flapping and stamping their feet and flapping their ears,
ready to charge towards me. My heart was beating against my
chest, and I believed it was the end of me. I wondered whether I
was going to survive, however, I managed to get through this
terrifying ordeal.
I fear a human. I don't fear an animal that much as you know
what is going to happen to you, but a human being is so
unpredictable, they come to you with false pretence with a
purpose to get you down and this scares me a lot. When a dog
buck you know there is something going on, but not humans who
can be vicious and cut you without even blinking an eye that is
the only thing that can bring me down, they have done this in the
past, not anymore, I have imaged stronger than before I am
writing books now as my tool to survive in this harsh world.
I was once a Registered Mental Health Nurse, but those days of
practicing are now over—a wound that will not heal until the
good Lord calls for me.
I have taken another route as I am trying to put everything
behind me; I loved doing my job with a smile on my face every
day. Boy, I loved my job.
I held on at the same times I was asking myself these questions
can this be done? Where do I start? How will I get there with no
solicitor? And with no knowledge of law. I was nervous and
worried of saying the wrong things, and how to I answer. Would
I be able to handle pressure? If these questions were directed
towards me, what would I say, and how would I respond? Would
I be able to do this ? Will I make it? Who was I to imagine this?
"Cowards die many times before their death but once men at
some times are maters of their fate The fault dear Brutus is not
in our stars, but in our selves' that we are underlings." – William
An African with not much Education? This was not a movie this
was far from the script which is done by the actors, and this was
for really.
It is my journey which I wanted the to put forward and it came
time to put pen and paper then my the lap top in front of me and
I started.
Mind you, this was a very big hospital, and I was just a little fish
swimming in the sea with its big waves. (AMAGAGASI
OLWANDLE – waves of the sea) – English translation
My fate comes from up above: Jesus Christ my Lord. I can
honestly say I was clueless as I did not have any knowledge
about the law.
When dealing with courts it became like a roller-coaster. I was
up and down; there was no time to rest or to socialise, or even
time to see my family.
My only option was to read and try and empower myself and
take this case forward, even if I did not have money or a
solicitor. But I was willing to take it further by way of
I had my insurance with the bank that was going to cover all
legal costs which was helpful. In June 2015 just after I had
resigned to be precise.
There was time when I really wanted to drop everything, but
deep down there was a feeling in me telling me to try this. I was
worried. I sat down next to my computer and I wrote in big and
bold writing: BLESSED LINAH KEARNS V to this hospital. I
had so many doubts. I remember having these before I went to
university, to study nursing and caring for people. This one was
from a different angle, it was law, which I did not have any
directions. This is what drove me to write a book, which feels
like therapy to me.
The NMC procedure was very expensive which costed me £6.00
it is all in my Second Addition Where is Justice for Blessed
Consequently, I could not afford a lawyer to represent me.
There was a lady who was recommended to me by the previous
Barrister who helped with the NMC allegations, which is all in
my Second Addition: Where is Justice for Blessed.
Consequently, I could not afford a lawyer to represent me.
(NMC allegations are more detailed in this book.)
I have come from far from looking after my father's cows, goat
and donkey, and feeding chickens with corn. being a single
mother, housekeeper, domestic servant, Nanny in African the in
United of Kingdom worked as Health care support Worker, and
working my way through and becoming a Qualified Nurse in
United Kingdom and then becoming an Author with published
books. Globally, it's a huge achievement for me.
In the beginning I gathered most of the files in bundles, which
were sent to Watford offices as I believed the courts had offices
there and were accepted. Throughout this process there was
much paperwork/documents, which I will mention as bundles
throughout my writing. ACAS was one of the organisations
which became the focus throughout this process, who were there
to give me advice prior to taking my case to court. Their aim is
to improve organisations' working life through better
employment relations, working with employers and employees
to solve problems and improve.
ACAS means the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service
referred to in section 247 of the Trade Union and Labour
Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992(a)l A Tribunal shall,
wherever practicable and appropriate, encourage the use by the
parties of this service by judicial or other mediation, or other
means of resolving the disputes by agreement.
ACAS was my main contact when I was seeking guidance.
This journey was like running a marathon; the process was too
long from the start (2015–2019). The entire case was draining,
mentally and physically.
I had my insurance with the bank that could cover my legal
costs, so it was not an issue there. Hence managing to get the
Barrister to help me with this in the beginning.
The tribunal is system of the United Kingdom is a part of a
national system of administrative. The Tribunal are specialist
courts whose judges and members hear a wide range of cases,
such as employment etc. www. Judiciary
Employment Tribunals is an independent judicial body who
resolve disputes between employers and employees over
employment rights. They will hear claims such as unfair
dismissal, breach of contract,
There was a legitimate website, which required payment. This
website had a time limit, and I was not aware of this until it
started to log in, and then a few minutes later it logged me out. I
could not even make a cup of tea during this process of filing my
grievances. I finally did it, and there was a reference number for
any correspondence with the courts and the Defendant.
In 2015 two bungles/ documents full of the paperwork as
evidence was sent to court to start my grievances filed properly
although I am not a secretary and has never done an office job,
but this needed to be done.
These documents were labelled with my grievance in numbers,
filed accordingly, and then sent to the Watford offices. A few
days passed by and then I received a letter accepting my
grievances, which took a load of my shoulders. Little did I know
that it was just the beginning.
I was on my toes most of the time from 2015 cannot recall the
exact month but I kept on I ran around about like a 'headless
chicken'; in other words, in a frenzied manner, distractedly
crazy; this was compounded by my inexperience with law.
Nobody told me about paperwork that caused me to send so
many grievances in court in big bungles in the beginning it was
crazy this reminded me when I started University where I could
carry loads and loads of books of which some did not even read
them, there I was doing the very same thing it must have been in
my blood when I panic but I carried on.
