
Entering Konoha was a surreal experience through and through. 

Kuro and Mezuki had already parted ways to inform their clan of their arrival. 

Meanwhile, Daiki and I were walking through the streets.

" You hear it too, right Kagami " daiki whispered in my ears, he was clearly homesick. 

But he was right, the chatter I could hear in the camp stood no chance against the sound of this place. 

The stalls lined up with people, some buying groceries, some books .

I could smell the fresh aroma of dumplings and meat. The Yakiniku restaurant was open with multiple families eating peacefully.

" These are the people we protect friend " he spoke quietly. 

" Yes, daiki, these are the people you protect " I spoke back, held his shoulder and spoke," now stop with the Sappy chatting, let's go eat something ". 

He immediately looked happy at that, " yes , I want meat "

I pointed towards the Yakiniku restaurant, " I heard they make amazing food, that too at a reasonable price".

" Alright, let's go " . 

I followed him to the place and a waiter came to us ," sir ninjas , are you here to take out or eat here ". 

I spoke " we are planning on eating here, thank you ". 

 He nodded and pointed us at a table that was just being cleaned, " sir, there, you can have a table there, I am coming with the menu in a second ". 

I pushed Daiki towards the table and sat opposite my friend. 

The menu came soon, "one plate of these " I pointed towards the meat barbeque. 

The waiter nodded and soon out feast was in front of my eyes. 

" Dig in, you fucker, let's celebrate" I spoke to daiki and rushed at my food.

The meal was soon empty, our stomach's full and our wallet a little less. 

" Kagami, what will you be doing now friend". he looked me in my eyes. 

' What will I be doing?'.

" Training" 

to which he had a flabbergasted face. 

" We just came from fighting and you want to train?" he looked at me suspiciously," are you a secret Masochist Kagami ?". 

" What no, I just feel like recently I have been having easier time learning things ". of course I wasn't a masochist, having a system just makes training so much more fun. 

He nodded though still suspiciously, " well you do you, I will be spending time with haru, if you find my wedding card you better come you fucker ". 

I caught him in a bear hug, " I would come without it, now go, have some rest". 

He hugged me back and I bid him farewell. 

With Daiki gone, the special feeling of being back at home was duller. 

Making my way to the Hatake compound, what I saw was a dilapidated house. 

' It was my father's ' 

My father was a strong ninja, a jonin, this was his place... built like a small villa with huge trees sorrounding it.

A huge house of two stories and acre of garden and even a training ground.

The reason it was dilapidated was...

' With me being the only one left in the family, a genin's salary could not even maintain this place'. 

I entered through jumping over the main gate.

My house was unlocked, since there wasn't anything valuable there in the first place. 

' Buying a lock is unnecessary '. 

 Regardless, opening the doors brought a wave of dust at me . 

" Cough cough " of course this place wasn't even cleaned. 

' Now I know the first thing to do '. 

Taking a mop and water, I started working on cleaning the house. 

From room to even the washroom that I use. I didn't leave any spot uncleaned. 

After around ten minutes I was done.

" Huf huf " I panted, " that was a excerisize in itself " .

Considering I wanted to do everything quicker, it sure took a dip from my stamina. 

I opened my bathroom to take a bath. 

" home sweet home " 

Coming out of the bath, I didn't even put on clothes and fell on the bed asleep.

' a man's sleep is his most precious thing '. 


The morning sun shown over my face ,making my eyes flutter.

" ugh, how long did I sleep " the sun was already up shining brightly in the sky. 

' let's start the day '. 

 waking up, first thing I realised was to put on clothes. 

I looked in the mirror to a see a handsome face looking back at me, dark grey eyes and white hair reaching to my shoulders . six pack abs adorning my stomach and broad shoulders on my frame. 

" damn I look good ". 

seeing my morning wood I realised," the Hatake genes are crazy ". 

after doing my morning routine. I picked up my sword and went to the training area. 

' System'

( white fang system- 3.85)

( experience points-40)

( Experience points needed-55)

After stretching up a bit I started my training.

' First let's practice the basic Sword Kata for 20 minutes '. 

In front of a piece of wood, I kept slashing, hack and jabbing, imaging a opponent responding to my attacks. 

The minutes kept ticking, my sweat was already glistening all over. 

' Low slash ' I crouched a bit ,imagining a sword aimed at my head and slashed at his knees. 

'Pull back', I took a step back and continued with the offense.

Jab, slash , parry, dodge .

It was a continuous cycle of movements meant to make my muscles remember them even in critical movements. 

Twenty minutes was soon over. I wiped my sweat off with my shirt, " Huff,that wasn't bad"

'However, I should begin Sakumo's fast kata'

' Alright, what I know is quick slash and quick parry'. 

So then I started repeating the move, until my chakra was exhausted. 

By the time I was done, the wood had already reduced to a piece of thin bark. 

" This is always so heavy on my channels ". I held my arm in pain, my channels were exhausted doing the set of movements. 

" This is not the way to go ". I quickly realised I hadn't gotten even a bit faster doing these movement and was now even immobilized.

' What exactly is the core principles behind this move ?'. 

I pondered to myself while looking at the clouds.

' Chakra flow ' . 

Both quick parry and slash had the same chakra flow principles. 

While fast jab and slash were different, but at the end of the day, they were all chakra flow techniques. 

' Of course, chakra manipulation training...that will give me a drastic change . 

Tree walking, water walking and one more thing...

For the next few days I will focus on them.


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