
"Wait, so you mean to say you fought eleven samurai on your own and defeated them?" Shisui asked me, looking incredulous at my achievement.

I was changing my clothes, considering how dirty they were; after all, a cloak with this quantity of blood on it isn't exactly for sneaking around.

Bare-chested and rubbing the blood off my body, I spoke, "I did; they weren't that strong anyways, you know." I turned my attention back to the cleaning.

Shisui literally jumped beside me after putting down the food. "Tell me about it. What all happened?".

"Truly, it wasn't that much of a battle; they weren't all that strong, and I somehow ended up saving a noble from our country." I looked towards the food he brought. "What did you get us?".

Shisui replied, "Shrimp and spicy noodles." He shook his head and continued, "Now don't change the topic; you saved a noble; that's a big thing.".

I shook my head, signaling 'meh.' I did, however, think he didn't seem that big of a thing, and even if he was, how could he help me anyways?

'I could ask for chakra metal...'.

I could do that, but I have already decided about fighting other samurai, and there is a major reason for that as well.

'I am pretty strong, especially in the samurai world.'

Plus, there was this...


(white fang system-6.96)

(Experience points: -75)

(points needed -90)

I got five points each for killing every samurai...

That's a bucketload of points; it will better my combat ability. I need to join the competition.

'As for the risk of dying, I could die anytime, so it's better to risk getting stronger than dying with regret.'.

"You could ask him for chakra metal, Kagami?" Shisui voiced his concerns.

"Nope, we're fighting for it; no easy way out, Shisui. ". I replied back.

"Alright then, no dilly-dallying; let's dig in, okay? I am hungry." I spoke once again, quickly snatching up my food.

I divided it in equal proportions, giving his plate to him. I asked, "So, what was the town like?"

He was in between chewing his food, so after a couple of seconds, he spoke, "It was pretty new to me; the prices were way cheaper than Konoha, and some of the dishes here were unknown to me."

He spoke once again, "You know they were grilling an octopus! Yes, an octopus. I have never seen that before.".

I nodded to that; people used to eat octopus when close to the sea, and while the town itself was not, the traders brought goods from coastal towns.

"Rest, there wasn't much to see, just normal games for kids and people going about their lives... there were beautiful parks, though." He chewed on another bite and continued, "Sakura petals were scattered all around, and if it wasn't night, the scene would have been way prettier.".

I smiled at him, "Looks like you had a good time.".

He nodded to that, "Had I known you were fighting alone, Kagami, I would have joined you; sorry about that." He looked me straight in the eyes.

'Stop taking responsibility for something that isn't your fault.'.

"You didn't know, and I survived; that's a win in my book." I fist bumped him. "Now cheer up a bit, junior.".

He smiled at that, and we continued eating our dishes in silence.

After we finished our meals, we kept our weapons packed and ready...

"It's time to sleep, okay? You got that bed, and this one's mine."

He nodded, and soon the lights were off, the room and mine.


Waking up with a kid practically shouting in your face isn't an experience that I would like to have.

However, that was exactly what was happening.

"Ugh, stop shouting, Shisui, ten more minutes." I spoke in a disgruntled tone.

"This is your fifth time asking for ten minutes, Kagami; wake up!!" He once again shouted at me.

'This should be a crime.'

"What time is it anyways?" I spoke once again while turning to the side.

"It's four o'clock..." he paused and spoke, "in the afternoon. You have been sleeping for more than twelve hours, Kagami. Wake up.".

I turned to him with half-open eyelids, "Are you sure that much time passed?".

"Yup, guaranteed," he nodded.

"Alright, I am waking up." Pushing myself off the bed, I forced my eyes open.

Looking across the room, my cloak, which I had kept for drying, was neatly folded; the room itself looked squeaky clean, and there was another assortment of dishes on the table.

I pointed at that, and Shisui answered, "Well, I assumed you would need food when you woke up, so I brought some.".

I nodded to that, muttering a 'thanks.'.

Pushing myself off the bed, I spoke, "Alright, I am getting freshened up; give me twenty.".

After another twenty minutes passed and my sleep not disturbing me, I picked some of the food he brought.

My plate was full of food, with omelettes and pasta and even grilled chicken resting on them.

"Thanks for the food."

Shisui silently practiced some kunai fighting, and I dug in, soon leaving the plate empty.

"Burp," I continued, "so what's our next destination?"

He pulled out his map and pointed at a blue dot.That, " it's a border town with a penchant for trouble."

He looked at me seriously. "Most criminals who run away for the land of wind, waterfall, or sound end up there.".

I nodded to that, "That just means we have to be careful. Good, that's easy to do.".

"Let's get going then," I spoke once again, and we both packed our gear and stepped out.

Getting out of town through the exit, I looked back once more.

The Sakura trees were still the same, huge and beautiful, and the town itself was very vibrant.

'I will come back here someday.'.

I looked towards Shisui and spoke, "It was a nice time here."

He nodded and smiled while looking at the place.

"Let's move," I spoke, and we both started our journey once again.

'Border town, I will be looking forward to what this brings.'.