Some of the documents were not necessary as it was too much,
emails, to top it up with policies where I worked, I was so
disorganised but never the less I did it. As the saying goes one
never knows what made the pig fat.
I was never told anything about dealing with paperwork; this was
something I had to figure it out on my own, but I managed to get
through it.
After receiving a letter of conformation regarding the first
meeting, I became less anxious. I made the Barrister aware that
this meeting would be in Reading with the Respondent in 2015,
but this meeting was adjourned due to the fact that this lady
could not make it due to other work commitments. It appeared
she had some work and that puzzled me; but I held on this
should have been red flags for me. I had picked the wrong
Barrister but I carried on.
Mediation is a confidential process The outcome mediators
might provide Parliament with information about the law, as per
the circumstances of the case Mediation is an informal dispute
settlement process run by a trained third party, called a mediator.
This meeting is intended to bring two parties together, to clear up
misunderstandings, find out concerns, and reach a resolution.
Meeting in Reading (2016)
Reading offices are not very far from Oxford; my sister travelled
from London to Oxford to give me support so she spent the night
in my house and in the morning we travelled together to
On arrival, we looked for the building and it was not far from the
train station. There were tall buildings which were built like
Victorian so we walked around until we found the building.
Once we got to the reception we were greeted by a polite young
lady, who called the security guard to show us around. He had a
shoulder badge written SECURITY but did I not take much
notice. We were guided to waiting room and there were few
people waiting and everyone had a number which was given
from the reception we also had one I was wondering where the
Barrister who was supposed to be with me at that time when she
will arrive.
In this room there were people who seemed to be lawyers/
solicitor as they wore suits and women were wearing skirts with
their hair tied and the back. Others were not even talking to each
other, when I looked around there was so many sad faces it was
tough, some appeared like they were travelling with their
Finally, the Barrister arrived and I introduced myself and my
sister. She had arrived slightly late wearing a floral skirt and did
not have anything in her hands, just a small notebook with a pen.
The other party (Dependent) had arrived. I did not know them
and I only saw them briefly. Once we were called inside the
courtroom, we sat facing the Judge.
It was medium-sized room with chairs we all sat facing the judge
who was at the front it was a female Judge who started asking
questions, which were all answered by the Barrister. I did not
bring any paperwork, most of the paperwork I had already sent
to Watford, and both did not have anything I cannot recall the
main reasons of me sending all the bungles to Watford. After this
short meeting we all parted ways.
I realised that I had picked a wrong Barrister, as the
communication was very bad, with very little information being
exchanged between us. The only time I heard from her was when
I was sent a reminder regarding her bill.
On leaving Reading my eye caught a lady crying and she
mentioned she'd had enough, she could not make it. I just gave
her a glance and she was with other people who were talking to
her presumably it was her lawyer. who were trying to console
I had just started, and I was willing go further no matter what as
the days progressed, I was spending too much on the computer
due to lack of experience kid you not. I knew it was going be a
I had been to several libraries in London where my daughter
lived doing the work paper loads of documents and sending them
to court mainly and the defendant.
Summertown has a library and Kidlington which is not far from
where I live I found this convenience hence traveling to these
places for libraries for a computer. The computer in the house
had run low of ink I had to go to the local Library for printing I
had to pay for just a copy and there was a this time limit which I
was aware off Library and courts and I was working under
pressure and felt it spending maximum two hours at the Library
in one computer was not enough or an option. The libraries have
rules about using the computer you are time limited, I could not
spend too much time on one computer
Although there is a saying that "no news is good news", to me
there was nothing like that. I was genuinely worried sick and
physically my strength was fading. I tried to build this strong
bond with the postman and every time I saw him, I used to ask if
he had any thing for me, and every time he would answer by
saying no "sorry". I felt like I was pestering him too much. Even
if my anxieties remained, I felt like a lost soul 2017 but I was not
ready I used every little strength in me
When other letters arrived, they were mainly bills to pay, etc.,
but nothing from the court. I would call the Watford office if
there was any response from the Judge who was dealing with
this particular case. I remember when I was informed the Judge
went on leave and soon as he returns, I will be informed this
puzzled me as I thought someone must have taken over. Using
the same principle as when your doctor in on leave, someone
else should be able to treat you to prevent you from suffering.
Once your case is accepted, you are on your toes all the time,
especially when you are on your own. I found out I had to work
hard as I had no lawyer or solicitor to assist me. I can honestly
say I could not say boo to a dead goose. I did not want to fail but
deep down, slowly and surely, I could feel this case was slipping
through my fingers. I attended every single meeting in principle
Although my body was battered and bruised, it was mainly my
spirit that was broken. I was not sleeping very well or constantly
having bad dreams. I felt drained mentally and physically. Once
your case has been discussed and not resolved more evidence
will be needed, and then another meeting. I was not that
confident. I am not a lawyer. This was not my kind of a job. I
fought tooth and nail for this case, from start to finish.
Tribunals have strict guidelines which need to be followed. I
knew about this through reading. It was like falling and having
the courage to stand up again; therefore, I kept on appealing
throughout hence this case took a very long time to finish. letter
of acceptance 2015 I was over the moon this time.
I genuinely believed my documents would be sent back to me as
I was made to believe by the reception of the court but this
turned out not to the case it was not easy. During these
meetings when the issue is not resolved it takes time for another
date to be set. There was time I was distracting my mind and at
the same preparing for my court case, my thoughts were based
on my past experiences as a nurse not as a lawyer and I did not
have knowledge about law when called their office I was
informed I will get those documents back once the Judge has
finished taking notes but this turned out not to be the case.
