
"So Fugaku is your teacher, Shisui?" I asked my friend. 

Fugaku is an amazing ninja; I could tell by his aura when I saw him.

"Yes, Kagami, he is my sensei," he nodded towards me. 

I jumped once more to another tree. "You know his nickname on the fields.". 

Shisui shook his head. 

I signaled him to come closer, "Wicked Eye Fugaku." I continued, "He is said to be so deadly, slaying dozens of men. ".

"By the look on your face, you didn't know too much about your sensei, did you?" I asked my friend, who had this incredulous look on his face.

"No wonder he always beat me," he muttered quietly, but I still heard it.

We both then continued our journey towards the land of Iron. 

the land of the samurai.

We continued our journey north. 

Konoha is quite huge; hence, it was expected for me and Shisui to make multiple stops along the way.

As we continued hopping, I could visibly see the weather change, from one of hot summery temperature to one that was pleasant to the body. 

"We are closing on a town, Kagami.". 

Shisui was beside me reading a map while running on trees. 

"Here," he pointed his fingers on one of the towns among many in the Land of Fire," Sakura Town." ".

I nodded to that, "At least we are in the right direction. ".

I could smell the difference in the air at this point. After all, it was the north side of the land of fire; in comparison to most, this was more peaceful than most places in the world.

' It's surrounded by the sea, the land of Iron, and other nations. 

All in all, this was quite peaceful.

"I can see it, Shisui." I looked towards him and pointed at the huge line of Sakura trees filled with pink petals.

Jumping for another few minutes, we soon reached in front of a hustling, bustling town gate.

Huge and numerous Sakura trees surrounded the town; there was a clear path cut in between for the merchants to access. 

More to say, the path had been a success with the clear line of people at the entry gate.

I nudged Shisui to join the line and I myself went to enjoy the scenery of the environment.

'It's my first time seeing it.'. 

Apparently it was very common here; however, I have neither seen it in this life nor my last.

'Had I been a Japanese in my last life, then perhaps I would have known about these.'. 

They were pretty, cold, hard bark with numerous holes here and there, pinky petals adorning the top as a crown sitting on a throne; each leaf was interjoined from the one in the next tree. 

'The trees have grown so much that they are locking against each other.'. 

No wonder they call this town Sakura town. 

the sun was almost set, and the red and pink were mixing among one another.

'Now this is worth traveling.'. 

However, my happiness was cut short by the yell of my fellow comrade. 

"Kishi, it's our turn now; come quick.". 

" coming " I spoke and in the next few seconds I was there. 

"Name and identification.". The plain-looking man had to inch his head upwards, looking at me.

'I am quite tall after all.'. 

"We are fellow travelers who had heard about this town, sir. My name's Haruko, and this is my friend Kishi.". 

I looked towards Shisui; no wonder the boy had told me to take off my forehead protector.

"You are quite small to be a traveler, aren't you?" The plain-looking man looked down at Shisui. 

I laughed and spoke, "Well, he had almost made his mother cry with his stubbornness to travel." I waved my hands in Oscar-level theatrics, "So as his friend, I told him he could join me in my mine. ".

He nodded and spoke, "Well, take care of him. War is currently ongoing, and this world isn't safe for kids, young boy.".

'I know, however, trust me, in here we are not the ones in danger. '.

"I understand; I will be aware, sir.". I spoke with a pleasant smile on my face and then entered the town.

Making our way on the streets, Shisui spoke, "I guess I forgot my age would give it away." He looked embarrassed, "Thanks, Kagami.". 

'No matter how talented, still a novice genin.'. 

"No worries, brat.". I spoke and continued my pace.

This time the boy spoke with a meager voice, "Why is everybody treating me like a kid?" 

'Because you are one. '.

"Let a few years pass; you will understand.". I spoke.

Turning my attention on my surroundings, I could tell this town was a haven for traders, while not close to the capital... I could see multiple caravans of different goods being sold.

Building made out of cement and painted as if barely a day old.

'The people here are quite rich, or the town mayor had connections.'.

I looked towards the people in front of the small establishment, asking people to try out their shop.

The streets were crowded with people, and if I was not tall enough, even seeing ahead would have been a problem.

'I mean, Shisui is having a problem.'. 


While walking, some guy bumped hard into me. Turning to look at the aggressor, he had already taken off running through the chaos.

' a pick pocketer' 

I didn't increase my pace any further. While my cloak would have still protected me from most stealing, I still interfered myself, letting the man take the wallet full of candies.

Shisui turned towards me, looking at the thing in my hand. "How did you suddenly get that bundle of cash?".

I could already imagine the thief running away and taking out my wallet before remembering he just lost his.

"Don't worry about this; let's just find a very good hotel for us.". I winked towards him.

"What about that one?" he pointed to the tallest hotel in the town.

"We are rich for right now, so why not?" 

Gizmo hotels


Thanks for reading:)

Bonus chapter coming in a bit