I was concerned about those big folders as to whether they
would arrive when I was not at home, that was my worry. My
bundles remained in the Watford department until the end of the
During this ordeal I got a letter of confirmation about the
meeting. In the back of my mind, I thought the Judge must have
taken all the relevant information to get the resolution, hence
having the meetings, but it turned out not to be case. More
information was required. These meetings could take up to a few
weeks and travelling had become an issue due to lack funds;
there was no money coming in at all, and this was a very
different experience, and a tough one.
I could not find my way forward; I was clueless. I wanted to
make sure that I was going through the right channels, and for
the court to acknowledge the hardship that I had gone through. I
could feel this case was slipping out of my hands. I did not have
much knowledge about the law, but I kept on going.
There was this meeting in London that stands out when attended
with my sister and my daughter when got to the reception and
there was a women she was kind and was a receptionist we
introduced our self and the case were attending, I wanted to find
out if all my documents had arrived from Watford and according
to her all documents were destroyed at that particular time I was
shocked and I did not believe her, I started to fill the pain deep
down it based on the fact that this case has been going for a very
long time, then asked where the folders could be found or kept
and she gave us direction where we find them which was
upstarts we had arrived in good time going up stairs there was a
room unlocked once we got in this room which was not big it
was empty we looked around ,the was a small cabinet with loads
and loads of empty folders and I was searching for mine with
its colours and could not find it. It was like someone had hit me
in my stomach with a hammer, I felt sick like I was going to
vomit. It was painful and the pain was undesirable, and I only I
felt it.
I remembered the time it took me to file, then post this was very
costly at one point asked the guy by the post office to help me
pay for them.
Going to various libraries spending time there It was like
spraying salt in an open wound, I felt like I was bleeding
internally this wound could not heal I was broken to the core but
did not show this.
This case went on for decades from 2015 until 2019 and this
took a toll on me; my mental state was in a turmoil.
I have never, ever heard that evidence can be destroyed, which
meant that my hard work, my filing, spending time to organise
those documents, labelling them and going to libraries, day in
and day out as my internet in the house was cut due to not paying
the bill. I had no money; just attending the last meeting, which
was scheduled in London, meant I had to borrow. It was a
painful and I felt naked, and deep down my spirit was crushed.
Regardless, I was advised otherwise by ACAS, who informed
me to request for this case to be delivered in public due to public
concerns at work. But this turned out not to be all the meeting we
At the end, all my folders with all my documents were destroyed
before the case was finished, which I only discovered later when
I attended to one of the meetings in London.
I could not afford anything anymore; my car was repossessed,
which I had to watch being driven away from my home. My
daughter had been a pillar of strength to me. I was not sleeping
or eating very well; the fridge and the cupboard were almost
empty, and there was very little money coming in. There was so
much going on in my mind.
Tribunal Judiciary, where proceedings are held in open court, is
clear from the principles set out in Court of Appeal decisions
that a litigant who is not legally represented has the right to have
reasonable assistance from a layperson, called a McKenzie
Friend ("MF"). I had to ask my daughter who has been a pillar of
strength to me. According to the
I could spend hours on the home computer. I did not have money
and I was not working hence finding out that one can present on
self, to assist me and take notes just to have another pair of eyes
with me at the end it was just me and my daughter. I was very
proud of what I did.
The meeting was scheduled in London (2019) in one of their
offices. I travelled from Oxford to London, and I spent the night
at my daughter's house we tried to not forget the time we
travelled by a Tube, she was more familiar with building and she
used her phone to navigate around until we got there. It was a
building tucked by the corner once we got there, we went to
reception to register were advised to go upstairs and there was a
lift the building, it was well bult modernised once we got
upstairs, we sat in a room where we waited to be called this the
time I saw the other solicitors and it was males normally its
I was broken and a shadow of my former self. Prior to being
called, I saw the other party with their lawyer, who had greeted
them, and then we went into the courtroom and faced the Judge
who started asking questions.
My daughter is a teacher, but I felt she had put her life on hold to
help me. She could not be a solicitor and did not know anything
about the law she has her own kids at the end she did a lot of
printing the numbered the documents and I was very grateful and
always will.
My thoughts were based on my experience as a registered
mental health nurse, not law. I had been here before and I did not
want to travel that road again, when the meeting was finished, I
could not remember why I was late? At that particular time I
was still looking for a lawyer to represent me. I did not have any
money. I had requested help from my Local MP, who responded
and told me they didn't get involved in these cases. I had a letter
confirming that, however, I had not brought it with me. My
daughter was with me during that last meeting which was in
London. I am proud of her and will always be grateful to her for
her support.
Preliminary hearings are done privately except that where the
hearing involves a determination under rule 53 (1) (b) or (c), any
part of the hearing relating to such a determination shall be in
public (subject to rules 50 and 94) Tribunal may direct that the
entirety of the hearing to be in public.
These kinds of cases can be discussed in public meetings due to
it involving public concerns at work, which did not happen as it
was always a private meeting.
I wanted this to finish as my whole life had been consumed by
this case.
I was wounded; the pain was unbelievable and undesirable at
that point. There was also Whistleblowing's Public concerns at
work with refence number, but this was requested to be struck
off by the Defendant even if it involved public concern at work.
The judge agreed on that matter. I did not have the strength
anymore. I broke down in tears and I cried. My daughter asked
for time out, which was given, and we sat briefly outside the
courtroom. My mind had gone blank. I had forgotten about what
I was doing only that I remembered after that I had asked for
assistance from our local MP I did not have a lawyer I felt like I
was drowning. It was a bitter pill to swallow. My mind shut
down and I could not remember what I did, especially when the
Judge asked about why I was late sending documents to court?
Specific dates were bought into question which were mentioned
that time, deep down it did not matter anymore She was taking
notes and later questions were directed towards me and I could
not remember her present meant a lot to me, but that particular
time I felt lost at the end all my folders were destroyed they
wanted more, evidence to say what more ?bungles/documents
were destroyed.
This meeting was finished in a matter of few hours. I came out of
the courtroom and in the cafeteria and had a cup of tea with my
It was time to go back to Oxford.
LIVE IN (living in some one property)
Live in carers provides personal care, and assistance to clients
including those who terminally ill
"Our life is a constant journey, from birth to death. The
landscape changes, the people change, our needs change, but the
train keeps moving. Life is the train, not the station. And what
you're doing now isn't travelling, it's just changing countries,
which is completely different." – Paulo Coelho.
In November 2021, I was contacted by an agency, to find out if I
was available to go for a placement whereby there was a
gentleman who needed assistance and was unwell. I was made to
believe he was at home; I did not have much information about
this care package prior to taking this job, just that the client was
When I arrived at the train station, I found her waiting for me,
and after greeting each other, she helped to place my luggage
into her car. Together we left the train station, and then headed
towards this placement. However, on our way, she seemed
confused as to where this house was.
We got lost a few times, trying to find the house, which was
situated by the corner, and subsequently we arrived late. The
lady apologised for us coming late.
Paul/ and David where brothers who lived together Paul was
already waiting for us, as soon as we got there he organised a
live in carer which was me once we got to the property he
opened the door, and helped me move my luggage in the house.
These people were brothers and lived together in this big house
which I was informed later it belonged to David/N.
There was an informal introduction after that, and we were made
aware that David/N was still in hospital. And will be discharged
the next day the specific day I cannot recall
From the entrance I could see the wide stairs leading to the
bedroom, just like the celebrity houses. Downstairs, there was a
big lounge and an office with a printer. Documents were strewn
everywhere, which told me this room was used as an office. The
house had high ceilings, the rooms were spacious, the stairs were
wide, and they led to the bedrooms. I was taken by the vast
impression of the house, its architecture. This house was crazy
big David/N bedroom was upstairs next to his brother Paul.
There was also an adjoining flat, with its own entrance and
facilities: a bathroom, a shower, the list was endless.
He showed me around the house, and as we walked around, he
pointed to all the bedrooms, explaining as he did not open one
room, that it belonged to David/N supposedly his brother was
not at home who was still in hospital. The bedroom that I was
going to use had a double bed the bed was unprepared bed, I was
given clean sheets to prepare it. This bedroom had a window
facing the garden. When I woke up in morning, I could see
golden-brown leaves—still dry, carpeting the floor outdoors.
There was a bathroom with a shower and separate toilet that
needed to be cleaned. I had a good sleep in that room, although
the house was very cold.
I spent the entire following day, trying to clean the house; there
were so many rooms that needed to be cleaned, but I was more
focused on the lounge, as people were likely to assemble there
when they attended the funeral for David/N wife who died in a
mysterious death in that house.
Paul was never married, which I was told by one of the relatives
when they attended, but he had adopted children who would
come to the house to visit.
Prior to David/N being discharged from hospital I had spoken to
his brother to see if we could buy food for him. I'd planned to
cook in preparation for his discharge from hospital. There was
no food in the house. The two fridges were empty, containing
only my food, which I had brought from Oxford.
I could cook, I had received a cooking lesson and obtained a
certificate, but he was not keen of the idea, mentioning
complacently, that he did not have money and his brother had.
Far be it from me to argue; I had just started this job and I was
not sure about a lot of things.
After a day late in the in the early hours of the morning the
ambulance brought David/N home he was discharged in
preparation to attend to his wife burial. The plan was to have a
live-in carer in the premises, which was the main reason I got
this job.
David/N care was to be done downstairs this included his
personal care his room was prepared downstairs. As mentioned
by his brother Paul, due poor mobility, hence he desired for
everything to be done downstairs. He also wanted to prevent
David/N from climbing the stairs, in fear of falls.
When he arrived, he had long dirty hair, and he appeared unkept;
his beard was long and was still wearing hospital clothes when
he was brought home. The minute he walked through the door he
wanted to climb the stairs. I was not sure how he was going to be
as from my understanding they had never had a live-in carer
before. I believed it was going to be a challenge.
I greeted him by the corridor, and he smiled. I knew there and
then that I had broken the ice. Nowadays, the saying "break the
ice" is commonly tied to situations that hold a lot of tension,
have an awkward silence, or just a lack of comfort. William
Shakespeare was an English playwright, poet and actor. He is
regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the
world's pre-eminent dramatist.
David/N was now sleeping downstairs and he seemed okay with
that, but there was not enough bedding, and it was cold. Even a
decent a pillow, but I had to use sofa cushions which were not
soft. I presume they were not even comfortable, but he never
David/N did not talk much, but he maintained his smiles. It was
like he knew why I was there; at times he could climb the stairs,
at other times I would find him lying in the bedroom, where I
was sleeping. I was not sure whether he missed his wife? Taking
him downstairs could be difficult at times.
At times he was not sleeping properly as I could hear him from
upstairs and I could come downstairs to check if he was fine.
Later, another carer was introduced to take the night shift, which
would start in the mornings – about 7am, to attend to his
personal care, and then prepare him food and the night carer
would start the shift around 0pm.
There was a time where I had to borrow underpants from his
brother, Paul, as he did not have any to attend to his wife's
funeral. As usual I helped to wash him and gave him breakfast.
Knowing it was the day for his wife's funeral, cars and relatives
arrived at his house and were driven to the church service.
During the service he sat close to me with his hands in my jacket
as it was cold, the service was not that long, they were hymns
that were sang at that time few speeches were done, and prayers
and we headed to the graveyard.
Nobody saw her body and he was not shown his wife's body,
which I did not understand. The body was already in church
ready to be buried.
As I understood it, his wife's body had decayed in that house and
then she was taken to the morgue. Her body was discovered after
three days when she was lying on a couch upstairs next to the
window and the sun was shining through. There was a smell in
that room, and the cause of her death was unknown and an
autopsy was not done due to the nature of the body.
The service was conducted, and as soon as it was finished, it was
time to lay his wife to her final resting place, and the hole was
ready and what I undertook most of the family rested in the same
grave, we all went to the graveyard and his wife was put to rest.
David/N did not show any emotion, and I wondered whether it
was his illness, or was he not aware that his wife was being
buried. What was going on his mind? He looked solo, and was
not responding that much, which may have been due to the cold.
He did not even throw sand down at his wife's coffin. However,
it was very cold, so I put his hands in my warm jacket.
We left the church, travelling with other relatives who were also
heading back to his house. There were so many people who
came to see him and there were a lot of flowers; food was
everywhere. Mainly finger foods, like sandwiches. Everybody
who went to church passed by the house and ate something. I
was with him when he looked at me with a smile on his face and
said in his own words, "Little girl, come here; there is so much
food, eat it for free." Those words to me were like a dagger
piercing through my heart. This took me by surprise and it hurt
me emotionally. He was eating like a hungry child, and I wasn't
sure if he was aware of his surroundings at that time.
Was he wondering why there were so many people around him?
What about the cards, flowers, food, etc.? But he never asked. I
looked at him and I broke down. I walked with him briefly, and
at that time, my heart was heavy. "My heart carries the burden of
a thousand sorrows; in the depth of my heavy heart, lies an ocean
of pain." As William Shakespeare depicted it, I felt it. The world
can be cruel at times.
Even so, I managed to talk to the relatives one by one, raising
my concerns of what was going on. I was given the authority to
contact relevant people who oversaw his finances; and
henceforth, there was 'Meals on Wheels' food brought to the
house. I was not obligated to cook, but simply stay with him,
which was challenging during the night.
I wrote an email to the Windsor Social Workers in Maidenhead
and everyone who is involved in his care. Some of social
services came to visit and at times it appeared like it was a slow
train moving.
There was a time when David/N requested to use the toilet.
Mostly I could escort him to make sure he was safe, but there
was an incident whereby he went to the toilet and would not
come out. I called him on several occasions, but he was not
responding. I knocked on the door, but there was no answer;
when I tried to open the toilet door it was locked from inside. I
tried to see him through the outside window, but the window was
closed. The toilet door had a hinge from the inside and he had
used that to obstruct the door.
I called his brother Paul for assistance, but he did not answer. I
called the Agency for assistance, but I was not getting anywhere.
Then, they told me to ring the police, who came.
The police called but they received no response – so they
resolved to break the window. Once the window was broken, we
found him sitting on the toilet seat, and the commotion did not
seem to faze him; we asked him gently to come out of the toilet
where he was, and he did so, and I walked with him back to his
room. It appeared to him like nothing has happened at all. There
were times he would call me by his wife's name.
His health was spiraling downwards, and he was having a lot of
falls. Some point he fell on the floor, and I had to call the
ambulance. Sometimes, ambulances can make you wait lengthy
periods, and if they believe it is not an emergency and they tend
to ask so many questions before they come.
This can be difficult, especially when you are on your own,
when they arrived, they took his vital signs. The conclusion he
was very sick, advised me to let him stay in bed.
David/N had developed a nasty cough during the time when I
was there. He had attended his wife funeral and was not dressed
appropriately. I called his GP who claimed she had previously
prescribed him with antibiotics and these pills were not picked
up from their local pharmacy. This was heartbreaking, and this
time I encouraged the brother to go and pick theses pills up from
the pharmacy. I was made to believe the cold had got into his
lungs –for a brief period, the cough subsided, but he began to
cough badly once again.
I called an ambulance after he was on the floor and could not get
up. They attended to him and made the decision to take him to
hospital. I decided to go with him as his brother had refused. It
was extremely late when he was admitted into hospital, but I
stayed by his bedside the whole night, making sure he was
comfortable. He looked so frail. There was a cup of tea left by
his bedside, which had gone cold. He gave me a glance and
smiled, presumably he recognised me I requested for another
cup, which I managed to help drink he drank, and it was like it
was going to be my last time to see him, but I had intentions of
going back to visit him again then I went back home.
When I left the hospital in the early hours of the morning called for a taxi
costed me £20 collected my belonging and David took me to the
train station, and I went to Oxford. A few days later I had a
strong desire to visit him again, however, when I called one of
his relatives, I was informed that he had passed away. I had to
find the strength to move on.
Nobody wants to talk about dying, but it is inevitable. Whether
one is old or young, it's a subject which is not easy to talk about,
especially when it's family. For example, I never imagined my
own mother not being with us today. People die, but when it
reaches your doorstep, you are confronted with the reality of
death, the aftermath and grief.
August 2019
I travelled by train from Oxford and I was picked up from the
train station by one of his daughters, who then drove me to the
house, managed to give me a lift from the train station to their
home as our agreement, this job was booked for two weeks when
I arrived to the train station the daughter was already waiting for
me as our agreements and helped me to carry my luggage to her
car and we were going to their home. On our way she informed
me that her father used to work for NHS, so I had thought we
were going to have a lot of discussion about how he found the
NHS in general. She also mentioned about her father being an
architect and had designed his own house.
On arrival to this house from the entrance leading to the kitchen
which had high ceiling with light, it was very spacious with
wonderful kitchen cupboards this house was huge. There was an
indoor lift which could take you upstairs; it was an immaculate,
three-storey house and very modern throughout. This house
reminded me of one of the houses I worked at when I was in
Greece, which also had three storeys. The entrance had a wide
door and I could see stairs leading to the bedrooms there was
also a built indoor lift which could take you upstairs, his wife
lived upstairs and the other relatives as well his wife slept
upstairs in their bedroom and the other relatives as well had their
rooms upstairs.
There were few people there and there and the other person was
his wife as I was told later. These people were gathered around
him I learned later they were his relative who were living with
This gentleman has been sick for a while there were other carers
who were there before me and he now he was nursed under the
palliative care team.
I was sleeping upstairs and was given a bedroom with a shower
and toilet; outside I could see the massive garden which was kept
tidy and a fish pond.
One night he became unwell and a very poor sleep he tried to tell
me something but could not speak that much and had taken all
his pills
Macmillan, I was told, visited regularly but I only saw them the
day I was leaving as I only stayed few days was given a week
salary Then I had to return to Oxford.
Nobody want to talk about dying but it's inevitable whether one
is old or young, it's just a subject which is not easy to talk about
especially when its family. I never imagined my own mother not
being with us, I knew people die but when it reaches you
doorstep that when pennies drop that there is thing called death.
Other times, it may feel rewarding and bring you closer to the
person you are caring for. During this time there will be no right
or wrong way to feel.
Living in the United Kingdom has its own challenges, which I
faced when I arrived in England in 1998 from South Africa.
When I got to Heathrow Airport there where so many people
who were standing in queue and this was my second time to fly
in an Aeroplane, when the plane landed people were walking
very fast down the corridor others were chatting and I just
followed the queue then people starting to stand in a line got
their passports out by the broader check in so did I when I
reached to this gentlemen who was dressed in a black suit and
was not friendly at all asked me to wait. I did not worry that
much as I had already spoken to my sister the previous day.
He took me to a room which was very small with two chairs and
a small table in the middle with little ventilation. He had so
many questions. I was puzzled and wondering what was
happening? I was so worried. I didn't have any money and I had
no idea what was going to happen to me.
In our culture (black culture) you are not supposed to give direct
eye contact if you do you have no respect and they will
questions regarding your parents although I was not a child any
more but these are my values. I have realised that in Europe are
you are allowed to give direct eye contact with people I was lost
as so many were asked questions I was tired, I just off a plane
were I had flown so many hours I got really confused and I was
not sure what was going to happen, my impression by just
looking at me I thought that would have it now for this
gentleman to mention about being sent back to South Africa was
a shock it became extremely hard. He kept telling me that I
would return to South Africa as soon as the next flight was
available. I sat there for a lengthy period of time.
Tears were rolling down my cheeks; my mind was in chaos; my
thoughts were dwelling on my children I left back home I felt
When this happened my younger sister who came to meet me
had already gone as she could not wait any longer. I was getting
tired and hungry sitting in that small room and had not eaten
anything on the plane as I was not hungry at that time. Was I
going to remain or be sent back? The very same gentleman who
had been asking me questions, finally came back carrying
documents; the same documents he was writing on before he left
the room. By an unexpected turn of events, he handed me some
of those documents, and politely told me that it was okay to
leave. I did not dare to ask any questions. I managed to thank
him and quickly exited the room.
Soon after, I reclaimed my suitcase. I did not have much
luggage, but I was exhausted, nor did I have much directions my
sister had already left, and I was on my own. When I came out it
was already dark. There were shiny black taxis which were
parked outside I entered one of them and gave the taxi driver the
address of my younger sister, who was not outside anymore
I suppose I thought I might get a job quickly and pay my way
around like support myself, this includes my children who were
already in a boarding school how will I manage this? I did not
have any money or savings under my name as I had just bought a
ticket to come to England. I can work hard and have been a
breadwinner for a while I had thought I might get a job quickly
and pay my way around.
I knew my younger sister was waiting for me the other end once
I got the check point my passport was taken out I was taken to I
had a difficult experience with border control; when I had
travelled to Greece for work, my documents were carried by this
lady who got me that job and I could not recall having that kind
of experience by the boarder. When I came to United Kingdom, I
wanted to make a better life for my children who I had left back
in South Africa; this was a difficult situation and I realised how
hard this was going to be.
But after being asked so many questions, e.g. Have you got a
job? Whay have you come to the UK? I was told that I would be
sent home once the next flight was available. That came as a
shock to me; after all, my younger sister who had come to the
airport to meet me had never mentioned any this like this, or
informed me that I might be asked a lot of questions. I did not
have a criminal record from my collection none. his words that
stuck in mind till today after this gentleman was wearing black
suit with a tie he was not smiling and I could not look at him in
fear, he was asking fast I could hear his foot steps before he
entered the room which was closed like he was matching he
made me aware that he was there and I felt intimidated could be
the airport procedure and I would never know.
We drove through London, but I could not see much. It was a bit
cold, but it did not matter. As the weeks went by, I remembered
that night. Travelling around the Metropolitan city was like
learning a new language. I had help from my sister, who had
lived in London for several years. Travelling by bus the tube, I
knew I had to familiarise myself with the surroundings as there
would be a time when I'd have to travel on my own.
We were booked by and agency, and workers could start their
cleaning early in the morning, until late at night. This carried on
for a while. Most of the jobs were in the city centre.
I managed to secure a job as a housekeeper in the city of
London. I worked night shift only. This place was for females
only, which had separate bedrooms and a small wardrobe,
showers and a kitchen.
I had another job in the city centre where I was working as a
waitress, so now I had two jobs to go to: housekeeping and
I would get an underground lucky it was not far where I lived
however at times my body would be so tired, But I was able to
go to another job which I did during the day
I dropped plates. As I tried to catch them, they fell on my leg
instead. I was cut, bleeding, and embarrassed, but I carried on
As a routine, I would return to my flat and freshen up for the
night shift. There were times when I was cleaning hotels; I used
to wake up in the morning to cook, bathe, and raise money, but it
was not enough. At the very least I was working.
I did not know London at all, but I had to learn fast. I needed to
use public transport the tube, and at times I would sleep on the
tube before I got to where I arrived at my destination. But it was
worth it that time. Knowing that during the day I was going to
the city centre to clean tables and save tea. I knew that I had
another job during the night. This hostel was for females only
and all of them were Asylum Seekers who were waiting for
Home Office approval. These ladies who were living there at
time, went out, returning very late over the weekend; some of
them would go somewhere and tendered to come back at
different times. I used to take this opportunity to find a corner
and sleep.
I did not have any savings but by doing double jobs I was able to
pay for my children's schooling in Zimbabwe.
I was not used to travelling by tube, and when I got off there was
a there was a big sign written in bold letters: Royal London
This is one of the biggest Hospital in England. I decided to try
and get a job there. I knocked on the door, and a gentleman
answered. I asked if he could help me as I looked for a job. He
gazed at me, then laughed at me, saying, "They don't do this
I was sure he was referring to me, knocking the door and looking
for a job. He could not believe that one can just call and 'ask for
a job', but I was not prepared to give up.
He directed me to the right place. I was given forms to fill in,
and everything quickly changed. I could not even imagine
working in such a big hospital, but I ended up working there.
The hiring process was as follows:
Within two months I got a letter confirming my interview. There
were two people conducting the interview: the manager of the
ward and a charge nurse.
Within a month I got a job, so I picked up my uniforms, ready to
start. This time I was leaving in one of the flats in
Whitechapel—now I had proper job.
Jobwise, I knew basics. I had learned the basics from a hospital
in Zimbabwe. It was Mpilo Hospital, specifically, and it was the
largest hospital in Bulawayo; it was also the second largest
in Zimbabwe after Parirenyatwa Hospital. The hospital's name, 'Mpilo' means 'life' in the native Ndebele language.
Mpilo has a School of Nursing as well as a School of Midwifery,
both of which are located within the hospital campus Reacher
This is where I did my basic care training. This is where I saw a
dead body for the first time; it was a woman.
Walking by, I thought she was asleep. As it turned out, she had
passed away. She looked so peaceful, dribbling slightly from her
mouth. When I touched her, she was still warm. I stood there,
staring at her, hoping she was going to move, but she never did.
She was gone.
I held the position of Auxiliary Nurse at that time. In Zimbabwe,
a qualified nurse's uniform was ironed to the best standards.
There, I was taught how to read blood pressure, temperature,
how to clean the sluice rooms as well as make the beds. I learned
a lot during that time. Little did I know that those skills I had
learned would be useful in future years.
So, when I got this job in the Royal London Hospital it was not
difficult, I managed to adapt, but I knew, once again, I had to
learn very quickly.
I had a nice coworker in Royal London Hospital who guided me
through a lot and encouraged me to do my National Vocabulary
Qualifications. She had also done this to become a qualified
registered nurse. A National Vocabulary Qualification (NVQ)
was also one of the routes you could take, should you wish to
become a nurse but lack a good education. I did not have the
benefit of attending a secondary education.
In my life I had never dreamt of being a qualified nurse, but I am
ambitious and I am focus driven and one day I will get there. I
promised myself to do a lot of training, and studying and to try
and improve myself. I was happy with my job—yes, after my
position as a hotel cleaner, and as a waitress, then a qualified
nurse, now I had become an author.
In my previous job I'd broken plates unintentionally due to my
fatigue. I have seen this in Greece during their celebrations
where they party, sing, then reak plates ( see pictures taken there
during that time).
I'd done housekeeping, worked in the city of London at night,
looking after the female residents and finding, in between
pockets of time, a corner to sleep on a good night, further
sleeping on the train when I was tired. This was my life.
I met with people from different backgrounds; I learned very
quickly, and a nice female coworker showed me many basics
e.g. blood pressure, urine deep stick, preparing clients to get
ready to go to surgery, and making sure everything has been
done, and normally when one is going for an operation, they are
mostly nil by mouth (NBM). I was keen on progressing further,
and I did, working in the musculoskeletal ward. This ward was
for patients who were suffering from road incidents, hence this
ward was called the Emasculatory Ward.
During my time at the ward, there was an incident that stuck in
my mind. A gentlemen was brought into hospital by helicopter,
which the hospital used as a means of transport in emergency
situations. The helicopter could land on top of the hospital roof.
His notes revealed he had had a motorbike accident that caused
him to have a broken pelvis. He was seen by the nurses and
doctors and prescribed medication including Morphine to numb
his pain.
However, all he could say was, "I cannot feel my legs." He was
crying and I could see the pain in eyes, especially when they
mentioned he was not going to be able to walk again.
"Your emotions are a vital part of everything you think, every
decision you make, and everything you do."
I loved motorbikes, although I did not have one. It was one of
my wishes, including riding on a horse back. Once I saw the
damage that motorbikes did to people, I no longer wished to
have one. The look in his eyes were filled with sorrow and pain
and I could almost feel his anguish.
I could tell by the look in his eyes which were full of tears, and I
sympathized with him then, I could imagine about his challenges
in future. All what I could do was give him reassurance.
I moved to the West Midlands, where I found the
accommodation was cheaper in comparison to London, which
quite expensive. Then I moved on to Oxford where I currently
The Mental Health Act (1983) is the main piece of legislation
in the United Kingdom that covers the assessment, treatment,
and rights of people with a mental health disorder. There are
some key points covered by this act and being detained under
this Act it is also known as being (Sectioning): under this Act
Mental health legislation. https: //
Section 3 of the Mental Health Act (1983) is commonly referred
to as a treatment order. It allows for the detention of patients for
treatment in a hospital based on certain criteria and conditions
being met. An application for mission for treatment may met in
respect of a patient on the grounds of that he is suffering from
mental disorder or nature or degree which makes it appropriate
for him to receive medical treatment in hospital.
Broadmoor is a specialist psychiatric hospital which provides
assessment, treatment, and care in conditions of high security for
men aged 18 and above from London and the South of England.
It's one of three high secure psychiatric hospitals in England and
Wales and treats people with mental illness and personality
disorders who represent a high degree of harm to themselves or
others. This is one of the hospitals I was keen on applying for a
job as it's closer to Oxford.
Forensic is a hospital that provides mental health services to
people who have been accused of conviction of crime. Forensic
hospital patients are typically considered to be to be danger to
themselves or others and are placed in more secure unit within
the hospital and are subject to restrictions than other clients.
Multidisciplinary teams consist of various professionals
working together to provide comprehensive care for patients
with complex health needs.
Committee meeting a place where people can come together to
exchange ideas and information grand committee groups really
open just affect plans and make changes and keep them or
responsible as is part of the process so they can feel their effort
will matter. In hospital there is normally a room allocate for this,
and its done more frequently this is where clients/ patients
progression is discussed Most of the patient in the psychiatric
ward are detained patients under the Mental Health Act (2003)
the same as the one I previously worked
Section 3 allows for a person to be admitted to hospital for
treatment if their mental disorder is nature and/or degree that
requires treatment in hospital
When working with patients there is a handover period to the
professionals this practice is the same everywhere regardless of
whether it is a hospital or in a residential, dwellings this period
is intense due to the complicity of the care delivered to clients
In hospitals a handover, is done by qualified nurse all clinicians
attend these meetings in the morning, however nurses and
healthcare support workers work a shift work all professional
will gather around the table and listen to what would have
happened during that shift it could be during the day or night. If
there was a major an incident these meetings can be done
randomly to find the trigger, there is no blame culture in the
health services.
In residential you find a suitable place to discuss the notes,
bearing in mind the confidentiality which plays a major role in
The c-word should be avoided at all costs. Not only that being a
professional, walk with pride and be proud to be in a position
you are in not to abuse your position. This is one of the most
disliked and inappropriate words around extremely offensive
word for a woman's sex organs. (c**t) A vulgar slang word for a
woman's genitals or a person you dislike, is a contender for most
offensive word in English.
The c-word should be avoided at all costs. Not only that being a
professional you need to follow protocols/polices for that
department and give respect to the people you are looking after,
as well and walk with pride.
In a forensic hospital, clients/patients can be given gradual
access to the community leave when a team meeting has been
done by professions who are involved in the patients care.
This leave is based on clear evidence that the client has
progressed and will not cause any harm to the public or
Multidisciplinary teams consist of various professionals
working together to provide comprehensive care for patients
with complex health needs.
Committee meeting, is a place where people can come together
to exchange ideas and information. Grand committee groups
open to put plans into effect and make changes, keeping certain
persons responsible as part of the process so they can feel
included. In hospital there is normally a allocated room for
these and meeting are held more frequently where a client's/
patient's progression is discussed.
Most of the patients in the psychiatric ward are detained patients
under the Mental Health Act (2003).
The Mental Health Act (1983)
Those considered under the Mental Health Act (2007), are adults
who have been detained, who are considered more at risk due to
their age, if they have a physical or learning disability, if they
have a long-term health condition and/or if they're frail, or if
they are considered as lacking the capacity to make decisions.
These adults are known as having safeguarding needs and are
sadly at a higher risk of harm due to these.
On this note these clients are protected by law and should be free
from abuse. This was done by a professional this document
proves to what really happened.
The Mental Health Act (1983) is the main piece of legislation in
the United Kingdom that covers the assessment, treatment, and
rights of people with a mental health disorder. There are some
key points covered by this act (Sectioning): Being detained
under the Mental Health Act is also known as being "sectioned."
Section 3 of the Mental Health Act (1983) is commonly referred
to as a treatment order. It allows for the detention of patient for
treatment in a hospital based on certain criteria and conditions
being met an application for mission for treatment may met in
respect of a patient on the grounds of that he is suffering from
mental disorder or nature or degree which makes it appropriate
for him to receive medical treatment in hospital.
Restricted patients are mentally disordered offenders who are
detained in hospital for treatment and who are subject to special
controls by the Justice Secretary due to the level of risk they
pose. These controls include permission for community leave,
transfer to another hospital, discharge and recall to hospital. The
Mental Health Casework Section takes these decisions on behalf
of the Justice Secretary. I am sure anyone who works in the
mental health settings is familiar with this.
Responsible for your care. The clients where I was working were
all under some restrictions of the Mental Health Act. but mainly
it was the self-harmers/ who were deliberately inflicting injuries
to one body by cutting or inserting a sharp object to one self.
Police were sent to my house during the night, and I felt
intimidated I was on my own.
When a patient is being downgraded and sworn at this is another
part of bullying and abusing your powers and degrading another
human calling some one mother names, it brings the nursing
field down.
(This was unspoken) just the look during hand over people eyes
spoke volumes and after handover there was so much disbelieve
the ward was in shock, I looked at women at I felt her pain I had
my keys, and I was going to go home, and she could not This
word brought waves to everyone including me it was shock
beyond me.